Skipping breakfast

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Jun 20, 2012
Is it really that bad too skip breakfast.
My symptoms are way better if I don't eat for a few hours after waking also after I have my morning bm's I get heaps of pain and cramping eating makes it way worse even easily digestible food like really ripe banana or avocado I tried some oats and even they give me grief so I decided not to eat for a few hours in the morning and it helps.
I also find that if I don't eat in general I'm in a little bit less pain. However it isn't good to loose too much weight, even eating 2000 cal a day I am loosing weight so skipping a meal makes it even harder to get enough calories in. So I would be careful about doing it and keep an eye on your weight.
As Hattie says, skipping breakfast should be no problem, as long as you can fit the calories you need in the rest of the day. Have you tried having a liquid breakfast and seeing if that produces the same results? E.g. an Ensure or other supplement drink, a smoothie or even just juice?
I'm the same way, I generally don't eat breakfast because of the stomach pains I get but end up having a snack around 11/1130. I do try to make sure I'm staying hydrated though, with either water or tea
I do what UnXmas has suggested, I hae a smoothie for breakfast most mornings. My body also really doesn't like solid foods first thing in the morning so a smoothie is the way to go. I typically get up at 6, and just drink water for the first couple of hours while my digestive tract grumbles and wakes up. I make myself a protein/vitamin smoothie and bring it to work with me, and then drink it at my desk once I'm settled in. By that time, I've been awake for a couple hours, and my digestive tract still isn't super keen on solid foods but is just fine with a smoothie. And then I do have a mid-morning snack a couple hours after that, once my body is ready to accept solid foods.
of course you need to skip breakfast as insulin decrease cortisol secretion. also bowel moments are huge in the morning. circadian rythm is destroyed in crohns patients. do not eat until 4 pm and use coffee alone to create insulin resistance so yo do not loose weight.

I am pretty sure that 70% of Crohn's patients can be cured increasing cortisol and catecholamines during the day in a low sugar enviroment and promoting insuline resistance by fasting and coffee, wich also turns off mTOR pathway

In my opinión the increase of immune cells is caused by catecholamines calling in a high sugar cells environment, which changes the correct signals into the cells. In fact every Reumatoid Artrhitis patients got a diferent immune cells signaling that a normal person.

So if you increase catecholamines during the day in a low sugar enviroment you are probably going to reset the bad signal you got and return to a normal state. Probably in one or two years of this diet.

Recently a four years on diabetes type II study has show remisions in peolpe with basdsugar managements in low calorie diets. yes, you can cure diabetes type II fasting yourself.

why immune cells cannot be reprogramed the same way? remember, high bloodsugar + low cortisol and high adrenaline + damage gut line = Crohn's.

So low bloodsugar + good cortisol and adrenaline circadian rythm + probiotics = a chance to cure.

I you are losing weight you are not doing right. Remember.. eat at the end of the day as circadian rythm swich off intestines movements at 22:30, try to sleep, no blue lights at the sunset and coffee alone in the morning.

This **** will Works, I am sure of it. Give it a try.
As Hattie says, skipping breakfast should be no problem, as long as you can fit the calories you need in the rest of the day. Have you tried having a liquid breakfast and seeing if that produces the same results? E.g. an Ensure or other supplement drink, a smoothie or even just juice?

never juice as it increase insulin and increase mTOR pathway and have vitamin c, which inhibits apoptosis of the immune cells.

you need raise your cortisol and adrenaline levels in a low sugar enviroment and swich off the mTOR pathway.

If you fast and you are losing weight you are doing terribly wrong.
I also find that if I don't eat in general I'm in a little bit less pain. However it isn't good to loose too much weight, even eating 2000 cal a day I am loosing weight so skipping a meal makes it even harder to get enough calories in. So I would be careful about doing it and keep an eye on your weight.

you are a classical example of autoimmune patient. probably you eat several times a day, this increase metabolism and maintain a high glucose environment on the cells. Without this meals you will become very tired as your mitochondria is adapted to high sugar levels.

You can eat low size meals but your metabolism never kicks off. The way to slow your metabolism and reach low glucose levels is eating one large meal at the end of the day and decrease sodium and take coffee to try to become insulin resistant (This is a temporal insulin resistance effect that go away with two bananas, is nothing dangerous)
I do what UnXmas has suggested, I hae a smoothie for breakfast most mornings. My body also really doesn't like solid foods first thing in the morning so a smoothie is the way to go. I typically get up at 6, and just drink water for the first couple of hours while my digestive tract grumbles and wakes up. I make myself a protein/vitamin smoothie and bring it to work with me, and then drink it at my desk once I'm settled in. By that time, I've been awake for a couple hours, and my digestive tract still isn't super keen on solid foods but is just fine with a smoothie. And then I do have a mid-morning snack a couple hours after that, once my body is ready to accept solid foods.

terrible... you reduce your cortisol circadian rythm with a smoothie first thing in the morning, not once, but three times along the first hours of the day, and a snack of course... increasing mTOR pathway during all the day and making the immune cells inmortal inhibiting apoptosis....

I do not get it...
I eat almost as soon as I get up, if I don't I get terrible cramps. But if you feel better not eating first thing I don't see why you should, provided of course you manage to get enough calories during the day like the others have said.
how can I get calories safely I don't want to eat crap I like fresh lite food
I keep getting told to either just graze throughout the day or eat a few small meal every few hours so confused just wanna stop the pain and pooping all day.
how can I get calories safely I don't want to eat crap I like
I keep getting told to either just graze throughout the day or eat a few small meal every few hours so confused just wanna stop the pain and pooping all day.

eating every 2-3 hours was a diet invented by bodybuilders to get rid of fat without losing muscle.

This diets gives you an over excitation of the Central Nervous System, lacks of sleep and continous high availability of nutrients in blood and in cells. Very bad for Crohn's patients IMHO.

This diet is probably one of the reason of the bad sleep epidemic and the high consumption of sleeping pills, specially on women. The regulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system needs a huge meal during the day.

The circadiam rythm of the intestines motility peaks in the morning and switch off at night. So If you want to counter diarrhea you need to stop eating (and taking sustances that increase this motility, coffee for example) in the morning and eat heavy at the end of the day. If you want to combat constipation you need to do the opposite.

thats probably why you feel better with no breakfast. Also, fresh food is high on fiber and sugar, very fast digested and could probably elevate your motility.

It sound crazy but if you go mcdonalds and take 3 hamburguers in one time and go to sleep could help you more in this case than eating fresh foods during the day.

Is crazy but Fat people and food adicts usually got less incidence of autoinmune diseases. They have weight problems and coronary, but less autoinmune.

One researcher have show that Gastric bypass increase a bit the Crohn's incidence in the population that get one done. The people who got on gastric bypass cannot eat huge meals in one time... and also get a better insulin sensibility created by the surgery...

Is crazy, but the research in the last 10 years about celular pathways, mTOR and AMPK is changing everything.
how can I get calories safely I don't want to eat crap I like fresh lite food
I keep getting told to either just graze throughout the day or eat a few small meal every few hours so confused just wanna stop the pain and pooping all day.

Hi Ozboz, sometimes no matter what and when we eat we feel ill, so you may want to check in with your doctors if you haven't done so for a while and see if you maybe need some tests to assess your current disease status and maybe a change of meds.

The information about diet and Crohn's is confusing. There's a lot of conflicting advice out there, so don't stress about it, don't try and follow all the advice you read and don't feel you have to go on any extreme diet.

Many people do find eating little and often is easier on the digestive system. Don't have breakfast if it makes you unwell, maybe try a snack mid-morning instead. What you eat will probably matter more than when though. Have you identified anything in your diet that makes you worse?

If you're confused, maybe it would help you to see a dietician? If you need to gain weight you could also ask your doctor for some supplement shakes.

Although foods have different effects on different people, when your symptoms are bad it's generally best to aim for things that are soft, plain and bland as these are easier to digest. Avoid things that are rich, spicy or high in fibre.
Really ripe bananas have higher sugar/fructose content making them desirable by bad bacteria that feed off them. This is especially a concern with individuals with fructose malabsorption.

Avocados contain a form of carbohydrate that bad bacteria also enjoy feasting on called polyols.

Oats and other grains contain a classification of prolamins proteins that are hard for many to properly digest (lack proper enzymes?) and absorb, again these undigested proteins are food for bad bacteria.

Add large amounts of all three of those foods in one meal and you have a nice breakfast to feed your "bad" gut bacteria and give you IBS symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, etc.

I don't think there is any association whether your body tolerates breakfast or not. Nor whether you experience pain because you ate after a bowel movement. It sounds like correlation to what you ate specifically.

Science is a wonderful thing - believe me when I say there is logic behind all this. The rabbit hole goes deeper, but I don't care to derail this into another crohn's/autoimmune disease theory thread.

Sounds like you may have some dietary changes to make. I would look into a low FODMAP diet and comprise your meals of mostly those foods with a high FODMAP cheat item once in awhile. See if your symptoms improve over the next few weeks/months.

We're all at various stages of trying to "heal" which is why we each tolerate certain foods differently.
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Snap @Cat-a-Tonic - that is exactly what I do! I've also read some interesting papers on the benefits of drinking a pint of water before food in the morning, and I've noticed the difference in my skin as well.

For me, breakfast in the morning is stressful - esp when I am trying to get out the door to work. So I opt for the protein shake to make sure I have my essentials en route and I don't fall over on the subway! Then I top it up by either a small sandwich (helps with protein shake digestion) or similar when I get near the office.
If I am stressed, everything goes bad really quickly so the above is my method of managing.
Morning shakes are a great breakfast choice - good suggestion for the OP. I've been hoping to get into that soon once I get a probiotic and my plantain flour arrives. Very effective way to cram a bunch of easy to digest nutrients into a quick powerhouse meal.

I've read a cup of warm water with lemon or apple cider vinegar gets the stomach primed for digestion. Could add to morning tea before a solid food meal. Cold liquids before, during and after a meal are discouraged. Warming food is also ideal for assisting digestion.

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