Some experiences please!

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Hey everyone,

Feels like forever since I posted on these boards - too long!

I'd like anyones experience/advice, if possible. At the moment I'm suffering from, and have been for a while apparently, a condition called Achalasia. It's where the muscle at the bottom of your gullet/top of your stomach (the Cardia) doesn't relax sufficiently enough to,let food and drink pass into your belly. It's supposed to be relaxed in order to let food pass through, and closed so that you can't get food refluxing back up again. In my case, it's shut pretty much permanently. Eating therefore, is a nightmare - it's hit and miss as to whether it is all thrown back up again, cos it's got nowhere else to go.

I've now been referred to a surgeon at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, and they are going to give me a Heller Myotomy - which is where they basically remove the offending muscle. I am absolutely praying to the heavens that this procedure makes a difference and gives me back the ability to eat and drink properly.

I'd like to ask this - does anyone on here suffer from this condition, or has anyone ever had the op I'm talking about? I should note that this condition is apparently not in the SLIGHTEST linked to Crohns - anyone can get it at any time, although it is normally older generations that get it, and it does get progressively worse.

Sorry if I've rambled on a wee bit - I tend to go on a wee bit.

Farewell, from a HELLUVA cold Scotland

Mozam x :) :) :)
Huh, never heard of that. I've got about the opposite, I guess. Hiatal Hernia. Mine's too lax and lets the acid up into my esophagus. Oh, I could make it better...if I was willing to cut out the REST of the foods I enjoy. I'd rather suffer and take antacids instead.

Sorry, I'm not much help on this one, I'm afraid.
I have never had either of those. But I hope you feel better and that your problem goes away. Best of luck.
Like Jeff I have no experience with these diseases. I would recommend realizing that you can not control what will happen when you do eat or drink, so do not worry about what may happen. I do not know if stress or worry affects this disease at all, but if there is a chance you may throw up after eating I would suggest just accepting this possibility and doing your best to chew foods well and let things happen however they will happen. I do not see how being worried about the effects of this would help, so even if they less stress/worry does not help food stay down at least it will not be something you are constantly thinking about. Accept that you may throw up, but realize it really isn't that big of a deal. You are meeting with a surgeon and this will all soon enough be solved. So just do the best you can now, and do not get down!

I hope this can help you in some way. Just because you may not have control over what is going on does not mean you need to let it create fear or stress in your life. Just accept it is there, and understand what may happen, but do not stress from it!

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