So so fed up

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 22, 2011
Hi I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with IBD when I was 12, they still aren't sure as to wether it's crohns or colitis. Since being diagnosed I've been tried on Pentasa, steroids, aziathiaprone, modulin, and the latest is methotrexate. The methotrexate worked for a while but not anymore, so now they're going to put me onto Infliximab, but I have to have a colonoscopy first which isn't for another 2 weeks. This is by far the worst relapse I've had and I can't believe how I feel. I've been in tears most of today as it seems that overnight my symptoms have got considerably worse. I had to leave a job as I was facing a second disciplinary because of all my absences. Then I had just got another one and was due to start in 4 days but now had to leave that! I just kind of needed to vent. If anyone has any suggestions at all on how to ease the pain at the moment, it's intense stomach cramps every time I have to go to the loo. I'm currently trying buscopan and mebeverine for it, and domperidone for my nausea but it doesn't seem to be working. Also your experiences on Infliximab.
Thanks, Kelly x
Hi Kelly,

Sorry to hear the pain you have been through/going through. I too am 20 years old and have suffered since i was around 11/12 years of age. I can't really help with what to recommend taking, but as i have recently found out (as i'm also a new member) that this is a great place to hear and learn from others. I'm sure you will find the support you need within this forum.

Take care

Greg x
Hi Kelly. Welcome to the family. :)

I'm sorry about all the pain that you're struggling with. I've definitely been there. :hug: I'm on Remicade (infliximab) now, and rarely have pains. It has worked very well for me and many others. In fact, we have a great Remicade sub-forum here where you can chat with others who are getting infliximab infusions.

Again, welcome. I hope you stick around and share what you know and what you go through with us. We're all in in together. :hug:
Hi Kelly and welcome. I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I wish I could suggest something to help, but I am afraid I don't have any advice. All I can say is that I hope you will be like the many others on the forum who have had great success with infliximab.

Good luck with your upcoming colonoscopy, and I hope you can start your new treatment soon!
Hi Kelly and welcome :)

I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble. You mentioned they haven't determined if it is Crohn's or UC yet. What tests have they done to try to make a final diagnosis?

I wish you all the best and home the Remicade works wonders for you!