Not on your own!
Hi Cestmoi,
I started with seb derm in my late teens and now have it over my back, chest, upper abdo, back of neck, scalp and around my face. It is compounded by the fact I also have folliculitis, steroid induced acne and roseaca.
The best combo I have found to work over the years for seb derm is ketokonazole shampoo used also as a shower gel as it helps dry it up and relieve any itching. To relieve inflammation my dermatologist last autumn told me to use Canesten Hydrocortizone and Eumovate (steroid) creams on alternate days. The Canesten HC is the mildest of all the steroid creams (and I found it worked faster than the Eumovate and left my skin less dry too) and I use both sparingly. The only other thing that clears it for me is prednisolone steroids orally but then get a massive resurgance of it once they are stopped.
Another thought is watch your moisturisers - my GP prescribed my one called Doublebase that isnt sticky and glides on and can be used on my face too. If my skin is bad facially I swap over to Diprobase (its thicker and more of an ointment but drier than the doublebase) for no more than a couple of days then go back to Doublebase.
I also find some foods like pringles make it break out in hours believe it or not!
I recently started on Remecade and have noticed my skin texture changing to the extent it is smoother and less irritated. Still need to use my creams daily but not as much or over such wide areas now and havent needed the shampoo either. Am keeping my fingers crossed and yes I agree there is a link with Crohn's and do remember reading something about it but cant remember where arrgghhh! I am also asthmatic and my gastro says the whole lot are linked.
Hope the above helps. I understand how you feel, so on your bad days remember you arent alone.