Should I risk getting Chikungunya??

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Jan 20, 2015
Hi All,

I'm looking for advice on the possible fall out from a significant viral infection. The virus in question is Chikungunya, which has been rampant in the Caribbean over the past year (I'm new here, so I can't post links, but Google will fill you in pretty quick). It's a bit like Dengue, but comes with serious joint pain that can last weeks or - for some - years. I don't have Chikungunya - thankfully! - but my family have a trip to Jamaica booked in March and we're trying to decide whether to cancel it.

I'm currently experiencing some inflamation in my small bowel which leaves me with occasional cramping, but overall I have little to complain about. I'm on Imuran, and slated to start Remicade to reduce the inflamation and hopefully close up a couple of fistulas that I'd really like to see the end of!

I'm worried that if I were to get Chikungunya I could be in for some real trouble, beyond the direct symptoms of the disease. Is a massive immune response to something like Chikungunya likely to trigger more severe Crohn's symptoms? I (might) be willing to risk the disease itself, but I'm not willing to risk the current relative stability of my guts.

Thanks for any advice!
You should avoid any infection at all costs. I would cancel my trip personally and go somewhere that isn't going to put you at risk. If you get sick it could certainly aggravate your crohns. I've had bronchitis and had to be out on antibiotics that sent me into a horrible flare for months. If you catch this, they will not let you begin remicade until it's cleared out.
I've read some of the news articles about chikungunya - it does sound pretty horrible, and given that us IBD'ers tend to have joint pain already, I would think it's not advisable to risk getting chikungunya. Have you already booked your tickets? Is there a big fee for changing them? Personally, I agree with the people who posted above - if it were me, I would try to avoid it and go somewhere else. I mean, you wouldn't go on vacation to an ebola hot spot, right? Maybe this is just me, but I personally also wouldn't go on vacation to a chikungunya hot spot. Sure, you can take precautions - insect repellant, long sleeves, mosquito netting, etc - but that stuff only goes so far (we have horrible mosquitoes here in the summer and some will still bite even if you've put on a gallon of bug spray and are wearing layers of clothing, so I presume it's similar in the tropics - you can reduce the number of bites you get, but you're still likely to get at least a handful of mosquito bites).

Ultimately it's up to you if it's worth the risk (and worth any costs associated with changing your travel plans). Wherever you end up going, have fun and stay healthy!
We just went thru this whole discussion in our household. We went to the Bahamas in October and were worried about our son. My mother-in-law lives in the Dominican Republic so we were able to get some great info from her. (She has already contracted it)

We decided to go on our trip. I bought some bug spray with high levels of DEET that I brought with us and we applied as soon as we arrived. The highest incidence of contracting the virus is being bitten while sleeping, so I would only stay somewhere that is air-conditioned so that you would not need to have windows open for sleeping.

We did not have any issues on our trip and I don't even remember even seeing a mosquito the entire time we were there. It will change how we plan trips in the future, I know the infection rate is growing and the risk makes me a little uncomfortable.
Thanks all!

The place we're going does have air conditioning, but I wouldn't say it's got air tight windows :) My wife and son are both pretty sensitive to bug sprays and other heavy scents, so we've got that to consider, but I would keep myself well covered.

It's hard to get a good sense of the current state of affairs in Jamaica. It was a crisis in the fall - they declared a medical emergency, exams have been delayed because so many students and teachers missed school - but talk in the papers is all now in the past tense, as though the worst has passed.

Still on the fence, but I'll let you know what we decide!
Only you can decide what is best for you.... but please know that chikungunya (like dengue) is transmitted by mosquitoes. If you take care to protect yourself from mosquito bites -- wear DEET-based repellents, keep arms and legs covered (if feasible), make sure any open windows have screens, avoid lingering outdoors during prime biting hours, your chances of getting chikungunya are much lower. If you have previously traveled to a dengue-endemic area, it's pretty much the same advice you would have gotten.

The CDC website ( has really good information about protecting yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses -- search their website for dengue (it is transmitted by the same mosquito). You can also view the CDC Yellow Book online for any specific travel recommendations for the Caribbean, in general, or Jamaica specifically.

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