So sick of doctors

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Oct 23, 2012
This is my first time posting I've had crohns since 2001. Ive been up since 4:30am in pain. I'm sick of suffering. I was at the doctor the other day because of it and they refused to give me anything. I understand why..for starters they don't like giving crohns patients painkillers because it slows down your intestines.. two, all the people who abuse the stuff. I always get the story that "your a young guy" or "I don't want to do that to you". I'm not that young, I'm 32 years old and a father. I'm sick of them making me feel guilty for even asking for pain relief and That's after them telling me that "you have crohns your going to be in chronic pain." It's ridiculous!! I suffered before my surgery because I listened to them. They wouldn't give me any painkillers So I didn't take any. I would just lay in bed or sit with a pillow on my stomach in severe pain. I'm not going to go through that again. I'm sick of it! I don't give a crap about the worry of dependence or addiction. There are people that need the stuff!! I don't think that thousands of people should suffer just to stop a few junkies from getting their fix which they will probably get anyway! If they were more cautious about who they were giving the stuff to to begin with this wouldn't be as big of a problem that it is.
Sean I know exactly how you feel. I posted the same thing the other day. I think it just depends on the doctor because I know other crohns patients that get pain medication. I live in an area where the prescription drug abuse is bad so I feel like if I ask for pain medication they are going to think Im just trying to abuse the medication. I have been hurting so bad here lately and none of the medicine they are giving me is really helping. I work two jobs and go to grad school so Im just having to suffer with the pain and like you Im getting really tired of it. Ive told my doctor on multiple occasions that the pain is getting to much and all he does is switch my steroids around or adds some other stomach medication that doesnt help at all. Its a bunch of bull crap.
Hello Sean and welcome to the forum.

I must admit that I do not understand why some docs out there think it is acceptable for people here to live with pain just because they have a chronic illness, to not even try to help ease things for you is awful. Out of interest what meds are you on? Where is the pain specifically and what was the surgery you had to have? Other than the pain are you getting any other symptoms?

Hi Sean, welcome to the forum.
I second everything you say re pain. There is a saying that doctors make the worst patients & its because they rarely put up with any pain without demanding pain killers. Sometime I feel that if they just felt the pain themselves then they would understand & prescribe accordingly. Our lives cant always just stop when pain strikes & we often need a little help just to get through work/study/day to day family life even if its only a temporary fix to a long term problem.
I hope you start to feel a little better soon.
I have to say it makes me feel better knowing im not the only one who has to deal with this crap. To answer a question: my pain has always been in my lower left abdomen and all I take is prednisone because all the other medications never worked for me. I tried just about all the medications that there are. The only one I haven't tried is humira and That's because I did take regicide and it was one of the worst times of my life. I was constantly sick and because of that they wouldn't give it to me. Then they actually blamed me for "missing appointments". Like it was my fault that they wouldnt give it to me and that just fueled the fire because I already disliked doctors and hospitals. I'm just So tired of explaining what's going on over and over again just to get the same crap responses over and over again. I actually have an appointment tomorrow and I'm already pissed off over the responses I'm sure I'm going to get. But on the other hand, I feel a little bad because I haven't seen this doctor yet and I'm most likely going to snap on him. I've done So much research and the result is always the same..none of us should have to sit down and suffer because of some dim wit doctor that has no clue what real pain is.
Try finding a doctor who has crohns. Ask around. I found a GP who has the disease and it made it so much easier to relate. I will pray you find the relief you are desperate for! Good luck:)

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