So Tired...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 7, 2009
I am so tired of...

...constantly feeling like crap and pretending I feel fine.
...feeling like it takes a huge effort just to drag my body through the day.
...feeling like I'm going to vomit at any given moment.
...having a sore butt and sore lady parts and wearing a friggin panty liner every day that makes my parts even more sore.
...the awful taste that flagyl leaves in my mouth.
...trying to guess the origin of all of the strange substances, sounds, smells, and pains that are constantly being emitted from my body and wondering which ones to tell the doctor about.

I guess I'm just plain tired of living with Crohn's and needing to vent! Thanks for listening:ymad:

Feel free to add to the list whatever is making you tired!
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I am so tempted to send this to Hubbs, just so he knows like.
Apart from the flagyl (which I've had before and can only take with an anti-emetic) this is soo familiar.

So I'll add:
...gastritis from the iron tabs - more discomfort , and more drugs to combat the side effects of existing ones.
AWww, Shadycat - you sound so sad.
I used to take my flagyl with chocolate milk. The fattiness of the milk seemed to coat it and I only got a teeny bit of the taste. Also - I get a huge mouthful, then tip my head back, then drop it in and let it float down before I swallow. That way it doesn't touch your tongue. Maybe I can eliminate ONE of your things you're tired of.
I'm not tired of too much right now - just saying "LEAVE THE CAT ALONE!!!" to a 5 and 9 year old.
Thanks MBH. I guess I should add that I'm tired of being negative. I'm usually not. Just one of those days, I guess. That's why it's so nice to have you all for support:)

Thanks for the advice on the flagyl...wish I could take it with chocolate milk...but that would create another whole world of problems for me. Milk is a big no-no. Getting the pill down is usually not the's the constant taste that lingers around in my mouth all day long. A minor thing to bitch about, I know. Just something to add to the list:smile:

AND...I know what you mean about the cat...I get sick of saying the same thing to my HUSBAND!
Can you drink soy milk? Or ANY kind of milk that might coat it?
I drink soy with Carnation instant breakfast mixed in, and I bet that would do the same trick.
It's when it touches your tongue that the taste lingers. Get it down the middle without it touching anything - and you're golden!

I want a full report tomorrow on your new pill swallowing techniques, haha!

Your HUSBAND messes with the cat? That's a RIOT! (Not to you I'm sure - but it makes me feel better about the kidlets.)

Oh - and to stay on topic... I'm tired of cooking dinner. I am a terrible cook (well - I do have a few good recipes, but only a few) I hate cooking, it exhausts me. My husband likes to cook, but he is a terrible cook (same thing - a few good recipes, mostly on the man-grill) I hate what he makes, he hates what I make. I can satisfy myself for lunch, but not him for dinner.
That said - we are going out to dinner.
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My Butt Hurts said:
Your HUSBAND messes with the cat? That's a RIOT! (Not to you I'm sure - but it makes me feel better about the kidlets.)

You have no idea! I don't think she will ever forgive me for getting married!

I drink soy milk everyday. I'll try it out tonight with the pill and give ya the report.
Ah Shadycat, I can relate to almost all your points *hugs*. Makes me feel angry just reading them back, grr. Hang on in there!

Pantyliners are irritating, vomiting is even more so and not moving off the sofa for days just makes it that much more depressing.

On a more positive note I do like soy milk!
My Butt Hurts said:
Can you drink soy milk? Or ANY kind of milk that might coat it?
I drink soy with Carnation instant breakfast mixed in, and I bet that would do the same trick.
It's when it touches your tongue that the taste lingers. Get it down the middle without it touching anything - and you're golden!

I want a full report tomorrow on your new pill swallowing techniques, haha!

Worked like a charm for getting the pill down (THANKS), but I did it last night, this morning and this afternoon, and I still have flagyl mouth. :voodoo: Oh well, at least it's keeping me away from those donuts that are sitting in our conference room.
I use key lime pie yogurt to take my preds in the morning... Pred tastes nasty too, but not as bad as Flagyl I'd imagine.
oh, you do sound fed up :( Never tried Flagyl so can't help there, but I can relate to everything else! To add my two pennies worth - I'm tired of putting a flipping face on things all the time when what I really fancy doing is having a screaming tantrum that involves me repeating 'it's not fair', complete with stamping my feet in true 2 year old fashion. Instead, I get to listen to my 10 year old tell me 'it's not fair' 76 million times a day. Oh, and I'm tired of having horrible manky dry skin and rapidly thinning hair - shallow, moi :) ?

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