Soooo cross!!!

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Feb 21, 2013
Sorry guys just got to vent!

I had some stupid, ignorant woman tell me that "well, your Crohn's doesn't make you ill, my friends really ill, she may need surgery" 8 weeks after I have had a right hemicolectomy!!!! It just p*ssed me off, because I don't make a big deal out of my problems and try self help, and listen to my doctors, therefore I don't have a problem!

I mean, I understand that everyone's experience is different. I think my problems are minor compared to some, but still.....

I spent years being told there was nothing wrong with me. "Nothing" caused a stricture that needed urgent surgery to remove. Now I'm getting the treatment I need, which in turn is helping me to maintain better health.

Sorry for the rant, but I was soooo cross xxx
Your first sentence kinda nailed it, you can't help ignorant people.
You are just as pretty as can be. For some weird reason others think pretty people don't feel pain, get sick or have difficulties.
I just can't walk around doing the poor me thing either.
At the end of the day I owe them NOTHING, lol. I doubt you do either.

It can make your hair stand up but they are not worth the energy.
It's sad when people think they know you better than yourself. This illness is the hidden disease most people may not look sick on the outside but the inside is a mess. No one should judge how you feel unless they have the same problem and the we are all different at that. Sorry you have to deal with ignorant people but they are out there.
I spent years being told there was nothing wrong with me. "Nothing" caused a stricture that needed urgent surgery to remove. Now I'm getting the treatment I need, which in turn is helping me to maintain better health.

After I was diagnosed back in 1999, that sort of was the same situation for me. I had a badly informed GI when it comes to Crohn's and also, despite pain and symptoms, didn't make a big fuzz about thing... so I also ended up with strictures and surgery in 2003.

By the way, who said that your Crohn's doesn't make your ill? It's a pretty ignorant statement, no matter who said that. On what basis should someone else know what it means to have Crohn's, except if you told them (which you evidently did not)?

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