Sharp pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 13, 2011
Hello, I am currently undiagnosed but just had a pill cam to check for crohns.

I wrote about this under the undiagnosed forum but no one really knows what it is either so I decided to see if anyone else may have any advice for this pain. I have been having sharp pain that goes from right abdominal area under the ribs and it radiates to my right side and right back blade. When this pain occurs it hurts to breathe in deeply, laugh, move, and sleep. It actually woke me up just now from sleeping and i have a heating pad on it, but it's not going away. This pain comes and goes, but lately it's been here everyday. It used to happen maybe once a month, now its here a couple times a week! My stomach feels nauseous and the sharp pain is getting to be a bigger deal than what my doctor thinks. I told him about this pain and he didn't seem interested in it and said that's weird, don't worry about it, but it's sharp and usually acts up when my stomach hurts. :( I dont understand.

If anyone has any advice or insight on this, please feel free to respond. It's greatly appreciated! :sign0085:
Hey Sunshine, I would have a colonoscopy to see what is going on. It can show more. Ct scans were useless in my case. Dont let the pain go too long, you can have serious complications and you need help. Sorry not much help. :hang: I too have my gallbadder out. ;)
Pen, That's cool we both have our gallbladder out! I have noticed a lot of people have there's removed! And Thanks, I actually I guess forgot to mention, I've had every test done already, and just did the pill cam! Still waiting for the results though! Maybe that will show my problems! *fingers crossed!* Thanks again! :)
HI Sunshine, That is exactly my problem right now i have the same pain in my LRQ just under my rib cage. Just a little lower toward the belly button area. But i wouldn't let go to long it could be a flare or a spasm in which i think in both cases i think it's not if was a spasm it would be gone by now.i take pain killers for my pain and it helps a great deal. and it doesn't matter what i eat the pain is always there. so, i would go back to my GI specialist if i were you and explain your symptoms to him to see what he has to say. best wishes.
I get this, but have had my gallbladder taken out, too. Mine is worse when I am on the loo trying to go, it shoots straight up! I have pain on the Left side as well. In fact, I have the heating pad on it. I am currently undx as you are.
I had/have the pain too. My GI thought it had to do with my muscular wall and sent me to a pain clinic for a pain shot (sorry, I don't know what the medication was for the shot). That seemed to help right away. I now go and get the shot once-a-month for three months now, and it helps right away, than a little pain comes back, but not as bad as it was. I hope this helps a little!

Oh, if you're interested in knowing what the shot is; I can call my doctor to find out; just let me know!
Hey everyone, thank you so much for all the responses! Like I had said earlier, I did just do a pill cam, and my doctor actually called me this morning, and told me I have Crohn's Disease... So, now I guess I know what the sharp pain is from! :( Ugh... Going to mayo clinic on monday for first round of treatment. At least I know what's causing all of my pain now. Been undiagnosed for 8 years, and finally am now getting diagnosed. It's about time!

Best of luck to you all!

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