Solid BM with blood and mucus.

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Jan 22, 2013
My son is having solid BM's 1-2 a day with mucus and flecks of red blood. Has anyone experienced this?
He is on sulphasalazine and lactobacillus. Gripes a little when he passes a motion but is otherwise doing well.
Could he be flaring or maybe a fissure? I feel like I keep wasting the hospitals time because they examine him and, as he always has, appears well with no other symptoms except occasional pain on passing a BM and blood and mucus.
ANY advice welcome x
for Ellie that has become, for the most part, what her "normal" everyday poop looks like even when she's on medication. She takes azathioprine, entocort, allopurinol and pentasa and although we can get her feeling a bit better we can't stop the blood and mucus. Our doctor says that until there is no pain, no blood, and normal labs there is still active disease.
I had a feeling that might be the case!
I wondered As it is solid BMs that maybe it was low inflammation that could be treated with enema steroids?
mummy: that is actually what our doc thought for O a while ago. He said there is some kind of bleeding (I think he called it terminal bleeding) that was acceptable and could be treated with suppository steroids. Could also be a fissure. O has psoriasis down there and her skin is splitting open and causing some bleeding but that is clearly biright red bleeding.

I would call on it and see what they say.
Hi mummygee, the only experience we've had with blood in bm's is when Devynn is flaring. I would give your GI a call and mention it, I hope its nothing. Don't EVER feel like you are wasting the hospitals time. You are looking out for your son's best interersts. Our doctor has always told me to never feel that way (I have four kids so I felt like I was ALWAYS at the doctor at some point). Its always better to be safe than sorry IMO. Good luck and I hope he's feeling great in no time. (((((hugs))))

Yes, always worth checking it out. It is the norm for my daughter too, although she can go a week or so between bowel movements and needs lots of laxatives.

Good luck xx

Right after my son was diagnosed and was being treated with EEN, he had a bit of mucous with specks of blood. We were told the mucous ws indicative of inflammation (at that time, we was just beginning the healing process).

Over the last year, while he has been in 'clinical' remission (but with continued inflammation), he has had one or two BMs with the mucous, but they were pretty much isolated occurrences.

I believe the mucous would be from internal inflammation. If there is just a bit of blood (bright red, ie on tissue) and pain when having a BM, it might be a fissure. My son also had this occur a couple of times - he found sitz baths helped and using penaten cream.

I would also mention it to the GI, especially if it continues... :ghug:
I think from another post of yours.

Your son is only baby? Because he is so young I would get it check out.
My son is 22 months old. We are seeing and in contact with the GI regularly. The only change in his symptoms since we spoke to him last (within a couple of days) is that his BMs are now solid.
The only symptoms he ever really presents with is the blood, my question was really could this just be him?! Do others function like this?
The GI's are very keen to keep a close eye on him because he "keeps throwing them curve balls" and he's the youngest they have diagnosed. Both his GI's were surprised at it being uc in the end, as they'd spent months putting off a scope and telling us it was soooooo unlikely to be IBD because of his presentation!
Everyone here has so much experience I like to see if any of it ties in with my gut feeling on him x
It sounds like your son only has UC in one part of the Large intestine, the rest must be in remission as he is forming solid stools, I think in order to find out whats going on the only way to know for sure is if he has a Colonoscopy.
Theri1. That's what we were thinking, I don't think they'll do another scope so soon after the last.
It's only been three/four months. The first and only scope showed inflammation in 3/4 of his colon, but he had been bleeding heavily with loose stools for months before this, kept being told it was an infection and then polyps. They told us that it was mild inflammation but must be aggressive to present at such a young age (jees thanks!!!!)

I don't know. He's been with my mum and childminder today and they have both said no blood, not sure they are maybe inspecting it as much as me! (oh the joy)!
I don't know. He's been with my mum and childminder today and they have both said no blood, not sure they are maybe inspecting it as much as me! (oh the joy)!

Why does no one else enjoy poop patrol as much as we do? Hubby says, I have elavated it to an art form!
Sorry my son's never had blood as part of his symptoms, so not much idea there. I would imagine, if the blood is mixed in with the poo then it's probably inflammation/irritation in the bowels or if it's just on the outside then maybe its just a fissure and the poo just catches the blood as it moves along. Oh the lovely conversations we have on here! ;)
Hi Mummygee -

I'm not sure our experiences apply since my son is much older and his diagnosis is Crohn's. However at diagnosis he had a lot of inflammation in the colon especially the sigmoid and rectal vault.

He was diagnosed at age 10 and had severe constipation which all his doctors was sure was just constipation but turned out to be an atypical presentation of severe Crohns.

When we got him into partial remission he had bowel movements like you are describing - at least it sounds like that. As I recall the mucous was mostly on the outside of the stool but was also sometimes mixed in with it. The blood was sometimes embedded in the mucous but I think usually it was mosty on the outside. The amount of blood ranged from most of the stool covered to just enough that you could tell it was blood.

In his case the blood was pretty bright red. He had inflammation in the small intestines, perianal disease (fissures and skin tags) and moderately severe patchy inflammation in his colon. The worst inflammation in the colon was in the rectal vault and sigmoid colon.

For quite a while we were told the blood was from the fissures but I was very doubtful about that since he only had 2 and they were pretty small. But they said he could have internal fissures that could be bleeding.

But when these symptoms didn't stop they finally did a sigmoidoscopy and discovered that the bleeding was coming from the ulcerations in the sigmoid and rectal vault along with bleeding from ulcerations in the terminal ileum. Apparently the mucus is also produced by the inflamed tissues.

So I think these are symptoms of continuing active disease.

How sure are they that it is not Crohns?

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