Seeing Urologist Finally

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Jan 9, 2010
I'm seeing my Urologist tomorrow to see what's been going on. Earlier this year I started having issues with needing to get up often in the night to urinate and sometimes have to turn right back around after leaving the bathroom to go again as if my bladder hadn't been emptying all the way.

Had multiple urine tests done and they've all showed a small amount of blood so was given a referral to a Urologist. A long time ago. :p Well I finally get to go actually later today as its past midnight here. :p

I know they'll be doing a urine test again when I get there and dunno what else will be done. Wish me luck! This is probably not going to be fun (I've had a test done many years ago where they cath you and have you pee while standing up, not my favorite test and I'm afraid I may have to do another one of those tests). Had an ultrasound done of my bladder and kidneys and they found a fatty liver, don't see how that's related though if at all. :p
Crabby could it possibly be that you have a retroverted uterus

I have a retroverted uterus and i feel like i constantly need to go toilet especially during the night.....but when i do very little comes out.
Just a thought..

Good luck with your appointment.
I have no idea upsetmom, no one's ever brought that up. Would that not have been an issue a while ago though rather than coming on suddenly and does that cause minor bleeding in the urine (I can't see the blood, just shows up on the urine tests)?
Not sure if it would suddenly happen or about the blood...mine's been like that for years...It's worth asking about.
Hope you get some answers, Crabby. I'm guessing GI type tests have ruled out a fistula to the bladder?
My GI is a dip. Only tests I've had recently are the colonoscopy, endoscopy and ultrasound. Waiting for the GI office to send me orders on having a small bowel follow through but haven't gotten them in the mail yet. I'll make a note to contact the GI office tomorrow. Need to call my GP anyway to make another appointment for my B12 shot. I'll just make tomorrow doctor day. :p

Was supposed to have the pill cam done this year but was denied by my insurance and my GI said something like, "well, I have no control in that department." What? Yes you do! Dip...

What's the best test out there for finding fistulas Grumbletum? If you know. I've never had one before.
Actually just found this link that talks about all the tests out there for the different types of fistulas:

Well, I'll bring it up with the Urologist and see what they have to say. I haven't noticed myself passing gas from there and haven't had any urinary tract infections either. Although I have been feeling rather poorly for quite some time. Some people on the forum may know that I've been sick ever since I stopped Humira. Its been a month really but seems a lot like bronchitis or something of that nature. Edit: Yet the first time blood was found in the urine was back in July this year and I haven't been sick the entire time. Just frequently and for a long time when I am sick.
The best tests would be CT and MRI - mine showed up on both. Have you noticed any changes in your urine? Had any pelvic pain?
When you had the bladder ultrasound did they do the pelvis too to make sure nothings pressing on the bladder ?
i forgot to mention i also have a fibroid.
Yep they didn't see anything pressing on the bladder. Had another ultrasound done today after my urine test (which still showed blood and no infection) and they said it emptied properly as well. No I have not had any pelvic pain at all.

So he thinks I have an overactive bladder. Gave me some samples of Vesicare (solifenacin succinate) tablets to try out and see if that helps. He said that over active bladder can cause some blood in the urine.

Since I have Crohn's though he wants to be sure that's all it is so on the 17th they'll do a cystoscopy (scope of the bladder) to see if there's anything else going on. He said it should show if there's a fistula or bladder cancer or anything at all. He believes I'm far too young to have bladder cancer yet I was also told the same thing when diagnosed with Crohn's and osteoarthritis...

So I tell my mom what's up and she suddenly remembered that my grandmother (my father's mother) had bladder cancer and would have her bladder scraped periodically to remove it. Awesome. Would have been nice to know that before my appointment but whatever. I'll tell him about it when I go in for the scope on the 17th.

So for now I sit and wait for the scope and try out some pills. :p
Had the bladder scope done today. They saw nothing which is good. Will continue taking Vesicare for three months to see if it helps. If not then possibly more tests, dunno which though but I'd like to suggest some to him. Any suggestions? :p

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