so fed up im speachless
you know when you reach that point when you dont care what happens.. and you just go through ya days like a zombie not really caring!
so fed up at the moment. i dont feel anything, itsd like im numb.
i feel so tired constantly, achey joints, stomach ache and nausea and having a mix of D and constipation! it sucks!
college are really piling the work on i havnt got enough time to do it all. ive got 3 part time jobs one which im quiting after christmas. the other i work at claires and my boss keeps giving me way too many hours even though she knows the situation with my health. i got a text today from a girl i work with asking if ican cover her shift next thursday.. but she ahs already spoken to my boss about it and arranged for me to go in at 5 instead of 4 cos ive got college. even though they all know ive got to go for the capsule endoscopy next wednesday! im going to be exhausted from that cos ive gotta be up at 6am and wont be back until late. and they jsut expect me to work when i told them i dont know what would happen?! and the other job i do Virgin Vie and tats the fun job that i dont mind
i keep snapping at my mum and i dont mean to so i feel really guilty. my boyfriend wont stop fussing.. or trying to get me in bed! n he still jsut doesnt get it.. its like he listens.. but doesnt really listen.
im so fed up with it all.. when will it ever end

you know when you reach that point when you dont care what happens.. and you just go through ya days like a zombie not really caring!
so fed up at the moment. i dont feel anything, itsd like im numb.
i feel so tired constantly, achey joints, stomach ache and nausea and having a mix of D and constipation! it sucks!
college are really piling the work on i havnt got enough time to do it all. ive got 3 part time jobs one which im quiting after christmas. the other i work at claires and my boss keeps giving me way too many hours even though she knows the situation with my health. i got a text today from a girl i work with asking if ican cover her shift next thursday.. but she ahs already spoken to my boss about it and arranged for me to go in at 5 instead of 4 cos ive got college. even though they all know ive got to go for the capsule endoscopy next wednesday! im going to be exhausted from that cos ive gotta be up at 6am and wont be back until late. and they jsut expect me to work when i told them i dont know what would happen?! and the other job i do Virgin Vie and tats the fun job that i dont mind
i keep snapping at my mum and i dont mean to so i feel really guilty. my boyfriend wont stop fussing.. or trying to get me in bed! n he still jsut doesnt get it.. its like he listens.. but doesnt really listen.
im so fed up with it all.. when will it ever end