Sleep aids

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I'm finding that I'm having a hard time going to sleep at night. Part of it is from being achy and the other is from the prednisone. Been going back and forth taking either tylenol pm or a store brand sleep aid. What I was wondering is if any of you take a natural type of sleep aid to help you? If so, what kind do you take? Also, does it leave you groggy during the day? I'm hoping eventually to not even need any of this. But, in the meantime it'd be nice to have something that will work and not worry about becoming habit forming. Thanks.
I haven't used any natural remedies that worked but I have used over the counter sleep aids and Benadryl which don't make me feel groggy the next day. Is the Tylenol actually working for your pain? Maybe you could talk to your doctor about something stronger that you can use at night. They also make you sleepy. I take Tylenol 3 as anything stronger can make me feel sick but there are tons of different ones out there.
I understand. Even when I was not flairing I had troubble sleeping, now with the pred it just seems worse. In the past I have used Melatonin (sp?) it is an over the counter product. It never left me drowsey. I have recently been doing yoga and that seems to help. I also find that if I take my pred dose in the AM, by bedtime I feel that I can relax a little. I bought black out curtins for my bedroom to keep the sunlight out and have made sure the room is completely dark this helps. I also went to one of those bath and body shops and bought some lavander bubble bath. Soaking in the tub helps the belly too so I try to do that some nights. I have tried the herbal teas, but I don't think they do much for me. I finaly broke down and got Ambien. This works sometimes, and sometimes not. I have also tired Restorill, and it does nothing for me. I try to be carefull as I realy don't want to get into taking another med.. for one more thing, so I usually only take the Ambien if I have gone more than 3 nights without sleep. Hope some of this was helpfull. I think my favorite things to do is the yoga, then warm bath.
One of the girls at work takes melatonin and I tried it at one point. Didn't work and it actually kept me awake:( Have taken benadryl and that works too. The tylenol works part of the time and part of the time not. I kinda go back and forth sleep wise that's why I've been going inbetween the two. Thanks for your input.
I know this is going to sound alittle out there but check out this,

See if they have a product like that near you, just couple sprays on your pillow and you fall asleep alot faster. I know people who use it and it works for them. Personally I've used it once when I had alot of my mind and couldnt sleep surprisedly it worked but if your very achy not sure if it'll help.
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One thing that I'm trying out right now is taking some lavender and putting it in a little cloth bag and putting that inside my pillow case (off to the side so I'm not laying on it). The lavender itself is supposed to help you sleep. Aroma therapy and all that since it was mentioned above. I do smell it and it is a tad relaxing. Doesn't keep me up so far. :p

There's a nature type store near me that sells dried lavender by the ounce (The Secret Garden). Pretty cheap really. I bet you could find some near you. I used a cloth tea bag I bought from there as well but you can use any ol' cloth bag I'm sure. Half a handful in the bag is all you need or less.
I've had good luck taking time release melatonin 3mgs and sipping some magnesium water through out the day. Both seem to help me sleep well at night, and don't leave me feeling groggy.

Recall these articles that might be of help. I can vouch for the vivid dreams when it comes to melatonin.

"A brief guide to better sleep"


"Melatonin for high blood pressure?"


...Many people take melatonin at bedtime and are disappointed with the effects. However, a much better way is to take melatonin several hours before bedtime, e.g., take at 7 pm to fall asleep at 10 pm. Don’t think of melatonin as a sleeping pill; think of it as a sleep hormone, something that simply prepares your body for sleep by slowing heart rate, reducing body temperature, and reducing blood pressure. (You may need to modify the interval between taking melatonin and sleep, since individual responsiveness varies quite a bit.)

I also favor the sustained-release preparations, e.g., 5 mg sustained-release. Immediate-release, while it exerts a more rapid onset of sleep, allows you to wake up prematurely, The sustained-release preparations last longer and allow longer sleep.

The dose varies with age, with 1 mg effective in people younger than 40 years, higher doses of 3, 5, even 10 or 12 mg in older people. Sustained-release preparations also should be taken in slightly higher doses.

The only side-effect I’ve seen with melatonin is vivid, colorful dreams. Perhaps that’s a plus!
Just a heads up, most sleeping pills will make you feel groggy and even more worn out the next day. In order to feel well rested we need REM sleep and proper sleeping patterns and although sleeping pills help you fall asleep, you really never reach the proper stages required.

Relaxation is key. I would try things like a warm bath before bed, chamomile tea, etc before going to sleeping pills. Another little random fact, the color of the light coming from the back of a computer/laptop screen is actually said to trigger parts of the brain that can cause you to stay awake.

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