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Mar 28, 2011
Hi. My name is Sharon, aka Sherby by family. I truly feel inspired from reading all of the support at this forum. I am new here and have never been interested in reaching out to forums before even though I have been diagnosed with IBD since I am 17 ...30 years ago.

I am here now because I am searching for information due to a recent flare up. I normally take asacol and 6mp, saw doc today and started 30 mg daily prednisone. I have not been on steriods since 1998 and I am hoping for some relief and then to be weaned off as fast as possible.

I have been blessed with many very long remissions (on meds) and flare ups that have ranged from minor to needing month long hospitalizations (during pregnancy)

My question is this: has any one experienced a flare shortly after a colonoscopy? It happened to me this month and also after last year's test.

Hi Sherby - I don't have any advice for you about the flare after scope, but I just wanted to say welcome.

Congrats on the many years of remission. I am sure you will be a great asset to our forum and hope you can find answers and advice here that are helpful to you as well.

- Amy
Hi Sherby, (I'm sure that there's and interesting story behind that one)

I haven't experienced it, but it does make sense because of what a scope does to your insides. I've heard that taking probiotics may help because it increases the amount of good flora in your gut.
Welcome, Sherby! I am so happy to hear you have experienced many years of remission, but I am sorry you aren't feeling well lately. I hope the pred does the trick and you can get right back in remission! As for your question, I only have had one colonoscopy, but things got progressively worse soon after. So, you may be onto something. I look forward to seeing you around!
Welcome to the forum, Sherby! It must be very disheartening to be in a flare after a lengthy remission.

I wanted to say that with all the colonoscopies I've had performed, I'd never experienced a flare until my last one. I had a colonoscopy on January 10th, and have been in a severe flare since. At first, I thought that I had picked up a virus or bacteria at the hospital, but a round of antibiotics haven't had any effect. This is a flare and fairly severe. Unfortunately, there are no drugs that are working for me, but I hope that the Prednisone gives you the quick relief you need and you can return to enjoying many more years of remission!
Thank you all for your support! So much appreciated! I am happy to report an immediate positive response to the prednisone. After one dose of 30 mg. urgent pain, cramping and living in the bathroom has subsided. Now I am dealing with the euphoric prednisone high, wishing this drug didn't have such dire side effects. I feel great, am eating and am flying high... but know too well the slippery slope of getting off the drug and maintaining a remission.
Nope, I seriously considered it. If you do, let us know if it works. I remember talking to another crohnie that said you have to get a specific actupuncturist that is trained in Japan(?) Something like that...Let me know what you find out! Good luck...Sue
Hi Sue,

I see you are on 6mp. I have been on 50mg for 13 years. After this recent flare, docs are talking about raising to 75mg. How do you find this drug and what dose do you take?
I have heard good things about accupuncture for other ailments but not for Crohn's. I would be very open minded to it though. I'm up for anything!

- Amy
Sorry, I don't understand your question Sherbie, But I hope you get through this flare quickly...Always sucks! (((HUGGS)) Sue
I have tried acupuncture in the past and didn't feel like it helped a whole lot, but I did feel something from it and do believe it can be helpful for many things. I might try it again now that I am doing better. I might have just been in too bad of shape for anything to help at the time. Let us know how it goes for you.

I'm glad you are doing better! Welcome to the forum!