So disapointed in myself and in so much pain

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi all so had my colonoscopy yesterday, i feel so frustrated with myself and so angry at the same time, i could not tolerate the pain when they were doing it so they could get no further than my cecum, they originally found inflammation in my small intestine so i was really hoping they could find it again there but i could just no longer tolerate it after maximum sedation i was getting so distressed that my heart rate was flying through the roof and i was trying to pull the tube out with the doctors holding me down, i am now in so much pain just at the side of my belly button even just touching it i am literally jumping with pain i am wondering if i have caused anything, all i can taste is blood in my mouth and have vommitted alot today i am just not feel so good today. Any advice
OMG, I'd go to the emergency room. None of that sounds normal and you should be seen right away. How horrible. Please go to the ER.
Im trying to hold it out for tomorrow to see my G.P im just getting in a lot of pain and discomfort im just not sure if the sedation is causing me to vommit or its the pain im just not feeling right and get sharp pains also in my back
I agree, ER now, not later. Plus waiting for GP they will order tests not do them right then and there. I think you need right now for testing, and relief. Go please!
Pain can also cause vomiting. As for the sedation, I don't know, it varies from person to person and some people can handle high doses of it with little effect. Have you had problems like this before with being sedated? Can you call your GP and ask them what you should do? They may suggest the ER instead of waiting. I don't know, none of what you mentioned is normal for a colonoscopy. Sure people can be in pain but tasting blood and vomiting constantly isn't normal and definitely not THAT much pain. I'd still go to the ER but its up to you. At least call your GP and let them know.
No i had a colonoscopy before when they were taking biopsys for crohns and i was being treated with steriods which is why i think i tolerated the pain more for them to go further, but this time i havent had steriods for over a year now and they are still not sure if it is crohns but i could not let them get past the cecum as i was just in to much pain i felt sick afterwards and vomittin last night but its just been today i woke up and the pain hit me, literally on my belly buttons if i touch it there is alot of pain that makes me want to throw up and i can just taste blood now and again but the vommitting has been around 7- 8 times just feeling like im so hot and sweaty
What if they punctured your intestines by forcing it? Leaking and infection of that sort can cause vomiting as well. Although infection may take longer to set in but I'd still be worried about it being torn and tasting blood still isn't right. I'm still pushing for the ER.
Yea please get to the hospital, a hole your intestines is nothing to play with. good luck!
Dear Porter: I'm in the camp that thinks emergency room use (for my own case) is to be reserved for situations that are potentially life threatening (and preferably only visited when instructed to do by a health professional). I have an "educated hunch" that your case fits my stringent personal rules for emerg visits.

PLEASE consider going to the emergency room if your GI appointment is not within the next several hours or if you feel your symptoms are worsening. My (very limited) understanding is that your level and kind of symptoms may indicate a perforation. Some of us have very twisty bowels that can be perforated if a scope is tried to be worked through more or less blindly (when the intestine is so twisty that they can't really see what's up ahead). Sure, it's statistically more likely that you are experiencing after-effects of your ulcers being poked and prodded by the scope, but statistics aren't going to save your life.

ps: You did not do this to yourself. When you are in dire pain and the pain cannot be managed by sedation -- what else are you going to do but try to make sure the care providers get the point that it needs to END now?
ps: You did not do this to yourself. When you are in dire pain and the pain cannot be managed by sedation -- what else are you going to do but try to make sure the care providers get the point that it needs to END now?

Agreed. Many tests can be uncomfortable or painful but no one should be basically tortured like that against their will. Something similar happened to me and the doctor and nurse tried to play it off that a lot of people do and say things while under sedation but won't remember anyway and are usually fine after wards. They're lucky I was fine after wards because I was ready to sue.
Please Porter, don't be angry with yourself. It's not your fault. You got substandard care! In my personal opinion. Endoscopists need to be aware when their patients are in pain and back off!

Good luck with the ER!
You shouldn't be angry, it's not your fault! From your post, I'd suggest that you go the an ER ASAP, as everyone as mentioned! Doesn't sound too normal to me.. :(
Please report back and let us know how you are doing!

I hope that you did go to the ER. Better safe than sorry.

Good luck - Amy
How did things go? And when you're feeling better please please consider making an official complaint, what they put you through was appaling and you do not have to put up with it.
Hi everyone so i went to the hospital and they basically said it sounds like i have gastroenteritis at the moment, they have gave me some tablets to calm down the vommiting but he did notice that my bowel sounds were quite quiet he said it may be down that the fact my bowel has nothing to digest seen as im vomitting but he said if i havent been to the toilet by monday i need to call my gi up to report it, also if my sickness has not calmed down by sunday then i need to go to the hospital.
No they have just requested a blood test as they said i have large dark circles round my eyes but they did say they will order some blood tests and xray if i go in tomorrow which is likely to happen as im still vomitting
I don't want to alarm you but, that sounds like a blockage. That could also be a reason your doc couldnt get very far in the colonoscopy. The reduced bowel sounds, no BMs vomiting, pain.

If you don't feel better PLEASE go back to the hospital, maybe even suggest you think you have a blockage or they got a hole doing the scope or have your mom suggest it if you are young.

Try to take care of yourself and relax as much possible.
wow that sounds like a very horrible situation. Make sure you leave no stone unturned.. if you dont feel better within even the next few hours i would go back again. cant mess around with your health. hope you find some relief soon and feel better!! keep us posted
All they ordered were blood tests after you told them what had happened to you? Boggles my mind.

I'd report it to the GI and go back to the hospital (or a better hospital if there is one near you). Blockages are very dangerous or any damage that could have been caused during your scope. My great uncle went in for what he thought was a stomach flu and it turned out to be a blockage. He was in ICU for a week after they preformed emergency surgery. I hope you get this sorted out soon.
I would think they should order a X-Rays and/ or a CT scan of the abdomen. Good luck Porter. This is awful.
Poter89 why don't they knock you out for a colonoscopy? thats crazy laying there in pain the Dr can't even do his thing if youre moving around,get well soon were pulling for you.
They did sort of knock Porter out, at least they used the same stuff they use on everyone else. I forget what the name of the stuff is but it relaxes you enough so you aren't uncomfortable yet aren't fully out so you can move around when the doctor asks you to. Its also supposed to make you forget what happened during the procedure. Versed was it? Anyway, they're only allowed to give people so much of it and it sounds like they gave Porter the max dose and couldn't legally give anymore. Some people have a higher tolerance than others and for some people, it doesn't work at all. The doctor still should have stopped the procedure before it got to that point rather than forcing something that obviously wasn't getting in. Patients aren't meant to remember what happened so some doctors are rougher than others which is unfortunate that they're allowed to have a practice in the first place.

Did you go back Porter and get any tests done?
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I have been knocked out fully for both colonoscopies, even with conscious sedation.

I made a quick edit just now in that post.

"Some people have a higher tolerance than others and for some people, it doesn't work at all."

So to me it sounds like Porter is one of those people where sedation gets complicated but theres no way for the doctor or even Porter to know that unfortunately.
Hi everyone i went back to the hospital after talking to my gi she wanted me to go for an xray so i did and they said that i was perforated which is kinda good news but im still vomitting and having pain etc, my gi wanted to keep me in but i said no id rather see if i could take something and see if it worked they gave me buscopan but it still not worked so i think i may have to go in, she also said that maybe its the colonoscopy that inflammed it more.
Wow I knew something was very wrong going on by your symptoms. I hope you start to feel better soon.

I know colonoscopies get my guts in knots, it never goes well for a few days afterwards. Keep an eye on yourself, a perforation is nothing to fool around with.
Hi everyone i went back to the hospital after talking to my gi she wanted me to go for an xray so i did and they said that i was perforated which is kinda good news but im still vomitting and having pain etc, my gi wanted to keep me in but i said no id rather see if i could take something and see if it worked they gave me buscopan but it still not worked so i think i may have to go in, she also said that maybe its the colonoscopy that inflammed it more.

Did you mean that you are perforated or did you mean to say that you are NOT perforated?
If you are perforated and they want to keep you in just do as they say! It really isn't something to fob off thinking you can take care of it at home.
I learned the hard way a few times and ended up in a worse state and spending much longer in hospital than I would have needed if I had just listened to their advice in the first place. The beginning of this year I almost made the same mistake again, only this time it could have been fatal! I was in hospital for a few weeks after beeing real ill for some time, had been fed via NG etc, started Humira and was feeling better, day I was due to go home I had bad trapped wind like pain that wouldn't go so they wanted to do a CT scan but I was so set on going home finally that I was on the verge of telling them to forget it, I'll take something for it at home, I'm out of here! But it was then I remembered, hang on, this is why I ended up here for so long in the first place, so I let them do it.... and a good job I did too! Otherwise they wouldn't have found the Abscess ready to burst on my Colon and I probably wouldn't be here now.
OMG! I didn't know what perforated meant so I just looked it up. That's life threatening. If your GI wants you back in the hospital I hope you get back in there if you haven't already. You need help since your symptoms have not changed.
Hi everyone sorry if I got you mistaken I meant to say I'm not perforated the xray come back normal which still doesn't help me out to no what's going on, diareah is getting a lot worse and more painful when I go it relieves it a bit then builds up and I have the horrible loud gurgling noises with sickness I just don't no what to do the buscopan hasn't manged to control the pain either
Sounds kind of like a blockage of sorts (inflammation/narrowing causing you to back up). Didn't your GI say that if the buscopan doesn't work then to go back to the hospital? I'd still go back since your symptoms have yet to improve and they should have a while ago if all you had was a normal colonoscopy.
Hiya, my colon socopy they only got the ceacum as when they were trying to get in into my small bowel it was absolutly hell, this is where inflammation was found first in the terminal ileum and it just felt so painful, obviously i didnt no how far along they was in but i just knew that it was to painful to carry on, im just wondering if it is inflammed that my body was telling me to tell them to stop. I am thinking about going back to the hospital as i was sick yet again at work today
I really hope that you do. This may not have even been caused by the scope but its definitely something that needs to be addressed ASAP. We're all worried about you.
Hey Porter, I had a scope one time that sent me over the edge. I ended up in the hospital for about 5 days because of the pain and vomiting that followed my procedure. No blockage, just a lot of inflammation and pain. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Porter: I had the exact same thing a year ago. I was under anesthesia though, but they told me they couldn't even get the kiddy camera through my illium it was so inflamed. I also had a dozen mini ulcers in my colon. They put me on prednisone, flagyl, and one other antibiotic and that combo did fix me up pretty good. Don't let it linger though, I was told I was maybe a week away from needing surgery, if I had come in any later.
Porter: The loud gurgling sounds are a sign of a blockage. Get back to the hospital. Even if your colonoscopy was clear that may only mean the problem is in the small bowel. Did they do a abdominal CT scan?

Don't let this go on too long.

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