Severe left sided pain

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Apr 27, 2012
I'm having severe left sided pain mainly in the upper quadrant but also a few inches passed by belly button if that makes sense? It can also be felt in my back. Just wondering of anyone else has experienced this and what it could be. I thought eating made it worse but the past two mornings I've woken up with it at its worst prior to eating that day. My DX is IBD undetermined type. I'm still using the restroom so I know it's not a complete obstruction but don't know what else could cause such intense pain. It's a 8/10 constant pain with waves of 11/10 pain.
I actually am experiencing this currently. I went to my doctor on Monday and found out I have a kidney infection. Now it's 4 days later and still no relief so my doctor has switched my antibiotics and told me if I'm not better in a day to go to the ER and have them run a CT.

Kidney infections cause pain in the back and can shoot around to the front. But also, so can kidney stones.

Either way, get in to see a doctor please:)

Anyway good luck! Please keep us posted on what is going on !!!!
Sorry you're going through this too! I know all about kidney infections and stones unfortunately. I was first diagnosed with them a year and a half ago and since then have had 11 surgeries. I actually just had a stent removed last week on my left side but this pain is different. I've had a complete blockage/stricture on my left side before which required a nephrostomy and later a portion of my ureter removed. This pain is just as severe but more so in my front than in my back like stone pain. I feel like doctors see my history of stones and automatically think that's what it is (I was hospitalized for a week two weeks ago an had another procedure which showed no stones on my left side just stretching of my scar tissue because I'm also pregnant) and ignore the possibility of it being IBD related this I don't get better. Maybe it is my kidneys I don't know I just know it hurts (like call an ambulance hurt because I cant walk to the car to go to the ER).

But anyways...I'd def get a ct scan. Stones can become infected and cause kidney infections which can cause damage to your kidneys.
Hey I did go for a CT scan. It was clear no stones. Then, a repeat urine culture showed no bacteria in my urine. The CT scan did show inflammation in my colon. Now I'm also experiencing right side pain. I'm so frustrated! Good luck to you too!!!

Please let me know what you found out!
Hey I did go for a CT scan. It was clear no stones. Then, a repeat urine culture showed no bacteria in my urine. The CT scan did show inflammation in my colon. Now I'm also experiencing right side pain. I'm so frustrated! Good luck to you too!!!

Please let me know what you found out!

Glad you don't have stones! That stinks about the inflammation tho are they going to change any meds for you? I'm still waiting for answers

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