Should I be concerned bright green diarrhea

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Jul 1, 2013
My 17 year old son has bright green diarrhea he is going to the bathroom every 10 minutes for the past hour everything just goes right through him he hasn't been himself since yesterday and its not like one of his usual flares. I called his GI still haven't called me back I will call again in a little but I don't know what to do for him please help :sign0085:
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I'm going to tag MLP because I think I remember her saying bright green D was a sign of food stuffs passing through the GI tract to quickly.

Here is an excerpt from the mayo website:

Green Stool: Food may be moving through the large intestine too quickly, such as due to diarrhea. As a result, bile doesn't have time to break down completely.


Hopefully your GI will return your call soon since this is a new symptom for your son.
I hope you hear back from the GI soon!! So frustrating to be left waiting!

Green BMs usually mean food is moving through too quickly. It can also be from iron supplements or certain foods but, since you've said he hasn't been well, I'd be concerned it's being caused by something other than simply food...

Certainly won't help the cause of the diarrhea but, when my son's had d, eating rice seems to help a bit.

I know this has been discussed here before as it's certainly happened with other kids; try doing a search for green stools or coloured stools and you may find additional info. Also have a look in the forum wiki, there's probably some info there as well.

Hopefully, some other parents who have dealt with this will be along.

Yep, the green stool is generally a result of everything happening too fast in the GI tract. I get that anytime I have a stomach flu and when I do prep for pill cam.
Another thought is whether any of his oral solutions are purple. I remember my daughter having green diarrhea when she was having purple pedialyte... It seemed to be how it broke down and returned...
I know your son has been unwell, but is there a possibility he has eaten something with a blue food dye in it.

I hope he is better soon x
I know I am late to this thread. Figured I should mention this though that green poop as everyone else said is a sign of purple food coloring. But bright green poop is a sign of Rotavirus as well. Had that lovely experience last March. Wasn't fun... Not at all. Hoping it has subsided and that no news is good news.
What about C Diff? We just went thru that. Diarrhea was like water. It was dark green after he drank some blue gatorade. But frequent diarrhea was accompanied with severe cramps, vomit, and fever.

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