So much pain Gerd.... IBS... Chrohns..

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May 23, 2012
Through most of my life I've had bowel pain it was especially bad at school, whereby even when my bowels were on fire I held it in because I was scared of being bullied near the toilets. As an adult there was the situation with a bout of what we believed to be food poisoning with the feeling that my bowels whereabout to burn away to nothing, I was in tears praying for help. I was rushed into hospital and from then through the months it became difficult to eat going from 14stone to 8 stone. They told me I had IBS and to stay on bland foods which didn't help at all, The only way it came back to normal health was relying on oven chips with low fat.

Although my weight improved I still had moments of flare ups with me on the floor holding my bowels screaming in agony!.

When I became 30 I started to get upper stomach issues located underneath the sternum, constantly feeling as If my upper area was being cut from the inside. They said it was heartburn and gave me ranitidine to take once a day, I was still having attacks and had to raise my bed although it got slightly better it will still had moments of severity. I went to the gym and tried to get my fitness up and some muscle strength and again my life took a down hill turn.

Stomach pain, bowel pain burning diarrhea and they put me on pantoprazole to take twice a day. Ended up having a camera down my throat and they said it was a small HH and shouldn't cause the issues. I became afraid of eating and kept on having these attacks underneath my sternum upper stomach when at it's worse makes me want to cry and the irritation makes me cough. I had another camera and I was told I had Duodenal Ulcers 10 small ones and the bowel issue wasn't related it was IBS!.

It got worse in my upper stomach (pain) they ended up giving me tramadol which I can't take because of the severe nausia and sickness, paracetamol doesn't work and codiene doesn't work either. I was told I needed to go into London to have a PH probe which is 100 miles away but there is a huge waiting time, they kept on getting dates wrong and being autistic need someone with me. When I get this pain attack in my upper stomach it affects my breathing it feels like my entire stomach area to chest goes tight yet my lungs have been tested at 100%, my heart is spot on, my kidneys are good.

The last four weeks my bowels kicked off again, I had no stools for 7days then severe diarrhea for another 7, my bowels where burning especially on the lower left side. Through most of my life I always pass stools with mucus but this time it was full of it and sometimes my stools came out yellow and it was incredibly acidic my bowels felt like they were burning away. They calmed down and I stopped going for three, the other night huge flare up I was shaking... sweating... crying in agony!.

Taken into hospital both my GP and hospital are saying it's most likely either chrohns or colitis and waiting for a camera to go the other way up. So all this time it wasn't IBS.

However tonight the pain in my upper stomach near sternum is too much, I'm in so much pain the irritation is causing me to cough. I've already had my ppi's today, All I've had is egg pasta and salmon with some no lactose rise pudding. I'm in so much pain I can't even lay in the bath.

All my gp's and hospital staff keep throwing these ideas out and I wait months and months while my weight keeps going down. I have no life and I can't find pain medication that actually works and doesn't make me want to vomit everytime I stand up.
I'm so sorry that you are going through this :(

So you are in the hospital right now? When did they say you'd be getting the scope done?

I really hope you get some answers soon! Unfortunately, a lot of times it is hard to get a Crohn's/colitis diagnosis :/ Hang in there!!
Came out of hospital today, waiting to have colonoscopy appointment I'm in so much pain tonight, Thank-you for your reply
I'm so sorry for what is happening to you, I hope that with a clear diagnosis through the colonoscopy you would get proper treatment. Try to drink peppermint tea, rest and please try not to stress yourself. Keep us updated!
Hello Neil,
I feel your pain and am so sorry you are having such a bad time.
It looks as though you need a really good gastroenterologist to
give you the help you need.
St Marks Hospital in London is an ideal hospital for your kind of symptoms.
It certainly looks as if you have some symptoms of Crohns and it is a bit shocking that you are suffering like this.
If the pain continues you should go back to the emergency department for some help.
Hoping you will soon receive the treatment you so need,
Feel better soon
Hope you can find relief soon. What you're going through is something I can definitely relate too (although I seem to be in denial that I even have crohns). However, what you describe is exactly what I deal with or have been dealing with. The pain makes it seem like other organs are being affected. I had my kidneys and heart checked too. My crohn's started off in my stomach area and just started to radiate out. I have yellow stools too but its only if I eat foods I'm allergic to. Otherwise if I stay away from the foods I do o.k.--a lot better.

Aloe vera jell might help but I would be cautious and ask your doctor first. The jell helped me for awhile but I wasn't very consistent with it. The latest thing that has helped me (I think I might have posted it in another thread) was deep green smoothie. Kale, spinach, etc. really seems to counteract the acidic stomach. I also have duodenal ulcers. For some reason sardines help and I think its just the fat content. Oh, and adding a heating pad sometimes will help heal the gut because it increases blood flow to the area.

Hope this helps.
Thankyou all wolfem especially for the tip...

Been in agony again this evening, it feels as if someone is pouring tcp on a sunburn and find it difficult to drive, lay down or even sit down without alot of pain, the constant irritation makes me cough. Sardines sound interesting, though I can't understand why I suffered so much after having salmon and egg pasta :(

Still had bowel problems this morning so i'm suffering a double whammy and finding life difficult to carry on.

Although St Marks Hospital in London is an ideal hospital for alot of people it isn't for me it's so far away and the people who run the department endo/gastro have put me through alot of stress they don't answer phones, won't contact me back, get dates wrong and I feel as if they don't care.
Its like a burning pain? That's how mine was. It hurt to breathe. The worst pain I've ever endured.

Anyhow, salmon does the same thing to me. I'm allergic to eggs so I have to avoid them. I have no idea why the sardines work but I guess its just dense in protein, calcium, selenium and omega-3s. I'm surprised I can even handle the sardines. Maybe it was the high salt content.

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
Hi Neil

Just wanted to say Hi and I hope you get some decent treatment soon. I have active crohns in my small bowell about 2/3rds way down and at the jenjumn. It causes me to have a burning pain between my sturnum and belly button. I also get left and right side cramping pain as well, sometimes up to my shoulder. I take gastrosoothe - 2 x 3 per day, 2 x 4 paracetamol per day and tramal as needed. I am also on pred 20 mg , humira and azathioprine for crohns, plus other stuff. I did have GERD and LERD but I had a nissen fundoplication and hernia repair and got it all wrapped in mesh so now I have no more reflux issues. It would be good if the look at your small bowel, my crohns did not show on on standard colonoscopy or the CT - yet I have 9 ulcers that are large. So please keep perserving and demanding treatment. I know that it is hard, frustrating and that it makes life bloody hard to cope with - but make sure you tell the docs that this is not ok, you need a better quality of life. Keep us posted and hang out on the forum - you will find like minded people here.
wolfem it's been difficult to explain the pain as i've had burning before with heartburn this is another level of pain, it certainly feels like ulcerated probably damaged my stomach again with the ibd problems.

Thanks Aura, hope you don't mind me asking but was your bowel pain in the lower left area, below the stomach?
Hi Neil

I describe my pain in my small bowel as being on fire - it's a hot pain. This is located between my sturnum and top of my belly button. I also get some real bad cramping pain and that is on my left hand side of my torso under my ribcage. The other pain I get is on my right side under my rib cage - it is not so bad as the other pains.
Mine felt like someone chucked a machete in my back. The burning and machete-like sensation made it impossible to do anything--especially schoolwork. I would say the burning felt more like fire too, much worse than regular heartburn. They did an endoscopy and it turns out it the damage on the inside wasn't too bad.

Well, hope you feel relief soon. Keep us posted.
i was only dx with crohn's because of my GERD. Crohn's seems to be easier to treat then GERD. ask your doc to change your ppi. It took me several till i got one to do anything. I am now on dexlint along with a mobility medication Dompardone.

warning pepermint can activate heartburn cause it loosens the muscles and that allows acid to move in the wrong direction.
I can't believe it, I had an appointment today to have xray of my bowels with that barium stuff and I miss the appointment I thought it was the 16th of June. Had so much on my plate today and I forget the most important.

Sigh hope they can do a re-book :(
Hello Neil and welcome to the club

I'm so sorry you missed your appointment today. :( Was it a small bowel follow through? Whatever it was, I really hope they are able to reschedule it fast!

Your story sounds so much like mine. My main symptom is pain. Constant pain in the same spot all the time, in the upper left quadrant of my abdomen. It feels like I have been shot, and at its worse it feels like my intestines are being shredded. The pain is AWFUL! It feels like I've been shot. Describing it as a hot pain is correct as well...the spot where I'm in pain is frequently warm to the touch.

I've been on Tramadol for my pain since September of 2010. Before that I was getting small amounts of random pain meds to get me through...hydrocodiene, oxycodone, etc. They all have helped me try and keep a normal life, and I don't know what I would do without the tramadol to keep me comfortable enough to do the things people do so easily. I'm really sorry the pain meds have not helped you. :( Tramadol does make me nauseous if I take it on an empty stomach, and zofran helps me a lot when it happens. I've also used over the counter anti-nausea as well.

It started June of 2010, and I'm not going to bore you with the huge story, but let me just say they at first thought it was a hernia, did surgery, found nothing, then from then until December of 2011 I was doing test after test for Crohn's. They never found anything, even when the tests were when I was in extreme pain. After a normal pill cam I took the situation in my own hands and decided it was time to see a rheumotologist. At that time my ANA was tested, and it came back positive, confirming a lupus-type autoimmune disease. My rheumy diagnosed MCTD based on that test, a prednisone trial, and my giant list of symptoms. Basically they think its the connective tissue thats inflamed, not the intestine itself. They think my GI symptoms (diarrhea, extreme weight loss, etc) is caused by IBS from the inflamed tissue.

I'm glad your doctors are looking for something instead of sticking by the IBS dx. Ulcers would not happen with IBS! Diagnosis of this illness (and others like mine) can be a very long and hard road. Try and be patient and take everything one step at a time!
Thanks. :) My diagnostic journey has not ended unfortunately. They have never found proof of what is really has dodged every test, even though at its worst you can feel it by hand. I'm really close to just asking them for exploratory surgery to figure it out. You are not alone!
Spoke to my doctor today and asked about what's happening with my colonoscopy as i've heard nothing it would be the better option instead of the barium xray. He couldn't find the discharge notes from the hospital it was them that suggested I had IBD and for it to be done. So doctor vernum is chasing it up and i've got to call on Monday. If nothing back from hospital he'll get the colonoscopy booked in..

What's strange though When I spoke to the doctor previously he suggested i had IBS and just gave me pills but what he didn't tell me :ymad: was he spoke to another doctor afterwards and they both agreed it may have been chrohns or colitus. But instead of contacting me they just left it

Ah well I hope they get the ball rolling, had stomach cramp all day today with a back ache! lost so much weight with all this :poo::devil::ymad:. Keeps feeling like a hitius hernia issue then the stomach ulcers playing up, got damn mouth ulcers aswell which come and go week in week out :thumbdown:
Allieinwonder, you sound so much like me! I'm waiting to see a rheumatologist after seeing my 2nd GI, a colonoscopy, endoscopy and other tests, except my ANA came back normal. What have they done for your MCTD???? I have constant fever that doesn't seem to respond to OTC meds, but I've never been given any meds for pain or anything over this almost a year span that I've had relentless digestive issues, that are crohns-like to a T but dont seem to be crohns. I get the feeling I will be dx as lupus or MCTD.
A day and a half of not eating anything at all and a powerful dose of laxative!, cleaned me out good n proper :poo:

Anyway, I had my colonoscopy on monday and they found nothing there wasn't even any inflamation!, however they have taken samples of my bowel and i have to wait 10days for the results, really don't understand it!

When they finished with me I was able to rest and felt abit strange after having few doses of painkiller and seditive, but the odd thing I risked having a Burger King straight after and yet I felt fine :ybatty:.

But that evening I had my usual pantoprazole and I was given some sort of veggy cakes with 3xeggs one on each with a danish swirl after that, within 1hr or less I was in alot of discomfort :sign0085:. I kept on getting really hot, my stomach was bloated out, I could feel my bowels hurting and the heartburn was crazy. Couldn't get a wink of sleep. Next day my stomach was still very sore and my upper chest/sternum area was once again in alot of pain as it has been for all of this year.

Was it the painkiller they gave me that helped me have the burger king straight after?, was it the fact the burger was now in my bowels by evening and causing a chrohns flare up?, was it the pills, the three veggy cakes and eggs or was it the cake. This afternoon I was holding my bowels as they were burning and my upper chest has been killing me all evening.

Think i'll just stop eating and starve :sign0085:
I would have to say it was most likely the burger king that set you off. I know if I ate that I would not fare well. Burgers are greasy as it is and beef can be hard for some people with digestive issues to even digest so it will sit in the gut longer. I would stick to roasted chicken or turkey as they are easier to digest than beef. Hope you feel better soon...

A day and a half of not eating anything at all and a powerful dose of laxative!, cleaned me out good n proper :poo:

Anyway, I had my colonoscopy on monday and they found nothing there wasn't even any inflamation!, however they have taken samples of my bowel and i have to wait 10days for the results, really don't understand it!

When they finished with me I was able to rest and felt abit strange after having few doses of painkiller and seditive, but the odd thing I risked having a Burger King straight after and yet I felt fine :ybatty:.

But that evening I had my usual pantoprazole and I was given some sort of veggy cakes with 3xeggs one on each with a danish swirl after that, within 1hr or less I was in alot of discomfort :sign0085:. I kept on getting really hot, my stomach was bloated out, I could feel my bowels hurting and the heartburn was crazy. Couldn't get a wink of sleep. Next day my stomach was still very sore and my upper chest/sternum area was once again in alot of pain as it has been for all of this year.

Was it the painkiller they gave me that helped me have the burger king straight after?, was it the fact the burger was now in my bowels by evening and causing a chrohns flare up?, was it the pills, the three veggy cakes and eggs or was it the cake. This afternoon I was holding my bowels as they were burning and my upper chest has been killing me all evening.

Think i'll just stop eating and starve :sign0085:
If I were you I would not eat any cake,hamburgers etc. The best thing is to only eat smooth food. As in pureed soup. With vegetables and sweet potato or squash. I would stay away from any animal protein, nuts and beans . So no meat, no dairy. Nothing baked or fried. Only steamed and blended foods. You can have some green juice not much just about 4 ounces a day just to get micro-nutrients. And after a few weeks perhaps you can add Tofu to the diet. After that you might want to try rice. Then a few beans, then nuts.
If you do not blend the food then you should chew really really well.
When you start feeling better then you can try 2 leaves of lettuce really well chewed.
I hope this works. For me I had done that when I was having such pain, and I had added 6 fish capsules and VSL#3.( High potency Probiotic 900 billion cells).
Thanks both :)

How long after having food would you say that symptons flair up? if you ate something that didn't agree with chrohns

EDIT : For cereal I have rice pops and almond milk, that seems to be ok
I agree with the others, I think you were fine because it hadn't hit your large intestine yet. I made the mistake of eating pizza after a colonoscopy, and the mistake didn't hit me for a little while. Everything is empty!

I know you are going to hate me for saying this, but it is actually good they didn't find anything! Yes, if you do have something like crohn's it sucks, but it would be better if you didn't. So just keep on trucking and see what the GI says after the biopsies come back. Patience is really important when figuring out chronic cases!

Hannah, my ANA came back positive at my first rheumy appt. Without that ANA they would have fobbed it off as Fibro/IBS and left it at that....but the ANA intrigued them and they kept going. Right now I am not on enough meds, but I haven't seen a proper specialist since I came back to Germany, so I am on 5mg of pred and 200 mg of plaquenil a day. I know the plaq should be at least doubled. But, bc I'm not on enough meds my flare is hitting me hard, and you can feel my inflammation by hand, and I have a CT scan (my 4th in 2 years, that does NOT make me happy) on the 16th of July. Hoping that the flare will show up then. Feel free to PM me since this is Neil's thread. :)
I agree with the others, I think you were fine because it hadn't hit your large intestine yet. I made the mistake of eating pizza after a colonoscopy, and the mistake didn't hit me for a little while. Everything is empty!

I'm such an idiot then :(, because I get these pains in my sternum area I always got led to believe the problem was higher up and it's gerd related, on so many heart burn meds! but the fact that i felt no pain when eating that burger and they said my bowels looked ok I ate some very junkish food that day. Yet it's hit me really badly last night and most of today, so it's either the Small Intestine or the Large Intestine causing the issue.

I know for a fact that i've had 10 ulcers in my duodenum before, which is the small intestine?, is there a possibility if it not showing chrohns in the results because the chrohns is actually in the small intenstine? or does it not work that way x
Crohn's can be anywhere from the mouth to the rectum. There is no test where the doctor can look directly into the small intestines. Sometimes they can scope a short distance into the small intestine and get an idea of the rest of the small intestine.

Ulcerative Colitis is always in the large intestine.

The duodenum is in the beginning of the small intestines.

I had terrible abdominal pain a few months ago due to GERD . I was on Nexium in the morning and Ranitidine at night. When taking the Nexium it is like playing Russian Roulette. Side effects which are severe abdominal pain can pop up at any time, question is when. So if I can take it long enough to heal my Gastritis then I am fine.

It seems to me that the abdominal pain from Nexium, was really bad when I was still eating meat, fried foods and bread etc... This last time when I took it I had no problem, b/c I ate mainly warmed up smoothies, and blended soups. If you eat food high in Protein like dairy,beans, nuts, and meat it hurts more because the food stays longer in the stomach, it takes longer to digest and pass through.
Cooked vegetables and cooked non acidic fruits, pass through quickly. A safe food for me is sweet potato, blue berries and Swiss chard.
I hope this helps.
If it is your small intestine, you could have a pill cam procedure done to see if it can see the problem. You swallow a camera the size of a pill, and it goes through your digestive system taking pictures. I had one done once they thought it was my small intestines that was creating the issue. The only downside to the pill cam is that it cannot do biopsies.
Regarding the pill cam, also there is a risk it can get stuck and then you will need to have surgery to get it removed. Not that this is going to happen, just that there is a risk, especially if your small intetsines are swollen or irritated.

I believe there is a way that they can scope the entire small bowel, just that it is not done routinely in most hospitals, only a couple doctors have done it. Not many GI docs have the skill to do it. Not sure which hospitals do this, it was only like 2 from what I remember.

If it is your small intestine, you could have a pill cam procedure done to see if it can see the problem. You swallow a camera the size of a pill, and it goes through your digestive system taking pictures. I had one done once they thought it was my small intestines that was creating the issue. The only downside to the pill cam is that it cannot do biopsies.
If it is your small intestine, you could have a pill cam procedure done to see if it can see the problem. You swallow a camera the size of a pill, and it goes through your digestive system taking pictures. I had one done once they thought it was my small intestines that was creating the issue. The only downside to the pill cam is that it cannot do biopsies.

My doctor refused to have me swallow the pill cam. When he did look into the small intestine via colonoscopy he saw severe scar tissue:ybatty::ymad:. He said that there was nothing he could do about that.
The reason I had the scar tissue was due to previous surgery. He said if they remove it it will come back, so I understood that that is one of the risks of surgery.
Anyone know anything about scar tissue please let me know.Thanks
I am same problem too..I am a college student going to graduate in december, IBS makes my life so can I go to work like this? I don't know what I should do.. Is there a way to get better? I am losing hope now...
I am same problem too..I am a college student going to graduate in december, IBS makes my life so can I go to work like this? I don't know what I should do.. Is there a way to get better? I am losing hope now...

Don't lose hope. I have had Crohn's for over 20 years, at least that is when they diagnosed me.
I have had good times and bad times. The best times I have had is when I ate the right food. many Crohn's patient do better on a Gluten free diet. Eat many vegetables preferably cooked.
There are all kinds of diets that people recommend, I think the best ones are when you eat Vegan and Gluten free.
Have your doctor test your Vitamin B levels, also your vitamin D levels.
Read as much as you can about Crohn's, and find a good doctor that you think listens to you.
Had a bad attack last night in my sternum area, then stomach then finally the bowels feel a little sore. My entire body feels damaged today and it started again earlier this evening.

The only thing i've had different over the last two days is Digestive Biscuits, why are digestive biscuits causing me grief there isn't that much in them surely?
Doesn't feel like heartburn feels like someone is slowly crushing my sternum and i'm on pantoprazole twice a day
Do these biscuits have Gluten in them? Gluten is like in the word BROW Barely,Rye, Oats and wheat. If pantoprazole is a PPI then it is possible that what you are having is a side effect of your medication.
You can find gluten free oats at a health food store. maybe if you make some oatmeal with some blue berries and banana in a blender and warm that up a bit that would feel okay? or how about some vegetables all blended in a blender and warmed up like a pureed soup? If your stomach is empty you will have too much bile in there , I think that might hurt too.
Still waiting for my results but after a few days of feeling better my bowels have flared up again right after I noticed my stomach was getting crampy, once again i'm on the :poo:

The only thing i've had different today is Marshmellows :yfaint:
I think it is best to avoid sugar, which is in the Marshmellows. If you want something sweet, perhaps some banana.
I had trouble with sugar. So I weaned myself off of sugar, and started thinking that bananas, dates, cherries etc... are really sweet. Before when I ate foods containing sugar I never liked fruit. Now I love them.
The best thing is to eat Whole Foods, not processed foods.
When I had a flare, with Gastritis etc... I cooked some blue berries with rice meal, and it was great.
Vegetables are usually the best thing, once you decide which vegetable you like cook that or even better steam it and then puree it in a blender with the cooking liquid and have that for a meal.
Do not eat too much, just enough till you are full, that way your stomach will not stretch, and it won't get hurt.
Some people have trouble digesting certain fruit. fruits that are higher in Fructose then Sucrose. My G.I thought that I might have that but I don't. He had me do the FODMAP diet. Once you determinate which fruits you digest best, and determine whether you do better with that fruit raw or cooked you can add that to your acceptable fruits.
The best way to do that is to do an Elimination diet. But that is easiest if done with a Nutritionist.
I really think that for me it was a turning point when I went totally Vegan(except for fish oils) and Gluten Free. I love the foods that I eat, and I have gone into remission(almost). I do not any foods containing sugar, salt or oil. I stay away from all artificial colors and flavors including MSG. MSG is hidden in many frozen prepared meals and packaged foods under many names including Natural Flavors.
Also when I avoid certain foods I really avoid them like the plague.
I found out that I rarely crave the foods that I am avoiding.
Also I take VSL#3 which is a high potency Probiotic. There is a lot of research going on about how Antibiotics are contributing to ruining the good bacteria in the gut which is perhaps contributing to the rise of IBD.
I hope this information helps.
I know it's sounds odd but I wonder if it may be bladder related because my lower half just above the privates is burning constantly when sitting down, the burning is not in my lower stomach. I also have a very dry mouth yet i've had no diarrehea today, the fact that the colonoscopy found nothing visually!

Could just making a bad self diagnoses, this is what happens when you suffer so much and the cause isn't yet found :( :( :(
I know it's sounds odd but I wonder if it may be bladder related because my lower half just above the privates is burning constantly when sitting down, the burning is not in my lower stomach. I also have a very dry mouth yet i've had no diarrehea today, the fact that the colonoscopy found nothing visually!

Could just making a bad self diagnoses, this is what happens when you suffer so much and the cause isn't yet found :( :( :(

I hear you. It is normal to start self diagnosing, when you are in pain.
Can you go to an Emergency room or Urgent Care where they can test your Urine?
If you have a fever then that could be it.

If I were you that is what I would do. A UTI ( Urinary track infection) is very painful, and needs urgent care because you do not want that to get in your Kidneys.
My best Wishes to you.
No fever didn't even have a fever when i ended up in hospital when chrohn's was suspected.... Will see how it is tomorrow and visit docs, The doctors must love me the amount of times I visit sigh :(

Thanks livegreen
Saw the doctor he said bladder was fine no infection, it's your bowels...

I hate my bowels, anyone know where I can a good replacement from ebay :ylol2:
Saw the doctor he said bladder was fine no infection, it's your bowels...

I hate my bowels, anyone know where I can a good replacement from ebay :ylol2:

:lol2: very funny, who knows maybe there will be such a thing in the future.

Hang in there, it takes time to heal.

Have you tried any of the dietary changes?
To be honest I've changed my diet big time since I ended up in hospital that day

It's mostly rice pops for breakfast with almond milk, lunch might be a jacket potato with skinless cut chicken or lactose free chese, dinner it's fish fillets that i cook in rice milk and mash potato. For snacks I eat almond lunch yogurt bars ( gluten/wheat free ) and also gluten/wheat free biscuits. For late food say 4hrs before bed i'll have another bowl of rice pops/almond milk

I really need to eat a higher calorie diet but my body is incredibly fussy what I eat, so any tips would be great!

Oh and on occasions I eat eggs with my fish or lunch
I have to be honest with you I see no greens in your diet to say the least, you need the nutrients, from greens, beans, berries,mushrooms,onions, seeds and Walnuts, Cashews and other nuts.
Potatoes are not recommended by Dr.Fuhraman, they actually exasperate G.I problems,he has a website where you can sign up for a few dollars a month, or for more money, he will help you get your IBD under control, while minimizing the amount of medications needed. I highly recommend him. At least it worked for me. Most people would say well I can not eat greens, but he tells you how to cook it and mill it in the blender etc... Fish is okay, but you need to heal your gut first.
Those almond bars sound to rough on the stomach, you need to cook gluten free oatmeal, soak the almonds(raw unsalted) then mill them in some water in the blender( that makes almond milk, you can pour that directly on your oatmeal or run it through a nut bag. cook some blue berries with that, add a banana.
Here is a link to a discussion about being vegetarian, on this forum. Dr.Fuhrman says vegan is good but high nutrient is what is best. (
livegreen, while general dietary advice is always welcome, there is a dedicated section of the forum for more in-depth discusssions/ debates about a particular Dr/regimen. Neil, perhaps the folks over there could help you out more with that than we can?

Many of us have been undiagnosed for some time and have tried many dietary changes with no luck. Sometimes we have to stick to foods we know are safe even though they are not the best for us. I myself have periods where the only food I can keep in is junk, and while not being happy about it, I decided keeping food in was more important than what I was eating.

Sometimes with an illness like digestive disorders the best thing we can do to get by is stick to safe foods. It's not meant as a permanant lifestyle change, but a temporary measure while the illness is untreated/undiagnosed. Often the only control I have (little as it is) over my own symptoms is sticking to eating my own safe foods. Personally I am not willing trying any type of specialised diet but am more interested in getting through the days without too many problems.
Very true, such as Almond milk and almond yogurt bars have been brilliant, yet your suggestion Onions is a certified no no as is beans because of a gerd, duodenum ulcer issue.

However i'm greatful for the diet advice, thanks :ghug:

What really bugs me about shops and commercial food is how everything including oven chips has paprika added to it!. I thought I was buying just fish fingers in crumb, but nope paprika :ymad:
Hi Star girl and Niel:
Can you please be so kind to point out where that thread is? Or where we can take the discussion there. I am new to the forum, so I am not sure where to find things.
I absolutely agree that Onions are hard to digest specially raw. I had avoided them as well when I had terrible Gastritis a while back. I slowly reintroduced them, first cooked, just a few pieces, I buy them from the freezer section, so that I do not have to cut up a whole onion just to eat maybe 1 table spoon. Same with beans.
When I was having severe abdominal pain in the past I also ate mainly junk, because that is what I could eat. When I found this new diet style I started eating acceptable healthy foods. I am sure Niel instead of eating a potato try having a sweet Potato( Yams or some squash( i am not sure you can get that easily in England, a really great food in zucchini. They are loaded in nutrition. When you give your body the right nutrients then you will feel better, and you will heal quicker.
The body heals most disease on its own, if you just give it a chance.
I used to spend hours of my life reading labels to find the right chips, or whatever, I always had trouble with something, now I avoid 99% of packaged foods.
I think that you know best what you should do Niel, I wish you all the best.
I hope this helps:)
Thanks both ^

I've made myself a nice recepi for potato if you want to use it :lol2:

Mash Potato with Rice Milk and Lactose free cheese and dairy free butter, gives it that extra sweet rice flavour with no lactose
Yeah I would have to agree with Star on this one, this forum has so many different people with different foods that bother them....most here are undiagnosed, so it might not be crohns! But we all have digestive issues. My body pretty much rejects anything that would be considered fresh fruits/veggies, no fiber, no whole grain, no cabbage, no rice, etc. The most safe foods for me is pasta, cheese, and fast food. Even with trying to avoid all of the foods that cause me pain, I'm still dropping weight so fast.....right now I'm at my all time low. Even with eating fast food! :( So suggestions here will probably not be helpful, and I would hate for you to write out all kinds of suggestions and take the time when it might not be helpful for the people in this particular part of the forum. :)