Severe burning when trying to poop

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Nov 6, 2011
Hey guys, this is my first post here, and I'm not totally sure if this is where it's supposed to go, sorry if it's in the wrong section.

For the past week or so, I've been having a severe burning feeling in my anus whenever I try to poop. I simply can't poop at all, as the feeling is so intense that I can't push at all, or the feeling would get too intense to handle.

Has anyone got any advice for me? Treatment, reasons why, anything that can help. I'm absolutely terrified of going into hospital again.
I don't know how to say this without TMI, so here we go. When you go to the bathroom a lot, and have D, the paper can cause too much friction after a while and it's like using sandpaper, the skin 'there' is very fragile, so just being careful usually helps.

It could also be more serious things like an abscess though, just tell your doc about it and he'll know what to do.
Hi Werks and welcome. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble :(

First question is, have you been diagnosed with a form of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis? And are you under the care of a GI doctor?
Hi Werks and welcome. I'm sorry you're having so much trouble :(

First question is, have you been diagnosed with a form of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis? And are you under the care of a GI doctor?

I do indeed have Crohn's Disease, and although I've had this problem before, i was younger then and never got it checked out. I suppose I really should speak to my Gastro specialist.
That would be my suggestion. I doubt it's going to result with you ending up in the hospital, but I'd certainly suggest your GI be consulted.

I wish you all the best. Please keep us updated and I hope you become a part of our community :)
this has happened to my son - he was put on Cipro and it definitely helped within a couple of days.
It could be a fissure. I had one of those a few months ago and I was in tears every time I pooped because it burned so bad. Felt like razor blades coming out.
Until you're able to see a Doctor, would a hot bath help ease the pain temporarily? Maybe taking painkillers before going to the toilet would make the pain easier to deal with?

If it's an ordinary fissure, daily salt baths and some vaseline up the bum before you try and poo will help, but if it's something else hopefully your Doctor can find a treatment that works.