Sarah and Matt.

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May 8, 2010
Well things have been travelling along pretty darn well in our end of the world of late.

I guess you've noticed the new avatar. It was taken at a three day music festival they both attended in Queensland last weekend. Don't ask me about the hat 'cause I have no idea! :lol:

Sarah continues to do very, very well and Matt continues to go from strength to strength. He has put on 10kilos, has energy I haven't seen in so long and will play his first game of soccer this weekend, the first for the season.

Sure there are bittersweet moments, you all know them. The fleeting and not so fleeting reminders that things aren't quite normal, the tablets, the blood tests, the doctors visits. I have noticed the past few days that Matt is adding psyllium husk to his orange juice. I hate the thought that he has to do this, I hate that both my children do this, I hate that both my children have this disease but I am grateful they have each other and I am grateful that Sarah is such a caring and compassionate mentor.

Life is finally returning to some semblance of normality. I wanted to put this out there for you so you can see that from the darkest of days there is indeed love, light, laughter and life.

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Awe Dusty..I'm so glad to hear this ... just warms my heart !


And..I was going to ask you about that hat ! :ylol:
Love the free spirit ! :)

Looks like they ran over a koala on the way!! Glad things are going so well Dusty! Now, stop over-thinking everything before you start an epidemic!!
im glad things are going better for them. i understand the whole I HATE thing you are feeling but with your love and support and each other...they will only get stronger! you are amazing...keep up the great work
So glad that things are going well for you all! I hope things remain that way for a long time to come :)
'that from the darkest of days there is indeed love, light, laughter and life.'

Abso bloody lutely!!

So chuffed for you Dusty, your kids a real credit to you hun!
Here's to a very long happy remission for them both!
How wonderful to hear! I had to research your old post to find out what the husks were but good to know there is a natural version of Metamucil (which is awful anyway :)) It is so nice that you always have something to add...and it's always kind! I think your wonderful kiddos are lucky to have you, but I DO understand wishing they didn't have to do any of it (I often wish it was me instead). Hoping for continued good news! :)
I always love to read your posts Dusty. I know having two children with the nasty disease Crohn's is not easy. You and your children seem to be taking things in stride, and enjoying life in spite of the pains. You are inspirational to many of us. God bless you and your children, and here's to a long stretch of remission (keep it coming)!
Thanks for posting Dusty. It's heartwarming to hear that your children are doing so well and are successfully living beyond CD. Perhaps a little glimpse into our own children's futures! :dance: :dance:
Hey Matt likes Pink Floyd!! Saw them twice in concert - they were awesome!!

I can relate to you and your kids - I know the feeling. What a strong family you are!! Very inspirational.

I just noticed that Sarah is on 50mg of Imuran and Matt is on 100 mg?
Why such a difference if you don't mind me asking ? :)
Oh my, you guys are just the best! Thank you all so much for all kind words, well wishes, unwavering love and encouragement...:ghug:


When Matt was diagnosed he weighed 50kgs so 100mgs was a perfect fit. He has stayed at that dosage throughout his weight loss and he is now heading back up to the 50kg mark.

When Sarah's GP first contacted the doc, who was to become her GI, post operatively she only weighed 34kilos, so the GI felt it was better to start her at 50mgs. The dose has never been tweaked because she has remained in remission, despite going through puberty and the obvious height and weight gain. He has always noted the ability to up the dose if need be but it hasn't come to that...knock on wood!

Dusty. xxx
Thanks! Makes perfect sense. :)
I knew it is supposed to be prescribed by weight, but I wanted to make sure their doses were different for that reason, and not something else.
Gab was on 75 mg 6mp for a year, she weighed around 125 pounds, obviously did nothing for her tho..
Gab was on 75 mg 6mp for a year, she weighed around 125 pounds, obviously did nothing for her tho..

To be honest T, I don't think any medication would have made a bit of difference to Gabs because of the state her bowel was in. Having said that perhaps it did keep things on an even keel??? I don't know.

I just look at Matt with the Pred and Imuran pre op. As far as I am concerned they made no appreciable difference to him at all, he didn't even get the side effects associated with Pred. But maybe just maybe when I think back on it they may have stopped the damage that was already there from from getting any worse. I think months of antibiotics also boosted things along too.

The obvious effect has been post op, once they are already in remission.

Dusty. xxx
Glad things are still going well for them, and therefore you as a result. Hope it lasts forever!

So you noticed Matt adding psyllium husk to his orange juice but he didn't tell you about it? Does he tend to be quiet about his symptoms etc? I bet you hate that haha. Didn't he have quite a lot less bowel removed than Sarah? I hoped he wouldn't have similar issues post-surgery. Hope he's okay :)
Hope it lasts forever!

Me too!

Matt is a man of few words. I asked him once about his lack of conversation and he told me he doesn't see the point of talking unless you have something decent to say! I told him that as far as I knew you weren't born with a finite number of words. :lol: Seriously though, he does tell me what is important, he would have figured I would see him doing it therefore why tell me.

Yes, he had 28.5cm as opposed to Sarah's 68cm. I am hoping over time that things will take up a little on their own. He has also not long finished being on Flagyl for 6 months so maybe given time things will settle there too. Time will tell!

Dusty. xxx
So why have a dredged up this old thread?

Because it's Mother's day!...


I hope you all have a wonderful loving day with your children. I know it isn't Mother's Day in the UK but you can all celebrate a second time! :ybiggrin:

My two continue to do well and remain solidly in remission but Sherlock here still can't let sleeping dogs lie, guess I never will! :yrolleyes:
Matt remains at home so I will get to spend the day with him, when he comes out of his cave that is. Sarah isn't here but she will be is spirit. :)

Thinking of you guys, :heart:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Thanks Dusty!! I hope you and all the other moms here have a wonderful day!!! Let's all just enjoy our babies! :)
Happy Mothers days Dusty. Never read your original thread as I wasnt a member then bu have to say it warmed my heart. Heres to you and your beautiful matt and sarah.
Thanks for dredging up the old thread Dusty! It was before my time and so what I needed to read this weekend. It is so great to have loving, wise, patient moms like you as a role model for us just starting our journey. Thank-you and Happy Mother's Day to everyone!
Well today is the day that Sarah reaches her 6 year milestone in remission! Happy Anniversay! :ybiggrin:

She is doing really well, no symptoms and her second go at raw vegan is going great guns. She no longer uses psyllium and is having one or two absolutely normal solid BM's a day! Plop! I never thought I would say that! :lol:

Received Matt's latest blood results yesterday and except for a couple of very, very middling things...a slightly raised PO4 and Urate...all is exceedingly normal and everything points to him also being solidly in remission! :ybiggrin:

Onwards and Upwards!

Dusty. xxx
So fantastic to hear!!!!!!! :banana: It really is inspirational to hear that these kids can move Onwards and Upwards, full steam ahead, reaching for their dreams all the while, feeling great and looking great!

Way to go Sarah and Matt (and Dusty:))! :medal1:
REMISSION ROCKS!:headbang: SARAH AND MATT ROCK! :headbang::headbang: DUSTY ROCKS! :headbang:

You three are an inspiration to us all.

I LOVE happy news. You just made my day!:grr1d:

THe only thing that would make my day better is another look at your butt!:ytongue:
Found this old thread so thought I would dredge it up for old times sake! :lol: But seriously though, I hope it offers some comfort to those that are new to IBD and feeling that the light at the end of the tunnel seems an unachievable goal…

Sarah: Well it is now 7.5 years post op and diagnosis. She continues to do wonderfully well and remains in remission. On the diet front she has moved away a little from her strictly vegan diet and has added some seafood and meats back in but remains non dairy and limited sugar. Why she has made the move I am not sure, sometimes it is best not to question such things. :lol:
Now, some of you may recall that she moved back home a couple of months ago to do her Masters up here, well…turns out that she is moving back to Sydney again! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry! :lol: Oh well, whatever makes her happy makes Mum equally happy. :) And no doubt the boyfriend too! :lol:

Matt: He too is doing well, he is happy and content and bouncing around the place. He is now nearly 3 years post op and remains in remission. He flies out tomorrow for his month long mathematics fest in Canberra, :eek2:, I hope it is what he expects and more!

Onwards and Upwards!

Dusty. :Flower:
Mathematics:rof::rof: This goes into that how many times:ylol: Apples don't fall far from the tree!
Thanks Dusty. So good to hear how your two are doing!!

They are certainly lucky to have such a fabulous, proactive and supportive Mum. Pretty sure you had Doctors shaking in their boots!!! :tongue:

Mathematics:rof::rof: This goes into that how many times:ylol: Apples don't fall far from the tree!

Oi, numbers aren’t my thing, that is his father! :lol: BUT I can work out the right money to give at the shops. :ybiggrin:
:wine: Well that sure is good news for the New Year. I hope it's an easier year than 2013 was for you. Cheers, Dusty.
Great update. Really nice to hear! Matt sounds like my boy - he loves maths too - certainly doesn't get it from me!
I love to hear that they are doing well! I have been so grateful for the times you have been here to help me through all the rough patches, the panicked early moments (and equally panicked later moments! :yfaint:) and, while I hate that you ever had to find this place, I have always been so grateful that you were here! I couldn't be happier in hearing that your two continue to do well! I hope 2014 continues to bring nothing but good news for them! :hug:
Well said Tess couldn't agree more.
It's fantastic they are doing so well and have grown to incredible young adults. Hope it keeps on forever.
What great news and such a great update! Long may it all continue and wishing you and yours the best of the best in 2014!!
Thanks Tess for putting my thoughts into words! Thanks Dusty for all you do! So glad they are doing well!
Ugh math! That is my worst subject , your son is so lucky he is good at it: this is what I see when I see a math problem:
If I have 10 ice cubes and you have 11 apples,
How many pancakes will fit on the roof?
Purple because aliens
don't wear hats.
So Happy to hear your update Dusty! And I hope you know how much you are appreciated around here. Your advice is so valuable and respected :)
Late to the "party" but decided to pop onto the forum tonight and read up a bit on how everyone's doing. I am so happy to come across this new update Dusty!
It continuously gives me hope that someday Gab will achieve remission as well ! ❤️
May it continue on and on for Sarah and Matt! 😘