some advice or any insight from you ppl
Hi all!
Well you guys have been a great help to me in the last few days little you all know!
Basically here's my long winded call for help and a place vent some frustration and exhaustion.
Well here goes (get a cuppa this could be a while!:ylol: )
Any way Ive suffered from IBS (i told) type symptoms for as long as I remember.
In recent years this has really gotten worse. I suffer from many things such as:
Diarhrea (sometimes for weeks)
Constipation (has lasted 9 days for far)
Absolute urgency when effected
mucus diahrea
a few occasions of bloody stools
SEVERE fatigue
in recent weeks I have had severe pain in my abdomen, pain on the left side and quite high in the middle (like a ball at times) this had caused me to loss my appetite.
I had a colonoscopy in 2009 which should sugns of "patchy colitis".
Anyhow I had trials of pentasa but didnt see much difference.
My doctor has prescribed me with pred steroids on times of "flare up" which seem to have worked for me. but just suffered all along as GI messed me about and most the time I saw student doctors who asked for my history all over again
I was due for my second colonoscopy yday. Have been on steroids for over week now but I had gone from severe d to severe constipation. a few weeks before this I had bloods were my wbc came back very low and esr was slightly high. Any way I began moviprep and had the worst reaction ever were I ended up with severe vomiting and on looking on here all the symptoms of bolckage were I had severe painin my middle that came in waves like contractions fever nausea and the feeling faint couldnt eat (more pain) and strange gurgling high up!
Anyway I was admitted to hosp yesterday and all tests came back normal, xray normal and bloods normal, with "hardness".
I was given lots of iv fluids and paracetemol through iv over night. I was sent home even though Im still pain struggle to eat and was just given prescription for paracetemol, buscopan and movicol.
I am waiting on a call for a new colonoscopy where ill be taken in for prep a few days before.
Anyway I know nodody is a doctor but living with something like this for years many of you will know what are symptoms. what does it sound like to you?
Also even with crohns can it be possible for your bloods (ESR) be normal when in a flare up?
Sorry for the long winded first post but just really looking for some help and someone who could possibly related to me ita going on too long and although my family are supportive that think I should be more persistant with the doctors
Thanks (if you have gotten this far!)
Hi all!
Well you guys have been a great help to me in the last few days little you all know!
Basically here's my long winded call for help and a place vent some frustration and exhaustion.
Well here goes (get a cuppa this could be a while!:ylol: )
Any way Ive suffered from IBS (i told) type symptoms for as long as I remember.
In recent years this has really gotten worse. I suffer from many things such as:
Diarhrea (sometimes for weeks)
Constipation (has lasted 9 days for far)
Absolute urgency when effected
mucus diahrea
a few occasions of bloody stools
SEVERE fatigue
in recent weeks I have had severe pain in my abdomen, pain on the left side and quite high in the middle (like a ball at times) this had caused me to loss my appetite.
I had a colonoscopy in 2009 which should sugns of "patchy colitis".
Anyhow I had trials of pentasa but didnt see much difference.
My doctor has prescribed me with pred steroids on times of "flare up" which seem to have worked for me. but just suffered all along as GI messed me about and most the time I saw student doctors who asked for my history all over again
I was due for my second colonoscopy yday. Have been on steroids for over week now but I had gone from severe d to severe constipation. a few weeks before this I had bloods were my wbc came back very low and esr was slightly high. Any way I began moviprep and had the worst reaction ever were I ended up with severe vomiting and on looking on here all the symptoms of bolckage were I had severe painin my middle that came in waves like contractions fever nausea and the feeling faint couldnt eat (more pain) and strange gurgling high up!
Anyway I was admitted to hosp yesterday and all tests came back normal, xray normal and bloods normal, with "hardness".
I was given lots of iv fluids and paracetemol through iv over night. I was sent home even though Im still pain struggle to eat and was just given prescription for paracetemol, buscopan and movicol.
I am waiting on a call for a new colonoscopy where ill be taken in for prep a few days before.
Anyway I know nodody is a doctor but living with something like this for years many of you will know what are symptoms. what does it sound like to you?
Also even with crohns can it be possible for your bloods (ESR) be normal when in a flare up?
Sorry for the long winded first post but just really looking for some help and someone who could possibly related to me ita going on too long and although my family are supportive that think I should be more persistant with the doctors
Thanks (if you have gotten this far!)