Hi all, I am new on here and have been searching the threads to find something related to this but come up empty handed so I thought I might start a new thread.
I've had crohn's for 10 years and up until recently I've been in and out of remission, on remicade, prednisone etc... off and on.
Recently I began remicade again for a flare up and everything was going well, it works really well for me and has in the past.
About 1 week after my last remicade treatment I started getting crazy bad cramps on my lower left side and then it moved to a constant pain.
I looked everything thing up, thought it might be a stricture because of the quick healing from the remicade but then I went and saw my specialist and he said a stricture in the colon would be really rare because of how big the colon is. And then said he wanted to see how I went after my next remicade and until then not do anything. Thanks doc.
Well he went on vacation and the pain got worse so I ended up going to the ER and my GP and they ordered an ultra sound that showed everything was fine with everything else and it just showed a lot of stuff in my bowels but no blockages or strictures.
The thing is it's now back even after having remicade 2 weeks ago, it was fine for a week after remicade and now hurting again. You can actually feel a solidness on my lower left side and it's totally tender to touch. My GP gave my Lactulaid which helps draw water into the bowel to move things along but that doesn't make a huge difference.
I tried low fibre, and avoiding certain foods but nothing is helping unless I just stop eating. I have insane gas pains and nothing moves along very well and this pain is enough that I can't lift my left leg with my own muscles and I walk a bit hunched over.
My GP thinks it might be a twisted bowel, I'm seeing my specialist in 2 weeks so not sure what will happen then, has this pain ever happened to anyone else?
Usually when I'm sick things flow straight through me with the greatest of speed and now I'm totally backed up which in ten years I've never come across.....
If anyone can help shed some light I would be SOOOO appreciative!!!!
I've had crohn's for 10 years and up until recently I've been in and out of remission, on remicade, prednisone etc... off and on.
Recently I began remicade again for a flare up and everything was going well, it works really well for me and has in the past.
About 1 week after my last remicade treatment I started getting crazy bad cramps on my lower left side and then it moved to a constant pain.
I looked everything thing up, thought it might be a stricture because of the quick healing from the remicade but then I went and saw my specialist and he said a stricture in the colon would be really rare because of how big the colon is. And then said he wanted to see how I went after my next remicade and until then not do anything. Thanks doc.
Well he went on vacation and the pain got worse so I ended up going to the ER and my GP and they ordered an ultra sound that showed everything was fine with everything else and it just showed a lot of stuff in my bowels but no blockages or strictures.
The thing is it's now back even after having remicade 2 weeks ago, it was fine for a week after remicade and now hurting again. You can actually feel a solidness on my lower left side and it's totally tender to touch. My GP gave my Lactulaid which helps draw water into the bowel to move things along but that doesn't make a huge difference.
I tried low fibre, and avoiding certain foods but nothing is helping unless I just stop eating. I have insane gas pains and nothing moves along very well and this pain is enough that I can't lift my left leg with my own muscles and I walk a bit hunched over.
My GP thinks it might be a twisted bowel, I'm seeing my specialist in 2 weeks so not sure what will happen then, has this pain ever happened to anyone else?
Usually when I'm sick things flow straight through me with the greatest of speed and now I'm totally backed up which in ten years I've never come across.....
If anyone can help shed some light I would be SOOOO appreciative!!!!