Small Bowel Resection in January 2014. Can someone help me out by answering a few questions?

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Apr 28, 2014
Hi, I've been battling crohn's since 2012. I was diagnosed at just the age of 17 right after my high school graduation. After almost two years worth of different medications failing and hospital visits. I was sent to the ER to get my intestine removed. I had my small intestine removed in January of this year and I have a few questions as to if what I'm experiencing is normal post-op. My stool is sometimes slightly formed (loose), sometimes liquid and very seldom formed. I also use the restroom frequently still. My stomach still makes gurgling sounds while digesting food and I was wondering if this is normal? My surgery was almost 4 months ago, I am in no pain, I have no more vomiting, I've put on about 10 pounds which put me back to my normal weight, and overall I'm feeling well. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had a resection and could give me some insight or if this sounds like my surgery was successful. Thanks!
It sounds as if you should be talking to your GI, do you have a follow up appointment soon?
If not give them a call and ask the questions of them
There may be other forum members with similar experiences and hopefully will visit this page with their input.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
If you have had your Terminal Ileum removed that may explain some of your symptoms. The urgency and loose stool is due to losing the valve, also you may not be able to absorb bile salts properly, which will make your stool more liquid.

I had my 4th surgery in January too and have been experiencing this. My GI gave me a medication called Questran, which helps with bile salt absorption.

Keep in mind also that it can take up to six months to a year for things to settle down after surgery.

Good luck and best wishes!
Hi there

If you had the end of the small intestine removed, then that would probably explain a lot. I had the end of the small intestine and the beginning of the large removed, and it took about 6 months for things to get back to normal for me. Everyone is different, some people find its quicker and some people find its longer.

There may also be a problem with the absorption of bile salts now that a section of intestine has been removed, this is a common issue and is usually rectified with the use of medication such as questran. I would talk to your GI about it when you next see them, but if you have no pain and you are gaining weight, I would say that's a good indication that the surgery was successful.
Hey there. Just to add to all the good points the others have made, I still have issues with loose stools and a noisy gut, but it tends to be if I overdo the fatty and high sugar content foods, so having a look at your diet might help.
I had a small bowel resection and now my stomach sings to me constantly. If you are having no pain, then that is a good sign. I had a relapse but not sure whether the singing has anything to do with it.
Ask your doctor about Questran / Cholestyramine (not sure of spelling). I was in the same boat after my surgery and finding the right dose of it fixed my D as it was the only problem I had post surgery. It's a cholesterol medication, but also helps make you much more regular.
Play with the dosage. I found one package a day was stopping me up too much but a half pack was perfect. Good luck.