Roids and the side effects

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Feb 1, 2013
does anyone else ever get heart pain and fast heart rate while on prednisone?

also forgetting where they are for a second?

like they are in a fog or something?

has this effected your school work or everyday life? if so how do you deal with it?
I remember having an increased heart rate at times, primarily because every little action would tire me out. Any heart pain should definitely be evaluated by your doctor.

I did have focus and memory problems. My mind was going too fast for me to keep up with it. :p I actually had to take the year off from school and go on a Home Bound program. Are you in high school or college, and where are you from?
Sorry you're having these side effects. I've never had those symptoms. If they persist, mention then to your doctor at the next appointment. Steroids have so many side effects, it is hard to keep track of them all.
I can relate to the heart palpitations. I got it checked out by the doc and they said it was fine, just a side effect.
does anyone else ever get heart pain and fast heart rate while on prednisone?

also forgetting where they are for a second?

like they are in a fog or something?

has this effected your school work or everyday life? if so how do you deal with it?

I had palpitations while on prednisone when I was younger. I worked in a hospital at the time and decided to hook myself to a heart monitor to see what was going on when I was having palpitations. Turns out I was having runs of ventricular tachycardia. Steroids can cause arrhythmia's.
I had palpitations while on prednisone when I was younger. I worked in a hospital at the time and decided to hook myself to a heart monitor to see what was going on when I was having palpitations. Turns out I was having runs of ventricular tachycardia. Steroids can cause arrhythmia's.

Ok that scares me. My GP just listened to my heart and said it would be ok, in fact she looked at me like I was nuts when I asked about it. Should I be getting it checked out further do you think?? It's not so bad now I'm on a lower dose of pred but occasionally I still get the racing heart thing, or I feel my heart go nuts and do weird things like skipping beats or what feels like spasming. When I was on holiday and doing some exercise it worsened it too :O
Ok that scares me. My GP just listened to my heart and said it would be ok, in fact she looked at me like I was nuts when I asked about it. Should I be getting it checked out further do you think?? It's not so bad now I'm on a lower dose of pred but occasionally I still get the racing heart thing, or I feel my heart go nuts and do weird things like skipping beats or what feels like spasming. When I was on holiday and doing some exercise it worsened it too :O

I'll tell it never did cause me any problems and they never did anything to treat it. My doctor never was real concerned about it. It all resolved when I tapered off of prednisone. I'm 49 now and was on predinsone a few years ago and never had any of these problems. I really can say if this is what is causing what you are having, but thought I would share it with you. Sorry never meant to scare you.
I remember having an increased heart rate at times, primarily because every little action would tire me out. Any heart pain should definitely be evaluated by your doctor.

I did have focus and memory problems. My mind was going too fast for me to keep up with it. :p I actually had to take the year off from school and go on a Home Bound program. Are you in high school or college, and where are you from?

I am from pa and in college. Also I am now taking 3 classes in stead of 7
I had palpitations while on prednisone when I was younger. I worked in a hospital at the time and decided to hook myself to a heart monitor to see what was going on when I was having palpitations. Turns out I was having runs of ventricular tachycardia. Steroids can cause arrhythmia's.

Is that serious
when my dosage started decreasing it seemed to happen more often for me, i would often wake up in the night with my heart racing and feeling very anxious, but for no reason.

im not saying it gets worse by the way! when i was on 40mg a day, i had no issues haha

if you really dont feel comfortable with it, i think you should consult your doctor
Is that serious

A lot of people have short runs of ventricular tachycardia and never know they have. It becomes life threatening when a person goes into sustained ventricular tachycardia. Also it is very rare for a young person to have sustained ventricular tachycardia.
A lot of people have short runs of ventricular tachycardia and never know they have. It becomes life threatening when a person goes into sustained ventricular tachycardia. Also it is very rare for a young person to have sustained ventricular tachycardia.

Thank you! I am sure it's not going to happen to me
I'll tell it never did cause me any problems and they never did anything to treat it. My doctor never was real concerned about it. It all resolved when I tapered off of prednisone. I'm 49 now and was on predinsone a few years ago and never had any of these problems. I really can say if this is what is causing what you are having, but thought I would share it with you. Sorry never meant to scare you.

No it's fine, comes more from a distrust that my docs are being thorough enough tbh. Like you on the lower doses of pred it's not so pronounced but on the high doses it was very, very pronounced and would go on for hours. My GP looked at me like I was being a hypochondriac when I asked about it.
Ok that scares me. My GP just listened to my heart and said it would be ok, in fact she looked at me like I was nuts when I asked about it. Should I be getting it checked out further do you think?? It's not so bad now I'm on a lower dose of pred but occasionally I still get the racing heart thing, or I feel my heart go nuts and do weird things like skipping beats or what feels like spasming. When I was on holiday and doing some exercise it worsened it too :O

I've had heart palpitations on and off for a while. Mine aren't caused by prednisone, I'm not sure of the cause. I have been throughly tested though and no abnormalities have been found. Whilst you do have to take this seriously and find out what's going on with you, heart palpitations don't necessarily mean anything really serious is going on. It does feel scary because of all we know about how important the heart is. It's natural to worry about palpitations because they are unsettling so I don't know why your doctor was surprised!

I had an EKG (or is it ECG? I can't remember) which is a test where they stick little wires to your chest to get a reading of your heart beat, and an echocardiogram which I believe is a type of ultrasound that gives more detailed information about the heart. These tests are completely painless and not invasive, and they were enough for my doctors to conclude that I had nothing wrong with my heart despite palpitations.

You're not a hypochondriac. Are you able to find another doctor who would take you more seriously and perhaps arrange some testing to make sure you have nothing wrong?

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