Hi, I've been battling crohn's since 2012. I was diagnosed at just the age of 17 right after my high school graduation. After almost two years worth of different medications failing and hospital visits. I was sent to the ER to get my intestine removed. I had my small intestine removed in January of this year and I have a few questions as to if what I'm experiencing is normal post-op. My stool is sometimes slightly formed (loose), sometimes liquid and very seldom formed. I also use the restroom frequently still. My stomach still makes gurgling sounds while digesting food and I was wondering if this is normal? My surgery was almost 4 months ago, I am in no pain, I have no more vomiting, I've put on about 10 pounds which put me back to my normal weight, and overall I'm feeling well. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had a resection and could give me some insight or if this sounds like my surgery was successful. Thanks!