Should I attend emergency room?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 21, 2017
Advice Please [emoji4]


Quick run down:
Diagnosed CD September 2017
Pred got me in remission briefly
November - Started 6MP
December/January to now - Issues started again

March/April - Multiple tests later i have several deep ulcers in small bowel and raised inflammation markers

Started Budesonide 2 weeks later no change, moved onto 40 mg Pred on Thursday. Saturday started to feel better then boom Saturday evening worst pain experienced in right hand side and centre. Bloating and a blocked type of feeling. This continues for 24 hours and then starts to ease last night. Today I just have a dull pain in my right side and in my back. I've been to the toilet (passed a small amount) and I'm passing gas. Also have the munchies due to Pred.

Should I wait to see if it improves further or attend the emergency room? I don't want to waste anyone's time at the hospital.

Thanks in advance [emoji1303] Kyle
Advice Please [emoji4]


Quick run down:
Diagnosed CD September 2017
Pred got me in remission briefly
November - Started 6MP
December/January to now - Issues started again

March/April - Multiple tests later i have several deep ulcers in small bowel and raised inflammation markers

Started Budesonide 2 weeks later no change, moved onto 40 mg Pred on Thursday. Saturday started to feel better then boom Saturday evening worst pain experienced in right hand side and centre. Bloating and a blocked type of feeling. This continues for 24 hours and then starts to ease last night. Today I just have a dull pain in my right side and in my back. I've been to the toilet (passed a small amount) and I'm passing gas. Also have the munchies due to Pred.

Should I wait to see if it improves further or attend the emergency room? I don't want to waste anyone's time at the hospital.

Thanks in advance [emoji1303] Kyle
Yes. I would go. Let us know how you are doing. Best wishes.
Does your G.I.department have ab IBD nurse ? If not,I would phone his secretary for advice.Failing that get an appointment with your GP.If you feel you need help,then you do.Write everything down before you phone or go for an appointment,so that you make everything clear.As you're reasonably new to this damned disease it's very easy to worry when new symptoms appear and the doctors should help you with that.I must say.I would be thinking hemmys,especially as you suffer with constipation,but it could also be Proctitis ,and that needs seeing to.Let's know how things turn out.Oh,and welcome to the forum.
Does your G.I.department have ab IBD nurse ? If not,I would phone his secretary for advice.Failing that get an appointment with your GP.If you feel you need help,then you do.Write everything down before you phone or go for an appointment,so that you make everything clear.As you're reasonably new to this damned disease it's very easy to worry when new symptoms appear and the doctors should help you with that.I must say.I would be thinking hemmys,especially as you suffer with constipation,but it could also be Proctitis ,and that needs seeing to.Let's know how things turn out.Oh,and welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the information, I've spoken with my IBD nurse she advised if it gets worse to go to A&E.

I have been keeping a log of symptoms, will keep you posted.

Thanks again [emoji4]
Any updates Kyle? Looks like it's been a couple days since you last wrote. I hope things have gotten better for you, or that you've been able to get a hold of your medical team...
Thank you all for the lovely comments and support! [emoji4]

I had a discussion with my IBD nurse about starting Humira as the Mercaptapurine is not working as showed in my pill cam results, also I have been referred to discuss with surgeon the options.

I needed to go to A&E yesterday due to the dull pain that wouldn't go away. I had a CT scan and it showed inflammation but advised to meet with my specialist today to discuss the results and next steps, so nothing too out of the ordinary showed up... Feel like I wasted their time [emoji20] I shall keep you all updated on what next. Thank you all again! [emoji1303]
We in the UK,well some of us anyway,are always at odds about the right thing to do regarding "wasting the time" of doctors and NHS in general.I know I do.But we have a bona-fide chronic illness and we should NEVER worry about such if we're feeling below par.I hope you get the right meds for you and begin to feel better soon.
Hi Kyle,

I'm also in Sheffield so we probably have the same IBD nurses. I have always found them very supportive and open to discussions about how best to manage my care. They've often had to put up with me sobbing on the phone to them when things were bad. Occasionally it can be a little hard to get hold of them (you can use phone or e-mail) but I have also been able to get help via the consultant's secretary when I needed it urgently.

You're still only very early on in getting this tackled, but stick with it and you'll get there. It often takes a while to find the right treatment for you, and you will probably gather from this forum that you may then stay on that treatment for many years or you may need to change it over time. I'm in the latter category, having tried meds from each of the main groups so far. I was diagnosed seven years ago and, after hitting it with the big guns, I'm currently maintaining remission on one of the milder drugs (which I could probably wean off but I'd rather stay on it than risk a relapse).

There's always loads of good advice and support on this forum.

Best wishes and hope you're feeling better soon.
Hi Kyle,

I'm also in Sheffield so we probably have the same IBD nurses. I have always found them very supportive and open to discussions about how best to manage my care. They've often had to put up with me sobbing on the phone to them when things were bad. Occasionally it can be a little hard to get hold of them (you can use phone or e-mail) but I have also been able to get help via the consultant's secretary when I needed it urgently.

You're still only very early on in getting this tackled, but stick with it and you'll get there. It often takes a while to find the right treatment for you, and you will probably gather from this forum that you may then stay on that treatment for many years or you may need to change it over time. I'm in the latter category, having tried meds from each of the main groups so far. I was diagnosed seven years ago and, after hitting it with the big guns, I'm currently maintaining remission on one of the milder drugs (which I could probably wean off but I'd rather stay on it than risk a relapse).

There's always loads of good advice and support on this forum.

Best wishes and hope you're feeling better soon.
Hi Nitty,

Thank you for your response, I'm under Northern General. It's great to hear from you [emoji4]

The nurses have been great, I was advised to head to A&E if pains persist for more than 30 mins so I did but all seems to be okay so good on that front! Yes, hoping to get on top of it soon and the meds sorted.

Hope the milder drugs continue to work for you and keep you in remission, take care and thank again for your lovely response.

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