Sharp pain above and below my belly button

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Jul 7, 2010
Okkk so you all know I've been puking and all that fun stuff recently. My doc gave me some phenegran to help with the nausea. My bm are becoming a little formed and the bleeding has stopped for now. But I still have the weird feeling like somethings in the way? Ill eat and then have to go to the bathroom so I will push so it will come out but I get this sharp pain above and below my belly button and if I push I get sick and start throwing up. Its like only some food goes through and the rest I throw up. Really weird. Going to gi tomorrow just wanted to see if anyone else has had this!
I'm sorry to hear about your pain and throwing up. Yeah certain foods I eat it seems like I have to get to the bathroom as fast as possible because I throw up so now I just keep a trash can or something by me so I don't have to run. Or either I'm not throwing it up I have to go to the bathroom immediately after I eat. I'm not for sure what causes it I see my gi Monday and I'm going to ask him but I don't have no pain above my belly button just in stomach and right side. I hope things get much better for u and I'm sorry I wasn't any help to u just letting u know I do about the same thing...:(
Seems like some sort of blockage to me, I've had that before. Don't really have an answer to that though I had my surgery a couple days after that with a complete blockage.
Sorry to hear your not great. I have never suffered with this either I am afraid, but hope your GI gets you sorted ASAP. Wish you well

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