My 9 yr. old son was just diagnosed with Crohn's after several months of being very sick. His symptoms became very noticeable in July 2013 with frequently going to the bathroom & very lose stools, after school started back in September, going to the bathroom become more & more frequent with diarrhea. I honestly just thought it was a nervous stomach, then begin to notice my son was very tired all of the time and complaining of joint pain. I was still thinking there was a simple answer, he has always been healthy. The diarrhea became chronic, the fatigue increased, but he never complained. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, he begin to run a fever, I took him to his regular doctor & she said he had a sinus infection. We discussed the diarrhea & he was taken off milk & tested for an allergy, neither of these were the problem. From this point on, my soon begin to go down hill. The diarrhea,fatigue and fevers increased, he wanted to eat, but could not eat. However, he was a trooper & we made it through the holidays. He had an appt. to see his doctor, this is when things begin to change. My son had lost 6 lbs. in about 4 weeks, he was very pale. His doctor decided he needed to see a GI dr.. This was on a Saturday, my son begin to run a high fever that evening & all day Sunday. I had him back to his dr. Monday morning. At this point, my son was very sick, so we were referred to the ER at Children's Hospital. We were seen by a GI doctor & tons of test were done. They schedule an upper GI & colonoscopy, which revealed he has Crohn's disease. He is currently being treated with steroids to eliminate the inflammation at this time, then we will develop a plan of treatment. My son is very confused & angry at this point. I am being very honest, but I don't know I completely understand this disease & how it will effect our lives. I just pray he responds well to treatment & I get my 9 yr old boy back.