SCD Shopping List

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Jul 17, 2010

Is there anywhere here or online where I can find a shopping list for an SCD diet? Preferably a UK list.

If not can some of you recommend some stuff for me to buy? I'm starving. In the middle of a flare up and scared to eat.

Only just started reading the book and had a quick look through the foods and recipes, but this looks like something that will take me a while to get my head around.

what i did when i was on it was make a massive amount of whatever i was cooking and then stored the leftovers. unfortunately, the time to cook the stuff is necessary but it is worth it.

heres some staples that i frequently had:

-homemade yogurt
-homemade applesauce
-roasted veggies (any kind of veggies you like, olive oil salt and pepper, oven, delicious)
-have cooked chicken on hand, theres a lot you can do with that--chicken salad, chicken omelette with veggies, etc
-OHH one of my faves! a salad of: lettuce, carrots, olives, warm chicken breast with cheese, a bit of homemade mayo if you have it, and oil and vinegar. SO GOOD and pretty quick and easy if you have everything on hand.
-the pizza recipie in the book is AWESOME. i still make it and im not on the diet anymore hahah, i reccomend toppings of bacon, montery jack cheese, and parm.
-most grocery stores carry a large selection of frozen fruit. thats a good thing to have on hand too....make smootihes with the yogurt and some honey.
-this recipie is actually for a weight loss diet but is totally acceptable for the SCD and tastes really good:, just use realy eggs in place of the egg substiute and i put extra bacon and cheese in mine hahah.
-burgers are always a good meal, just buy the ground beef and make your own patty with cheese of your choice and veggies of your choice.

is there Trader Joe's in the UK? i feel there probably isnt but thats where i did much of my shopping when i was on the SCD. its basically a grocery store that focuses on organic and natural and such. and while not everything in there is SCD legal, you can find some great stuff that is because they make and carry many products that dont contain extra sugar and corn syrup and such. good place to look for salad dressings, tomato sauces, premade soups, and other prepared things like that.
really though, no matter where you shop you just gotta look at the ingredient list carefully. its a pain but once you find those products that are perfect? then your shopping is a breeze.
until you can find those convenience products that suit though, i would just focus on buying fresh and whole foods. veggies, meats, fruits, etc. and making you own sauces and condiments to make these foods a bit more exciting.

oh and soup! make your own chicken soup, thats always an awesome staple as well. or whatever kind of soup you like.

do you shop online? i have a collection of links to online SCD stores that are great, they sell premade legal baked goods and nut flours and great stuff, but i dont think they are viable cuz youre in the uk lol but i will give them to you if you want! lemme know. but i just found them by searching online, search SCD buy food, SCD store, all kinds of stuff and im sure theres some great UK based stores as well.

i definitly did not go hungry once i figured out how to have quantities of acceptable foods lying around. you actually have options and its pretty awesome! i actually have made myself really hungry typing this hahah so i mean its food you WANT to eat not just your only choice.
the worst for me was cravings for all your pre diet favorites. i cheated very often haha, i was terrible at sticking to it perfectly. unfortunately no matter what kind of nut flour you use, you just cannot make an oreo =/
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Thanks for replying.
is there Trader Joe's in the UK?
Not that I know of, but I have one of these just 2 minutes away from me
I was in there earlier and asked the lady in there if she knew of the SCD diet. She didn't, but once I explained just pointed me to the gluten free stuff. Most of which seemed to be banned on the SCD diet from memory. I had bad stomach pains so ended up just buying an avocado and leaving :(

The burgers sound great, but what do you eat them with? It says onions are ok in the book which is great as I love them, but can you eat them chopped and raw? Or do they have to be prepared a certain way?
How about sliced tomato?

I will try the pizza recipe although I'm not very good in the kitchen. I will really miss pizza's & pasta.

If there's any big brand food/drinks/snacks that you know of please let me know as it will be easier for me to find and start.

Did you gradually go on the diet or just switch up as soon as you knew about the foods?

This is the dressing I had with the avacado.


Does this look SCD friendly? Only no no I see on there is sugar, so I'm guessing this will have to go as well :(

I'd love to know what people with crohns that were brought up on Asian food or Italian food or even Mexican food are able to eat if they're still living in that culture? 3 or my favorite food types wiped out.
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My 16 year old son has been on SCD for a year now, I do most of the cooking for him (although he is learning), there are still some things on the SCD that do not work at all for him - like Pork, nectarines, raspberries, these are things we found out by trial and error.
RE the dressing, lots of SCD illegals on there, sugar, barley malt, xanthan gum, molasses. For salad type dressings I make the mayonnaise and then add garlic, mustard powder, vinegar and spices. Or take the mayo and add salsa, put it in the blender and blend it until it's smooth, tastes great on a taco salad.
The only packaged stuff I've come across that is legal is Lara bars - have no idea if these are in the UK (I'm in Canada). For juices you should be able to find some juice that is 100% juice NOT from concentrate. There's lots of choice for those here. Just read your labels carefully. Unsweetened applesauce is a great snack, we will also fry up cheese in the frying pan, then let it harden, reminds him of a grilled cheese sandwich.
We do lots of pancakes / waffles. All muffins I make are with organic coconut flour. My son hated the consistency of the almond flour, coconut flour makes a smoother muffin, you have to use more eggs though whenever you cook with coconut flour. We also make peanut butter cookies with it.

We eat tons of mexican food, my son has no problem with onions or peppers, so salsa is a staple. You can make tortillas out of the coconut flour, put finely chopped chicken on top then cheese and a little bit of the mayo taco dressing, put another tortilla on top let the cheese melt, then cut in triangles.
I do lots of stir frys also using coconut milk with spices as the sauce, it took me awhile to find something to thicken sauces with (beef and broccoli was alway way to runny, same with chili), but I've discovered cooked pureed squash with one egg blended well, then added to the dish thickens really well.
I do lasagna with organic tomato sauce - you have to check the sauce though because lots have flour to make it thicker, and use strips of zuchinni instead of noodles - okay this was a hard sell at first, but he's used to it now.
Luckily there are lots of "pure" spices, and for my son, the spicier the better, spicy food does not affect him at all. You'll probably want to wait on that until your stomach feels better though.
The diet does get fairly repetitious, then I send him onto the internet to dig up more recipes to try, some are okay, others not so good! When we first started I felt like I was in the kitchen cooking all the time, between his food and the rest of the familys (5 of us in the family). We all eat pretty much the same now, with the addition of rice/noodles and sandwiches for my non SCD family members. For us lunch is probably the worst meal to think up things for.
Good luck.
Thanks Donna. I will definitely try out your suggestion with coconut flour.

Great news about the salsa as well. Love that stuff. I haven't eaten chillies through fear since my ops, but really miss them. I used to eat the hottest food I could find before I got ill.

What's the best pasta alternative? Is there one? I saw that spaghetti squash stuff online. Never seen in the flesh and think I would find that hard to eat, but would give it a shot.
Sorry to say that we haven't found a great pasta alternative, have tried the noodles that are made from yams (google shiritake), they taste okay, but are not SCD legal, so we decided to pass on them for now, probably one of the first things we will add back in. Spaghetti squash noodles got nixed by Mitch, he just has the spaghetti without noodles and more veggies.

One other thing I was going to mention, go into all the little health food shops that you can find and check out their product, we found a great ketchup sweetened with honey on holidays last year, bought enough for the year - have just run out last week - we'll be going back through there next week - will pick up next years supply. Have also found a BBQ sauce from a company called Organicville which has made chicken and burgers so much tastier for Mitch. I also make a plum sauce when plums come in season, really easy to do - but impossible to find one at the store that is made without sugar. You've got to get creative.
OK I am still learning ALL that is to be learnt living with Crohn's, but what is SCD? This is the first time I heard it! Sorry, I know it's probably a dumb question!!
Thank you! I will definitely check it out! Is it a diet for all the time or just when flares hit? Just curious! Food is not me friend lately and would love to find something I can eat and not be regretting it later! So many changes in my diet so far and some have worked but many have not. Thanks again!
Thank you! I will definitely check it out! Is it a diet for all the time or just when flares hit? Just curious! Food is not me friend lately and would love to find something I can eat and not be regretting it later! So many changes in my diet so far and some have worked but many have not. Thanks again!

Not sure how long you're supposed to stay on it for. I'd imagine if you can make it a year on this and feel good, you'd be too afraid to change back to regular food.

What I don't understand is why the diet seems so strict? Surely by cutting right down on carbs you would still be starving or reducing the bad bacteria?
hi sorry i totally forgot to come back to this thread!

Thanks for replying.
Not that I know of, but I have one of these just 2 minutes away from me
I was in there earlier and asked the lady in there if she knew of the SCD diet. She didn't, but once I explained just pointed me to the gluten free stuff. Most of which seemed to be banned on the SCD diet from memory. I had bad stomach pains so ended up just buying an avocado and leaving :(

yeah ive found that not many people know the SCD. she may have been thinking it was similar to celiac disease diets which it is in a way...but celiacs CAN eat corn, rice, potato, etc. SCDers cannot. gluten free does not necessarily mean complex carb free.

The burgers sound great, but what do you eat them with? It says onions are ok in the book which is great as I love them, but can you eat them chopped and raw? Or do they have to be prepared a certain way?
How about sliced tomato?

mhmm as long as your tummy is ok with raw veggies eat em raw! eat em cooked! whatever well i mean i think the book reccomends for the first bit of the diet to NOT eat raw produce but i didnt not follow it that strictly....which who knows maybe was my downfall but i dunno. i would just make sure you are ONLY eating legal foods and not worry too much about the preparation reccomendations. if you do not feel a difference then maybe its time to go into it in more depth. thats just my view on it, but like i said, the diet did not work for me so my advice you may not want to follow on some things lol.

I will try the pizza recipe although I'm not very good in the kitchen. I will really miss pizza's & pasta.

eh im not particularly kitchen skilled either. the pizza takes time, i will tell you that. prob takes an hour total to make. but SO worth it. so so so so worth it. god i want some now....

If there's any big brand food/drinks/snacks that you know of please let me know as it will be easier for me to find and start.

i really cant think of any =/ most of the things i bought were just small brand things that i found in my grocery stores....sometimes if you come across natural markets and things like that, or in the natural/healthy section of your grocery store if they do that in the UK, you WILL find products. but they are mixed in with illegals so really it is just reading labels.

Did you gradually go on the diet or just switch up as soon as you knew about the foods?

i actually started by eliminating processed foods...still eating whole grains and natural sugars and stuff but just removing the processed foods from my diet. then i went on to the SCD. didnt really plan it out on purpose that was just kind of the way i read and learned about things.

OO you like onions you say? ever made french onion soup? AWESOME.

but first you must find a beef stock/broth that is legal. it may take a little searching, but again in natural markets you should prbably be able to come across a brand that just makes theirs with meat, water, veggies, and seasoning. read carefully, they sneak sugar into stuff like that all the time. but legal stuff is out there.

so once you find that....for one quart of stock about a large sweet onion is good. caramelize the onions in oil/butter saute pan till theyre a bit brown and very tender. as they onions cook, pour the quart of beef stock into a soup pot, add salt, pepper, and any kind of legal seasonings you like, and i always add a bit of oil or butter to the stock as well. when the onions are carmelized, pour them all into the soup pot with the stock and let it simmer for oh anywhere from 30 mins-1 hr depending on the time you have. the longer it goes the better it tastes IMO. while its simmering grate some swiss cheese, however much you want. then ladle yourself some soup, sprinkle your cheese in and OmG DROOL deliciousness.
really the only thing missing from the is the bread crouton thing that is usually comes in fr onion soup but honeslty, i never missed it lol.

also have you ever made gazpacho? its a cold veggie soup and its delicious. lemme know if you want a recipie for that as well. or you could search online...really though its very can put in it whatever you like!
What I don't understand is why the diet seems so strict? Surely by cutting right down on carbs you would still be starving or reducing the bad bacteria?

im not totally positive, but i think a very very small amount of carb can feed a ton of bacteria. i dunno really but everytime i cheated and ate a cookie i was like dammit 389384032 bacteria just got fed!! its like you have to wipe out the colony TOTALLY. cuz even if theres 2 left lol they will reproduce. or maybe one....dont really remember how bacteria make babies...LOL

heres some links that i found really helpful:

good website for info and recipes:

a collection of sites from another SCDer:

an online store for SCD friendly foods and products (not sure if they ship to uk or not...):

BEST RECIPE WEBSITE EVER. really they have everything:

an online bakery that ships premade baked goods for SCD (again, doubt they ship overseas lol, but will give you an idea of what to search for in the UK net):

a decent site...targeted for parents of kids with autism, but some good tips and recipes to be found there:

i think this is the website of a not too much info there, but the book looked very cool to me but i never got around to ordering it. see if you like it:

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