Should I go tho the ER or wait until the morning?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
I have been having trouble for the past few weeks, ya know when you get to the point that even the "good" foods have you running to the bathroom?

so, today I started bleeding, its not real bright or real dark. It is enough to make it so I cant see the bottom of the toilet, I would say at least 1/4 of a cup with mucus. I also have stomach aches in two different spots, eat or drink anything and a little while later running to the bathroom. How much blood would you expect from hemorrhoids? Or complications from CD?

Thank you in advance for the help!

So, I went and had my Remicade today and spoke to the nurses there about my bleeding. They in turn called my Dr, had wanted me to go to a lab for blood work. I was not comfortable with that so I asked for an appt. Well, his medical asst. said that they "sigh" hers not mine, could get me in late wed or thur. It took three phone calls from the Remicade nurses for her to fax the orders to the lab. So at that point I did go to the ER. Blood work done and the oh so awesome rectal exam. He "saw" no blood there, maybe because its higher up? Anyway, I was sent home no medication changes, no answers, no help. My Hemoglobin was 13.9, yes still normal but, a point lower than normal for me, is one point a big deal? i don't know all I know is I left the ER with no help, no answers and a shrug of the shoulders, literally from the Dr. what'd I do about the fact that even drinking water sends me running to the bathroom and then the bleeding again. Again no answers!

I am beyond frustrated, I don't ask for help much from my Dr but when I do, I expect him be there for me in some freaking way, even if by phone!
Hey, sorry I'm late coming in on this

Do you still have the appointment on wed/thurs to go see your doctor? If so, I would suggest that you make a diary over the next few days of all of your symptoms and what you're eating/drinking. Score any pain from 1-10, keep a record of bowel movements (consistency and frequency plus if there's any blood and how much there is) .
If not, get on to your doctors office personally and let them know you need an appointment to discuss your symptoms, while blood work is helpful in indicating some changes, it doesn't show us everything and it doesn't show why you're suddenly bleeding so much.

Try to drink small amounts if you can, but don't drink too much plain water, try to add some squash or drink small amounts of soda or electrolyte drinks. Drinking just plain water can actually add to dehydration as it flushes out your system. I wouldn't worry too much about food for a few days, try sticking to things like soup and yoghurt (if you tolerate dairy) , just make sure you're staying hydrated.

If you start vomitting, you develop a fever, your pain becomes severe and doesn't ease with normal painkillers, your bleeding increases, or you start showing signs of dehydration (headache, dizziness, dry mouth and throat, temperature etc ) then go back to the ER and insist on IV fluids and tell them to contact your gastro
Thank you for all the responses!

I was seen in the ER once Monday and again on Tuesday. Then my GI today. I was started on
40 mgs of prednisone yesterday. There was some confusion at the ER i guess as my Dr was
really unhappy that no CT was ordered and they forget the fact that he wanted me admitted and he was going to do a few procedures.

His feeling is I have ischemic colitis, if I am not mistaken in 2012 I had the same Dx and was bleeding then. I was in the hospital for 8 days then.

So for now I am going to stay on the Pred taper from 40,30,20 and add Entocort now in hopes that takes over. He is cautious that the Remicade is no longer working due to this flare, so if things don't calm down quickly we will do blood work.

I am under a great deal of stress (husband has pancreatic cancer is now a stage three) and while on the outside I look ok, my insides are a mess. Not good to internalize things!

Thanks for all the suggestions, and any insight into Ischemic colitis along with a CD diagnosis would be great.

Thank you
