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Apr 28, 2012

Friend or foe,
I don't know?
She can't go!

My GP put Grace on Senokot today. He said it's a stimulate for her track and not just a stool softener. She still will be on Miralax.

Does any one have anything good or bad to say about this?
ive used it in the past but when the inflammation is bad it does make any difference (plus I find the inflammation makes me want to go even when theres nothing around so to speak)

Definately not foe for me but on the odd occasions friend
Have you talked to your GI about it????

Our ped may examine the kid but the GI does the "driving" on what meds for GI issues the kids take. KWIM.

WHy is your GP prescribing her a laxative?
IS she still not "going" at all while on miralax or just every few days?
IF so call and tell them you want an appt asap with the GI.
AlSO tell you want the GI to KNOW what is going on .
The laxative can cause the bowel to look different ( brown/red etc..) if taken for too long a period of time prior to a scope.
Not sure how long she is suppose to be on it.
Good Q's MLP,:hug:

We hoping a one time thing. If it goes much beyond that we will be calling the GI.

She's heading toward an impaction.:( The idea was to give a have 1/2 a pill to get her track to respond and get it out.
Thanks that important for me and others to remember.:)
If she is headed toward impaction then your GI needs to know NOW.
Not trying to be mean but the amount a GP will prescribe and feel comfortable with for the average kid usually is not what or how a GI will handle things for complicated kids like Grace.

Case in point DS takes eye drops for allergies.
Ped would prescribe X2 day.
Allergist know that in severe cases ( AKA DS for a long time) it is wise to use X4 day to avoid other complications.
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I have to agree with MLP. your GI needs to be the one managing this not the GP. They need to figure out what is going on. I think it is time to push them for a colonoscopy.
My encopretic/rectal prolapse daughter was on Senakot for a very long time...this was before Miralax hit the market (yes I know that makes me old) BUT she didn't have any other GI issues. MLP in her infinite wisdom brings up some very valid points and I would like to officially welcome kimmidwife to the colonoscopy camp.

And BTW - when you get to the GI you are not ASKING for scopes. Let me give you the script: "When should I schedule her scopes?"
Tried senokot a few months ago and it did not do a whole lot of anything. We ended up having to use pico salax (colonoscopy clearout) this seemed to be the only thing that was effective. I agree about the colonoscopy and possibly endoscopy.
I agree with everyone else...I would want the GI to okay the senocot. Based on what he believes the problem will turn out to be, senokot may not be the answer. There are some conditions that senokot shouldnt be use for...example, I have IBS. GI says no for senokot for me...

I would want to be sure. Tell that GI you'll stop asking for other Dr's advice when he orders a scope!
Talked to the GI nurse-

She said very rarely do they disagree with GP's because the know the patient better then they. She said yes to the senokot. That's the next thing the GI would do to help.
So it worked this morning. I just hope it cleared out IF she had an impaction. This not knowing is driving me crazy.
Yay! So glad it worked AND that the GI was in agreement with the GP. Hope she is feeling much better now!
Hey Farmwife,

I'm so sorry I am late to this. :sorry:

It is good to hear that Grace has had results with the senokot. The only thing I have to add is to be aware that the active ingredient, senna, can cause abdominal cramping. Also if used over a long period of time you need to keep an eye on potassium levels as it can deplete them.

Dusty. xxx

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