SCD anyone?

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Dec 18, 2011
Hello .... to whomever is taking the time to read this (and thank you). I'm new here, and to make a long story short, I've been dealing with back-to-back flares since October and am currently tapering off of Prednisone and 6 MP. I finished antibiotics the other day. And here I the center of my own personal hell....the holidays. I love to eat. I seriously love to eat, and like you I'm mourning the loss of my morning latte, stirred with a biscotti as I plan my afternoon cuban press sandwich, and a dinner of rich pasta souped up with garlic bread. Sigh.

My naturopath, and a quick Google search, have brought me to SCD. I've started and stopped the intro diet, mostly because I have intense moments of weakness and cravings like I'm sure you have. The book BTVC makes sense. It all makes sense, which is why I'm super frustrated because I am also allergic to nuts and a ton of fruit. Argh! Does anyone else have issues with nuts and therefore can't do the nut flours?

Any other advice out there about the diet? And other naturopathic remedies? I typically avoid "western" medicine, but couldn't avoid it this time.

Thanks so much. I'm thankful that a site like this exists.

(My 2 year old just put it together that I'm a teacher and loves telling everyone, "My mama is Teacher Mama!")
Welcome! I am the same as far as medicine. I was using Western meds when first diagnosed and found that it only band-aided the problem and did not resolve it. I did great searching and learned much about good food in, good results out. I was able to get my Crohns reversed with no sign of it in colon. I used to eat like you, but found that when I did the elimination diet, adding back in grains/breads, wheat, etc. only caused problems. Therefore, it is a rare event when I do have it. Try digestive enzymes to help with meals, but more importantly, make sure you are eating veggies with every meal and as much throughout the day. Massage is great help, and I use a Chinese doc who does massage. He has taught me much about helping the body heal itself. I do have issues with some nuts, but simply avoid them. Foods are the key to getting this under control. Good luck!
Hi there and :welcome: I am on a flare at the moment but have been told by my dietician that restricting my diet will not help - even if I am only eating rice I am still eating food which will annoy. Usually though I avoid the usual suspects: too much wheat, dairy, caffeine and yes nuts. I have always been told to avoid things that have little pips in them like tomatoes as they will aggrivate the bowel. Orange and apple juice do not agree and when it comes to potatoes the hotter they are the less fibrous they get which is also what you need - low fibre foods. In the UK they are always advocating for a healthy diet to eat 'five a day' which is applicable to five servings of fruit or veg a day. I have quickly found out though that if I follow this I will get in trouble. Everyone is different but these are things to check out.
Hi TeacherMama! Welcome to the forum. I'm a teacher mama, too. :)

I agree with eating well, obviously. Your body is the miracle that will tell you what is safe to eat. Listen to your gut. (sorry about the pun)

I suggest keeping a journal. What you eat, how it affects you, what kind of bm it leads to, etc. Also, if you're going the SCD route, I recommend starting out with the e-book written by steven wright and jordan reasoner called SCD Lifestyle: Surviving to Thriving. It is really good for getting into the SCD properly. Google it if you're interested.

And make sure your veggies are not raw. That aggravates most people's guts.

Welcome again. Glad you found us. :hug:
Many docs will tell you diet has nothing to do with it, but the inflammation comes from something and disease is bred from something (inflammation). They will give you pills, but tend not to even try to determine the source/cause of the disease(s). I discovered it was the foods/drink that caused the inflammation, which long term inflammation will cause disease(s). When you begin to eliminate foods and you feel better doing so, you can not deny the benefit of watching what you eat. I may still may bite into some bread now and then, but I know the side effect and have to deal with it or choose not to eat it. Be aware of how the food affect your body and you will be in a healthier position. Good luck!
Thanks, everyone for the suggestions. I"m on 6MP now and WOW. Headaches. Body aches. Fatigue. Is this really how things are going to be from now on? It's depressing. I won't sugar-coat it. I want my life back. I know it sounds depressing, but that's how I feel right at this moment as I sit in my sweats and hoodie that have become a sort of uniform for me these days.
SCD, here I come!

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