Settling stomach down

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May 23, 2011
settling stomach down

do you all drink coca cola? is it ok for you?
my problem is i get gassy, and it feels like my intestine expands and causes severe pain, i cant even walk. i had surgery in september (60cm removed)
thanks for your help
Hi David, i get that when i drink coke so i try not to drink it as much, but everyone is different to what they can and can't have, if i were you i would keep a diary of the things that effect you the most, that way then you no not to have those things. :) not sure if this has helped much??
I find coke does make me more gassy and I do get loose bowels with it, but then my friend gets loose bowels having coke and she doesn't have crohns.i just think it's the caffeine in it. I think you should just not drink it if its causing severe pain! X
I drink coke. It's my primary source of calories (sad I know). My MIL can't drink it unless the gas is stirred out. I guess it just depends. I wouldn't drink it if it hurts.
No coke. But that is becouse I purchased a new boat this summer. And to make my better half agree to the purchase I promised her no coke and no chockolate for a year....
If you want to get better, I would suggest you eliminate the sugar drinks and carbonation. It doe not improve health, so why drink it? Also, people drink different amounts, so that will attribute to side effects. Better to eliminate the sugar drinks and stick with "pure" drinks (herbal teas, water), until you can get your stomach under control. Diet will adversely affect your health. What you put in is what you put out; no pun intended. Be careful!

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