Roommate has Crohn's trying to learn a little bit more about it

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Jul 24, 2013
My roommate who have known all of five days has Crohn's and I know the basics of it. I know it affects your digestive tract and causes diarrhea and constipation. I just need some helpful information on it incase something happens I want to be prepared also how can I help him when he is sick ??
That's very considerate of you! Crohn's can cause inflammation anywhere on the digestive tract from mouth to anus, more commonly to the end of the small intestine (terminal ileum) and large intestine. In addition to diarrhea (and/or constipation), it usually causes quite a bit of pain. Varying on the person and if they are in a flare up or not. Some people can go into remission where the pain and symptoms are very mild or even symptom free.

I think just by you wanting to learn about it and be ready to help him is a major help itself. :)

If he gets sick, you could drive him to the hospital, if he feels it is needed. Often people may be in such severe pain or even vomiting so obviously can't drive themselves. Blockages (obstructions) are possible due to the inflammation which can cause narrowing in the intestines. This is very serious and needs medical attention if he suspects an obstruction.

Hope this helps some :) I am undiagnosed but learning more about crohn's lately.
That is awesome Matthew M, I hope my son has a roomie as considerate as you when he starts uni.

A lot of times when my son is flaring(he is almost 17) he tends to retreat to his room, spends a lot of time on the computer or xbox, the fatigue is the worst for him. He will usually have very little energy and will sleep a majority of the time. There is also pain and D, as well as mouth ulcers, night fevers, drop in appetite and such. But all of that is when he is flaring.

When things are going good he is all teenage boy. There is nothing that slows him down including most of my rules. Ha!

I think it is great that you want to be supportive. I think in the beginning my son wouldn't talk much about his CD but it didn't take long before he was really open to his friends about his illness. CD can be so different from person to person and how each person deals with it can also be highly individual. Kudos to you for reaching out for info in an effort to be supportive!
Thats awesome! I wish my flat mates had been as considerate as you are :).

Youre already helping him by learning about his condition and taking so much interest. As said before, crohns can cause inflammation of any part of the digestive systom so it has a wide range of symptoms and treatments. My symptoms were mainly severe pain, tiring easily, sickness and weight loss. But this is different for everyone depending on the area of inflammation, how bad it is and the quickness of treatment. A lot of people also get symptoms you might not expect like joint pain, eye problems, headaches etc. And crohns can make people feel pretty isolated or irratated too.

Theres a wide range of medications available now . A lot of the crohns medication has nasty side effects.. My steroids gave me joint pains, headaches, swollen hands and its quite common for them to cause mood swings so thats something to keep in mind if things ever get heated. There are a lot of other medications than can cause more drastic side effects too.
Sometimes medication isnt enough though and we need surgery.

Just keep showing interest and letting him know he can count on you. Maybe help him out with chores if hes not feeling well and if he needs to go the hospital offer a freindly face by going with him. It makes things so much better.

Your flatmate is lucky to have you :) if you have more questions feel free to ask them and you or your flat mate can pm me any time :)
I think it's great that you're asking! Like Clash said, I hope my son's roommates are as considerate.

I think it's important to know that crohns affects everyone differently. I'm assuming your roommate has told you he/she has crohns, he would probably appreciate it if you asked specifically what you can do to help.

My son has responded very well to his treatment, exhibits virtually no symptoms and is quite active socially and sports-wise. I think he would greatly appreciate someone who supports him and simply 'knows' so there isn't a need to always explain re diet or medications or the odd symptom but, when he is feeling well, I don't think he'd like to be treated differently because he does have crohns.

Which is why I think if you ask your roommate a bit more about how crohns has affected him or her, you'll have a better idea of how you can actually support him and what help might be needed.

In any event, as I said, I hope my son is as lucky to room with someone considerate enough to ask! :D
That's really kind of you to show support. The best way to help is to just be there for him and understand his needs may be a little different. He might need the bathroom a lot, have weird dietary habits, be fatigued and too weak. I think as long as you are supportive and understanding that's awesome.

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