Site running slow?

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Feb 9, 2007
site running slow?

Hey guys, is anyone else having issues with the site running slow for them today? I tried to go to the "anything goes" forum and some of the other ones as well and they've been taking quite a while to load in, if they load in at all.

Just curious, thanks :)
I haven't had any problems with the forum. Let us know if it keeps happening and hopefully we can get it back. Thank you
It seems normal to me??? But some days, it does take forver to load certain forums...I usually shut down my computer, and that tends to help.
What type of computer are you using? I'm on a mac, it can sometimes be that I think. I'm not too computer
Mine is running really slow guys... nothing else is running slow so I don't think it's my PC...

Each time I click on a thread it takes about a minute to load up the page?

Lishyloo x
Hey Jeff - I'm running Firefox on Vista and this is the only site that tends to be only running on 1 cylinder periodically. Today has been pretty slow.
I have tried the forum from two sites with two different browsers.

I am pretty sure it is related to the hit tail thing being slow. It seems to be waiting for a reply.

I have no clue what could be causing the slowdown. It seems to be working well for me. I'm trying to see what I can do.
I don't think it's my pc either, or my windows vista, cuz all the other sites I go to are working nice and fast as usual, hubby and son haven't had any issues while on the puter either so it's definitely something whacky with this's weird too cuz normally this site is just as fast as any other I go to.

Apprciate you looking into this Jeff, I hope we'll soon have a speedy recovery from it.

Just a note to let you know, my posts show up instantly, just navagating the site itself has been super slow...logging in is slower too. I don't know if this info will lead you to an idea of fixing it or not, I'm not puter savvy at all either.

Yep having issues too, only today tho haven't had problems before and its only this site as I was just on facebook with no issues. Just taking forever for thread/pages to come up etc... very strange... hopefully it sorts out soon as its very frustrating.
Yeah its running slow for me as well. Im on the laptop running vista and using it in firefox.
I've noticed it's been slow since it was down the other day. I know it's not my computer as it does the same on my laptop as it does at work.
This is my first time on today and so far it's been working great!!!!

Thanks so much for getting back to the speedy site I've always known it to be!!

It's slow again right now.

It was slow for me when Mike asked earlier, then was fine as Pb4 wrote. Now it is slow again, about 20 seconds for each page to load. Like others have written, it's only the forum - other sites are very quick for me right now.
Mine seems to be fine. One thing I did yesterday (and before) when it has been slow is when I click on the down arrow to go to a thread - the top portion of the thread would load, but none of the posts - it would just sit there and think. If I clicked on the round "button" next to the thread title, THEN it would instantly display the entire thread. Thought someone else could try that if they get frustrated and are having the same problem.

Sometimes when I would try to post it would be super slow as well. All seems to be fine right now though.
Yup, currently I'm finding it a touch slower now than early when I was on and posting, but it's still way better than it was yesterday, for sure. My replies/posts are still at quick speed, just the navagaing is a touch slower.

Sorry, it's slow guys. I haven't really felt well enough to post much today but I've been reading. I'm not sick but worn out and so I'm just pretty much sleeping all day, so yall don't worry. Anyways, I was posting to say the site is also running a little slow for me today as well. It's not too bad but I can tell a little difference. I hope everything is back to normal soon.
Ahhh poop, it is suuuuper slow again for me too....Jeff I hope you'll feel better soon...hopefully the site will speed back up again soon too.
