This is my first time posting I've had crohns since 2001. Ive been up since 4:30am in pain. I'm sick of suffering. I was at the doctor the other day because of it and they refused to give me anything. I understand why..for starters they don't like giving crohns patients painkillers because it slows down your intestines.. two, all the people who abuse the stuff. I always get the story that "your a young guy" or "I don't want to do that to you". I'm not that young, I'm 32 years old and a father. I'm sick of them making me feel guilty for even asking for pain relief and That's after them telling me that "you have crohns your going to be in chronic pain." It's ridiculous!! I suffered before my surgery because I listened to them. They wouldn't give me any painkillers So I didn't take any. I would just lay in bed or sit with a pillow on my stomach in severe pain. I'm not going to go through that again. I'm sick of it! I don't give a crap about the worry of dependence or addiction. There are people that need the stuff!! I don't think that thousands of people should suffer just to stop a few junkies from getting their fix which they will probably get anyway! If they were more cautious about who they were giving the stuff to to begin with this wouldn't be as big of a problem that it is.