Should I wear a mask to visit friend in hospital?

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Nov 15, 2012
My friend is in the hospital and I would like to visit with her. I am on Remicade and wonder if I should wear a mask there while visiting?

I would rather avoid the hospital and germs, but she was the one who sat with me my first night in the ER with a perianal abscess and major crohn's flare the when I actually got diagnosed with crohns, so I'd like to be there with her, if she wants company.
I think it's unlikely to be necessary, unless you know there is a particular risk factor beyond being on remicade.

Also, apparently those paper masks are only good for three minutes anyway - according to my stem cell transplant nurse - so it's probably best to simply practise good hand hygiene (gel in and out of hopsital, whenever you touch anything and don't put your hands near your hands or mouth). And stay away from anyone coughing!

Other than that try not to worry and I'd say go visit your friend and support her - she sounds like a keeper :)
Okay, thanks for the advice! I don't want to go overboard with paranoia - but don't want to get sick either lol
I completely understand the concern and it's only natural to worry - after all we are told about all the risks with our meds.
Yeah , the hand gel and just being careful should be enough, do you not have to go into hospital to have your infusions ?
I had a liver transplant in 1997 and I don't worry about germs at all. You have to live life and I prefer not to make a spectacle of myself or my illnesses. If your friend has pneunomia, wear a mask or better yet, call.

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