Screw You World

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May 22, 2011
Yeah, I aint much in the mood today, but I am in some kind of a mood. A not real good one. So stay out of my way world, you are in for it.

Ok, so I drank alcohol today, only a couple of breezers and a wine or two, but thats not the point. I coupled that with some decent strong black coffee. A lot of it. Then went the whole hog and smoked half a pack of cigs too. And as if that wasnt enough, I threw in a whole pile of stress and yeah. Thats me for today.

Anyone wanna run a book on how bad Im gonna feel tomorrow?:stinks:
Sorry to hear MissD :(.

I think we have the be fair to ourselves and know that we will not always be able to stay away from the things that we know are not best for us. It is not easy to hold yourself back when it seems like the whole world has no restriction themselves and I understand how sometimes there is the need to just cut loose.

I hope your going to be able to manage alright, but don't beat yourself up over it. After a day or two I am sure the affects of the day will have vanished and you can start with a clean slate so to speak.
hi D i did the same thing last weekend after getting some bad news(found out my best mate and wife had funked the woman i have loved for years) had 12 beers sat and 15 sunday silly eh,paid for it through the week big time but feel a lot better does ease up gradually dont it might not feel like it.things always turn around! been through some rough times over the years with depression and the crap people lay on ya,so take my word for it everything changes.hope you feel better soon(that goes for ya cricket team too).you are not alone!there will be good times hon. jason.x
Oh I hate when that happens!!!!! I hope you recover from yourrrrr situation real soon. Dont feel too bad about it. We all make mistakes.
Don't feel too bad D, we ALL make mistakes as the others have said.... and sometimes we deserve to throw caution to the wind and do what makes us happy.... I'm supposed to be watching my food atm but I had an ice cream today (I was soooo hungry) and I KNOW I'm gonna regret it tonight and that when my crohns does punish me I wont feel it was worth it.... but at the time of eating the ice cream it was DEFINITELY worth the possibility of pain!!!!

Enjoy your sins for today and deal with the consequences if they occur tomorrow and we'll be here for you to vent at!

And as a side note, I wouldnt recommend drinking etc too often, as obv its v bad for you and it makes you poorly. I'm just saying we can all be forgiven a lapse now and then! :) It's hard having crohns!

Hope you're well and don't be too hard on yourself!

I can't really add much to what everyone else has said but to maybe comfort you that you are not alone. As LuLu said, we all sin and hope we won't get struck by lightening for it, but enjoy the moment and get up in the morning, lift your head up and start again anew. Next time you get in that mood, remember how you fealt this morning and decide if you want to do that again.
Let's be real, we will probably all be in these type if distructive mood again - just pick your poison. Pick one thing, either a drink, coffee or cigs and do one of them. NOT ALL. My motto is pick your poison and know your gonna pay for it. I do that every time I go out with friends. I'm a sucker for fried chicken and I always "just have a tiny piece". 3 full pieces later, I'm cursing myself out trying to remember where all the bathrooms are between that place and my home. But I enjoyed it and within a day or 2, its pretty much behind me. Sort of distructive, but to me, wtf, might as well.
Its not the lovey dovey responsed you'd get from everyone else. This is what we are living with. Figure out how you can best deal with it.

So how are you feeling this morning? Was it worth it?
Ha ha ha, way to go!!!!! I love doing this to myself now and then. It really helps me being a 'good girl' for the next couple of months. ''Enjoy your sins for today and ........ try not to think of the consequences. They will make sure you will not forget them by themselves. No regrets or guild feelings necessary, everybody needs to break loose now and then. ENJOY (doesn't the doctor say that we need to relax??????)
Well, as it turned out, I came through ok. How lucky can one girl get? So theres a few crampy thingys going on, but nothing I cant handle. Havent even reached for a panadol, in fact, I rolled out of bed today and kept myself busy cut and polishing my car. Which I figured since I had been so good to expend all that energy doing the work, I would be entitled to a glass or two of wine to go with the job right? And yeah, I finished that pack of cigs right off, now they wont be there to tempt me again right? Thats good planning on my behalf I reckon.

Its off to work tomorrow, for a super big day, just hope I dont get any delayed reactions. Honestly, how unsmart can you get?

Oh, dont get me started on fried chicken steve...

Time to start doing things a whole lot differently I reckon. Tomorrow I vow I will not have a cigarette. One day at a time.

Im a bit confused does anyone know about this? My doc said they were putting me on the pred and the sulfasalazine because I said I would give up smoking. If I wasnt going to give up smoking they would have put me on soemthing else. Anyone know what that might have been?

Honestly don't know anything but everybody always telling me smoking is bad for me. Used pred and sulfalazine myself although doctor knows I smoke - did not urge quitting more as he usually does (think he considers me lost case as far as smoking concerned, lol)
Im a bit confused does anyone know about this? My doc said they were putting me on the pred and the sulfasalazine because I said I would give up smoking. If I wasnt going to give up smoking they would have put me on soemthing else. Anyone know what that might have been?
hmmm id think id want to see another dr lol
I'm not on pred, but in 6mp and sulphasalizine and my dr didn't tell me anything more about not smoking. Even when I was on pred and lialda, he didn't say anything then either so I have no clue what your dr is trying to say but when you find out, fill us in.
On a side note, how are you doing so with no smoking? Keep it up! Stay strong! Go D go D go!!!
MissD~I hope things are getting better for you. Crohn's is a very hard disease to deal with and very frustrating!! I use to feel sorry for myself and have little pitty parties but they never got me anywhere. I realized that this is the life I was given and obviously God thinks I'm strong enough to live it. You know God never puts anything on you that you can't handle. Things will get better!! And good luck with the always made my crohn's worse. May was a year since I quit smoking!!! :) If there's anything I can do to help please let me know.

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