Small Bowel Series RESULTS--Please help w. interpretation

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Mar 31, 2011
I got my small bowel series results from the radiologist. I don't meet with my GI until Thursday, so I dont' quite know how to interpret them or what they might indicate. I'm undergoing testing for Crohn's. My colonoscopy and biopsies were clear. I've had Crohn's type symptoms for 8 years including bloody diarrhea. I also have many of the extraintestinal Crohn's symptoms including uveitis, cankersores, joint problems, and I've had my gallbladder removed.

This is what the report says about the small bowel:

The dudodenal bulb distends relatively well and no ulcer here is noted. The remaining proximal and mid small bowel exhibits a normal course and caliber. Contrast material reached the colon within approximately one hourof contrast administration. The cecum is not as deep within the pelvis as on prior CT. The terminal ileum never fills well despite serial fluoroscopic evaluation. There is linear appearance to the contrast column in this region. No discrete ulcer, however, seen.

IMPRESSION: The terminal ileum appears abnormal on the current exam, never filling well. This certainly could be related to inflammatory bowel disease.

What does this mean, in light of my having a clear colonoscopy? Does this indicate I do have Crohn's, even without ulceration present? I also have an elevated sed rate, but I have psoriatic arthritis which might account for that.
hello kdlalib
Crohn's often is found in the terminal ileum and I would think from the description you have given that it might be crohn's.The radiologist is saying that the finding is one of inflammatory bowel disease,
Biopsies are not always accurately taken from the site although the operators do the best they can.
I am sure you will receive clearer details when you see the GI.
hope this helps

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