SCD kinda... sorta....questions?

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Apr 7, 2010
Ok so I can't eat sugar... I have gotten some good recepies form alot of you on snacks. I have been looking at alot of sites and there seems to be alot of fruit in the sweet/snack recepies.

Q When I juice apples or oranges I get upset tummy, I think because the sugar is condensed. Does anyone have any suggestions for recepies that dont use alot of fruit in them?

Q #2, Do any of you guys kinda... sorta.. follow SCD. I find it very hard, and I don't think I can give up my sour dough bread. What aspects do you follow and what do you choose to ignore?

I'm still trying to figgure out whats best for my tummy, any input if welcome.

Thanks, Woops
How long have you been trying to follow SCD? At what point did you figure out you can't handle any fruit/honey? I don't have any specific recipes to share with you, but you may want to google low FOMDAP diet because it sounds like that would really benefit you. It is possible to do the SCD with a low FOMDAP focus.

As far as kinda, sorta following the SCD, it is not going to work. You have to adhere to the diet 100% in order to really give it a chance. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's a matter of deciding if the bread is more important to you than feeling better. I've been following GAPS/SCD for 4 months now. The only illegal ingredient that I've added is 100% cocoa and I didn't do that until a few weeks ago. I have no intention of ever adding any grains back into my diet. Best of luck to you.
Read the Book (breaking the vicious cycle), find out WHY the SCD diet works (or why the author thinks it works), Look into GAPS and Paleo

"[I....]there seems to be alot of fruit in the sweet/snack recepies.[/I]"
Cut down or eliminate the sugars

"Q When I juice apples or oranges I get upset tummy,"
Then don't do it,
Try fresh vegetable juice rather than fruit juice

"Q #2, Do any of you guys kinda... sorta.. follow SCD"
If you're 'kinda sorta' doing SCD the you're not doing SCD
In the words of Yoda.....
"No! Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

"and I don't think I can give up my sour dough bread."
then look for another diet or stop pissing around :)
"What aspects do you follow and what do you choose to ignore?"
It's NOT a pick and choose diet,
Having said that many don't improve and often it is the yogurt that is the problem.
I did not improve on SCD (because of the yogurt) but it lead me to Paleo and i have had huge improvement.
Basically the SCD is just a low carb diet and that's why it works.

The SCD theory is that if you eat things that are easy to digest you'll be fine but I got my hands on some corn sugar which is nothing but pure glucose. There isn't anything easier to digest than that.. but it caused me problems.

Look at the foods allowed on scd. All of them are low carb. Even lentils are half fat...
Basically the SCD is just a low carb diet and that's why it works.

The SCD theory is that if you eat things that are easy to digest you'll be fine but I got my hands on some corn sugar which is nothing but pure glucose. There isn't anything easier to digest than that.. but it caused me problems.

Look at the foods allowed on scd. All of them are low carb. Even lentils are half fat...

Actually, it is about saccharides and not carbs. This is why it doesn't limit honey or fruit (a low carb diet would). It is about how the food breaks down and is digested.

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