Specific Carbohydrate Diet Support

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Hello, sorry that it was so hard for you. Maybe you can start it partly? From my experience I found out that the worst of the carbohydrates for us are bread and sugar. The worst for me were cereals with sugar. I suggest you at least cut off sugar and start use honey instead if you can. And I strongly suggest to start making yogurt. Watch how you feel. The book suggests to keep food diary, I believe that it is good idea, so you will see which products are good for you and which are not. I beleive that everyone of us is different and we react differently to the food products. For example according to the book we can eat almost all fruits and veg but it is not a case for me. More fibre fruits and veg have it worse for me. Maybe it is down to the fact that my small intestines are less than 2 m maybe something else. From the fruits I only eat one kind of fresh pears, only baked apples, only fresh strawberries, only cooked raspberries and strawberries ( i cook jam from them and honey to sweeten the yogurt as it is very sour), fresh satsumas or tangerines (not oranges for some reason) and ripe bananas. From veg only tomatoes, avocados, only one type of salad and cucumber. Friend of mine was thinking about the diet about 3 years and when finally started it he had such a great result but he has modified it. It is great if it works for him. He stopped eating sugar, dairy products, potatoes and meat. He eats grains, fish, veg and fruits. He eats a lot of soups what for example does not work for me as even cooked veg make me run to the bathroom, i cannot survive without meat and to be honest i am afraid to introduce grains back to my diet. Potatoes are very difficult to digest even for the healthy person so i would not recommend it at all. Good luck.
The Yogourmet is great, that's what I use too :)

Where are you all getting your "dry curd" cottage cheese? I can't find the stuff.

Hi David,

I'm about to embark on the SCD diet. I've had Gotshall's book for years, but thought it too restrictive. However, when I look at all the good things you can eat, I figure I'll give it a shot.

I've been reading through the forum and trying to get some good pointers from members. Some great info out there.

I just bought a book fA Taste of Wellnessby Rochel Weiss. It has some wonderful looking recipes. In her book she says that dry curd cheese is more commonly called Farmer's Cheese in the US. So, if you haven't already found that out, hope that helps.
Hi! I'm new to the forum but was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2000. The veryfirst thing I asked my doctor when I was told I had Crohn's was what I could eat/not eat to make myself better. He laughed at me! Since then I've been on 6mp, Asacol, Colazal, Effexor and prednisone. Currently I'm on Colazal and prednisone for a flare I've been fighting for close to a year.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my gastroenterologist. He gave me the choice of going on 6mp again or starting Humira. Before I take that leap (which I consider a pretty significant change in medications) I'm going to try the SCD diet. Like others have said, I am a bit overwhelmed by the process but I'm committed to giving it a full go before I take the next step of medications.

I've ordered the book along with Recipes for the Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Raman Prasad. I'm going shopping right after work for yogurt making supplies and menu items for the introductory phase. Luckily my husband is completely supportive in this trial. I hope to have some positive news to report back in the near future.


My doc wanted to put me on Humira, but I had been on Cimizia and coughed for two years, so didn't want to start another biologic.
She has just prescribed 6MP. After I read the side effects, I'm having second thoughts. What was your experience with 6MP?

I'm about to start SCD. Have been reading posts here to get other people's take on it. Some great info here.

Ds was on 6-mp at age 7 -8 with no real side effects
Most sides effects you read about are at chemo doses so 100's of times higher.
It didn't do much for Ds but did help some .
He has been on humira for 2.5 hears now with no coughing issues despite the fact he has asthma .
He currently is doing the partial enteral nutrition with crohns exclusive diet ( modified scd based diet )
Good luck
Ds was on 6-mp at age 7 -8 with no real side effects
Most sides effects you read about are at chemo doses so 100's of times higher.
It didn't do much for Ds but did help some .
He has been on humira for 2.5 hears now with no coughing issues despite the fact he has asthma .
He currently is doing the partial enteral nutrition with crohns exclusive diet ( modified scd based diet )
Good luck

Thanks for info. I had considerable hair loss during 2009 illness. Do not want to experience that again.

I'm looking for treatment without side effects, that will get to root of the problem, and not mask symptoms.
There are enough testimonials to convince me that the SCD diet might just do the trick. Knowing the husband of a woman who has had success since November gives it even greater validity.Not knowing people on blogs, etc who claim results is not the same as actually knowing of someone firsthand.

So I'm going to give it a shot, even though much of it is opposite of things I have been doing. (Of course, they haven't been working either. ) I don't like the idea of starving microbes in my gut. But, maybe once all the bad guys are gone, I can replenish with the good ones.
Dr. Gerard Mullin's book The Gut Balance Revlution is a program similar to SCD for Weight Loss. His starvation period is for only one month, then reintroduces foods in second phase, and maintains in third. From what I understand, Crohn's needs anywhere from 6-18 months to heal. I'm anxious to see what CRP and colonoscopy results will be after a year or so.

Rush University Just completed a study saying SCD is healing for IBD.
Thanks for info. I had considerable hair loss during 2009 illness. Do not want to experience that again.
...I don't like the idea of starving microbes in my gut. But, maybe once all the bad guys are gone, I can replenish with the good ones.
Dr. Gerard Mullin's book The Gut Balance Revlution is a program similar to SCD for Weight Loss. His starvation period is for only one month, then reintroduces foods in second phase, and maintains in third. From what I understand, Crohn's needs anywhere from 6-18 months to heal. I'm anxious to see what CRP and colonoscopy results will be after a year or so.
Hi, i had hair loss for years also but i have to admit i have never been on very strong medication. Now my hair is fine.
My CRP is perfect now and all blood test also. i have MRI every year and it shows healing. Unfortunately illness did not go away completely but it definitely getting better.
I hope you are not going to starve. Personally i am against all extreme procedures.
Are coconut and cacao SCD and Paleo legal? I am reluctant to reintroduce these two in my diet, but I miss my chocolate/coconut smoothies so much :confused2:

Hi Organic Girl.

Cocoa and chocolate are illegal on SCD. Fresh coconut as well as shaved and shredded unsweetened are legal. Have you thought of coconut with peanut butter or almond? Might be good.
Some things in Paleo are illegal in SCD. If you do SCD it needs to be 100%. I’m just getting started and have done some things wrong but am working to get it correct. I made yogurt with a starter that had bacteria that are not legal on SCD. Am making a new batch with Dannon that has the 3 strains you want. I won’t know if it works if I don’t follow it to the letter.

Have you heard of this trial? The company is in Vancouver. They are doing the trial in three locations. Sounds promising. Hope it makes it to market. I’m looking into it since I’m flaring now.

http://www.qucrohnstrial.com/ It looks like a promising treatment.
thx, Jayann,

cacao powder (raw, unsweetened) is the ingredient I used to use in my smoothies. Its not ''chocolate''. is this illegal?
also another one, raw unsweetened natural vanilla, is this illegal?
The coconut I used is the one you describe. (raw and unsweetened)
Yes I can make smoothies with coconut and almond butter, its very good, but when I add cacao powder, it become extremely good!...

My only problem with SCD is the large amount of animal protein that is somewhat encouraged. I looked at the typical menu in the research you posted and I was astonished. I wonder if this large amount of meat could be detrimental for the long run on other health issues. I am more in favor of a vegetarian style of diet. I now eat animal protein only once a week and I get my proteins through nuts, mostly almond butter. Good luck with the SCD, let us know how it goes.

Yes I am well aware of the SSI trial and fallow it with great enthousiasm. Its not a consideration for me as I am fully in remission right now, just received an awesome 11 calprotectine result yesterday! That appears to be against all odds because im am taking a lower dose than my ideal dose of medication since over 8 months now. The dose I am on was suboptimal in the past for me. Finally maybe my diet and supplements are helping me. im not screaming victory right now, but its looking very good.
thx, Jayann,

cacao powder (raw, unsweetened) is the ingredient I used to use in my smoothies. Its not ''chocolate''. is this illegal?
also another one, raw unsweetened natural vanilla, is this illegal?
The coconut I used is the one you describe. (raw and unsweetened)
Yes I can make smoothies with coconut and almond butter, its very good, but when I add cacao powder, it become extremely good!...

My only problem with SCD is the large amount of animal protein that is somewhat encouraged. I looked at the typical menu in the research you posted and I was astonished. I wonder if this large amount of meat could be detrimental for the long run on other health issues. I am more in favor of a vegetarian style of diet. I now eat animal protein only once a week and I get my proteins through nuts, mostly almond butter. Good luck with the SCD, let us know how it goes.

Yes I am well aware of the SSI trial and fallow it with great enthousiasm. Its not a consideration for me as I am fully in remission right now, just received an awesome 11 calprotectine result yesterday! That appears to be against all odds because im am taking a lower dose than my ideal dose of medication since over 8 months now. The dose I am on was suboptimal in the past for me. Finally maybe my diet and supplements are helping me. im not screaming victory right now, but its looking very good.

I'm afraid I don't know about the cocoa powder. It sounds reasonable, but I don't know.
I am also dubious about so much animal protein. I don't normally eat much red meat. However, I think the 100% grass-fed beef does not have the GMOs and bad fats like feed lot beef. I'm not a fan of fish, but am learning to eat more. Chicken(organic when I can get to Trader Joe's) is my standby meat.

I can't eat raw almonds now, and have made the almond muffins from BTVC. GStar posted it on this forum a while back. I've got some beautiful cookbooks for SCD. My favorite at the moment is A Taste of Wellness by Rochel Weiss. When I looked at it, I thought I can have delicious food on this diet!!! It helped motivate me to start.

It is wonderful that your tests are coming back so well on less meds. Keep doing what you're doing.

I think the most important aspect of SCD is to not eat grains and complex carbs that feed the critters that hurt us. I was doing the opposite-- Trying to feed them as some make butyrate that nourishes the colonic cells. It is confusing. I'm wondering if they're aren't other bacteria that make butyrate.
There is so much to know and understand. I'm continually amazed at how our bodies operate.

I am not a candidate for the study as I've had a colectomy. Hope the product makes it to market. It sounds very promising.
yes i find it confusing too. I am presently working on increasing my butyrate. The only grain I take is 1 spoon of ground flax seed per day. I also take chicory root inuline about 10 g per day. i think these two would not be legal under the SCD, not sure?. still I wont stop taking them at this time.
these 2 ingredients are ok in the IBD-AID diet and inuline chicory root is even recommended...
yes i find it confusing too. I am presently working on increasing my butyrate. The only grain I take is 1 spoon of ground flax seed per day. I also take chicory root inuline about 10 g per day. i think these two would not be legal under the SCD, not sure?. still I wont stop taking them at this time.
these 2 ingredients are ok in the IBD-AID diet and inuline chicory root is even recommended...

I do believe increasing butyrate is good. I will work on that again later.
For now, I'm going to follow SCD 100%. If and when I'm symptom-free for say a year, more or less, then I'll work to restore butyrate producers.

Have you read Dr. Gerard Mullin's Book, Gut Balance Revolution?
It is aimed at weight loss, but restoring the gut is restoring the gut for whatever reason.
His is a 3 phase program. 1 Wipe out the bad guys, 2 restore good guys, 3 maintain.
He's from Johns Hopkins and someone I feel is very reliable. He also wrote Inside Tract which is the first place I heard about SCFA's.

I had been on VSL#3 DS and S. bourlardi with Mos and was symptom-free for 11 months without meds. Then I ate an abundance of raw nuts which I believe triggered my current flare. I don't know for sure, but it is most likely explanation.

The following website gives info on BTVC and has list of legal and illegal.


Anyway, I'm sort of doing Mullins, by doing SCD to wipe out pathogenic bacteria. After that I'll work to restore butyrate producers. I wish I could know just what bugs are in there- which need to go and which need to stay.

I'm enrolling in a study from Rush University, Chicago that will be investigating to see if SCD dieters have a different set of microbes. It is for people not currently on SCD. I spoke with someone at the study and she said it would be OK for me to start, so I have.
thank you. it does appear chicory root inuline, flax seeds and cocoa powder are illegal. I have been several months without any flax and inuline, maybe that was enough of a ''wash out'' period, well I hope. I'll keep in mind the book you recommend and check it out later thank you.
yes i find it confusing too. I am presently working on increasing my butyrate. The only grain I take is 1 spoon of ground flax seed per day. I also take chicory root inuline about 10 g per day. i think these two would not be legal under the SCD, not sure?. still I wont stop taking them at this time.
these 2 ingredients are ok in the IBD-AID diet and inuline chicory root is even recommended...

Good day, I am sorry but how do you know what butyrate level you have?

Cocoa (and cacao) are considered possible irritants on SCD.

I am not sure if I am a fan of SCD or not. It is very useful to have a comprehensive guide to follow, and if not followed to the letter it in not possible to know if it works or not, but it is overly cautious on many issues and doesn't offer any balance, just legal/illegal, not how much....

I would suggest that after stabilising/improving on the diet you could using the same approch that is recommended for introducing those legal foods. One new one at a time to see if it is tolerated.
I personally moved to paleo and the more Perfect Health Diet as it made sense and my health did not deteriorate.
So follow the rules until you are willing to test them?
There are no issues with large amounts of clean meat. The calcium thing has been debunked to my satisfaction.
I am not sure if I am a fan of SCD or not. It is very useful to have a comprehensive guide to follow, and if not followed to the letter it in not possible to know if it works or not, but it is overly cautious on many issues and doesn't offer any balance, just legal/illegal, not how much....

I am SCD fan and I follow it 100% and trying to promote it as it works for me. But many people find it difficult to follow.
I am SCD fan and I follow it 100% and trying to promote it as it works for me. But many people find it difficult to follow.

I've just started a week ago. Am going to follow it 100% so that I can know if it does or doesn't work for me.
A fellow who works for an organization I volunteer for said his wife has been on it successfully since Nov. 2013. Her doc wanted her to go on Humira, as did mine. We both opted out. (at least for now)
My goal is to try to go to the source of the problem and fix it, rather than take a high powered and horribly expensive drug, that masks symptoms, indeed may give relief, but has detrimental side effects.

How long have you been doing SCD? What type Crohn's do you have?

BTW I have no idea of how to know butyrate level. I don't know if there is a test or not. Would be something worth knowing. Great question.
How long have you been doing SCD? What type Crohn's do you have?

Hi, I am on SCD Diet since December 2011
i got ill in 1997 but was diagnosed only in 2006 for Crohn's of ileum and small intestines. Had operation in September 2006 for removal of ileum and part of small intestine 35sm in total. Had abscess and second operation in 2 weeks time. Apparently i have very short small intestines to begin with, only 2m 30sm (sometimes I wander maybe this is a reason of the illness) so now only left 1m 95sm and i beleive that this is a reason i cannot eat high fibre veg and fruits i simply do not have enough length to digest them.

I am Medication free, only have B12 one injection in 3 month and Vitamin D every day.
Hi, I am on SCD Diet since December 2011
i got ill in 1997 but was diagnosed only in 2006 for Crohn's of ileum and small intestines. Had operation in September 2006 for removal of ileum and part of small intestine 35sm in total. Had abscess and second operation in 2 weeks time. Apparently i have very short small intestines to begin with, only 2m 30sm (sometimes I wander maybe this is a reason of the illness) so now only left 1m 95sm and i beleive that this is a reason i cannot eat high fibre veg and fruits i simply do not have enough length to digest them.

I am Medication free, only have B12 one injection in 3 month and Vitamin D every day.

Sounds like you went through a rough patch, but are doing great now. Very inspiring.
Hello! I am preparing to begin a cross between the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Low FODMAP Diet, detailed in the following link: wwwDOTsiboinfoDOTcom/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/sibo_specific_diet_food_guide_sept_2014.pdf

(replace the text "DOT" with periods, if a mod could fix it so the link works, that would be wonderful, I promise it's not spam)

My goal is to stay in the green column as much as possible, perhaps dipping into the yellow in the case of the portion size limits. I will be further restricting my food choices to those suitable for a Candida diet, as I am attempting to treat both SIBO and a Candida-related complex. I have a few questions about the diet at the above link, which the list itself does not address. Any educated answers are much appreciated.

1) Which of the following foods are legal (SCD legal and low FODMAP)?

Buckwheat in its various forms – Specific grains are not listed on the diet, as all grains are considered illegal, but I’m not certain about buckwheat, since it is not actually a grain, but a fruit seed.

Dandelion – I assume this is illegal, as it is sometimes referred to as a prebiotic, but it is unlisted on the diet.

Vanilla beans/vanilla bean powder – I assume this is completely legal, but since it’s not listed, I figure it’s best to be sure.

Asafetida powder – This is a member of the alliums family, but is not identical to onion or garlic. Since asafetida supposedly prevents flatulence, it would make sense to think it might even have a positive impact combating SIBO.

Black garlic/black garlic powder – This is technically garlic, which is illegal, but it has been “fermented and aged to caramelize the sugars present in garlic,” so I wonder if black garlic might be considered a different food.

2) How many different foods from each category may be eaten in one day, at the listed portion sizes (I assume this corresponds to a normal food pyramid, so 3-4 vegetable servings and 2-3 nut servings would be fine)? Also, is it legal to double up on a portion size (or eat the same specific food at two different times per day) if counted as 2 servings, or is the listed portion size the limit for that specific food for the day?

3) Are the portion sizes measured in the food’s “natural” form, or the ingested form? For example, baking kale reduces its size dramatically. One could measure it in baked form, in raw form as whole leaves (not many would fit into 1 cup), or in raw form chopped up, and get three vastly different amounts of kale (maybe more when considering each alternative could be measured packed or unpacked). The same problem arises with nuts; 1 cup of macadamia nuts and 1 cup of macadamia flour are very different quantities.

Thank you in advance for any insight you are able to offer.
Hello! I am preparing to begin a cross between the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Low FODMAP Diet, detailed in the following link: wwwDOTsiboinfoDOTcom/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/sibo_specific_diet_food_guide_sept_2014.pdf

(replace the text "DOT" with periods, if a mod could fix it so the link works, that would be wonderful, I promise it's not spam)

My goal is to stay in the green column as much as possible, perhaps dipping into the yellow in the case of the portion size limits. I will be further restricting my food choices to those suitable for a Candida diet, as I am attempting to treat both SIBO and a Candida-related complex. I have a few questions about the diet at the above link, which the list itself does not address. Any educated answers are much appreciated.

1) Which of the following foods are legal (SCD legal and low FODMAP)?

Buckwheat in its various forms – Specific grains are not listed on the diet, as all grains are considered illegal, but I’m not certain about buckwheat, since it is not actually a grain, but a fruit seed.

Dandelion – I assume this is illegal, as it is sometimes referred to as a prebiotic, but it is unlisted on the diet.

Vanilla beans/vanilla bean powder – I assume this is completely legal, but since it’s not listed, I figure it’s best to be sure.

Asafetida powder – This is a member of the alliums family, but is not identical to onion or garlic. Since asafetida supposedly prevents flatulence, it would make sense to think it might even have a positive impact combating SIBO.

Black garlic/black garlic powder – This is technically garlic, which is illegal, but it has been “fermented and aged to caramelize the sugars present in garlic,” so I wonder if black garlic might be considered a different food.

2) How many different foods from each category may be eaten in one day, at the listed portion sizes (I assume this corresponds to a normal food pyramid, so 3-4 vegetable servings and 2-3 nut servings would be fine)? Also, is it legal to double up on a portion size (or eat the same specific food at two different times per day) if counted as 2 servings, or is the listed portion size the limit for that specific food for the day?

3) Are the portion sizes measured in the food’s “natural” form, or the ingested form? For example, baking kale reduces its size dramatically. One could measure it in baked form, in raw form as whole leaves (not many would fit into 1 cup), or in raw form chopped up, and get three vastly different amounts of kale (maybe more when considering each alternative could be measured packed or unpacked). The same problem arises with nuts; 1 cup of macadamia nuts and 1 cup of macadamia flour are very different quantities.

Thank you in advance for any insight you are able to offer.

This link will tell you what is legal and illegal. SCD is supposed to take care of Candida. Are you also doing it for IBD? SCD needs to be followed exactly for it to work. If you haven't read Breaking the Vicious Cycle, it gives info about the science behind it. Also bananas are an important food in SCD and a FODMAP. I don't see how you can blend the two diets.

Hello! I am preparing to begin a cross between the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Low FODMAP Diet, detailed in the following link: wwwDOTsiboinfoDOTcom/uploads/5/4/8/4/5484269/sibo_specific_diet_food_guide_sept_2014.pdf
great resource, here's the link 'clickabled'

1) Which of the following foods are legal (SCD legal and low FODMAP)?

*Buckwheat - illegal
*Dandelion - not on list, can't see why it would be illegal, low carb
*Vanilla beans/vanilla bean powder – Vanillin is legal and is concentrated (usually synthetic) vanilla extract.
*Asafetida – illegal http://scdindianrecipes.com/index.php/legal-list
*Black garlic/black garlic powder –according to the website garlic is legal -http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/legal/listing/G/

2) How many different foods from each category may be eaten in one day,
There are no portion sizes or official restrictions (unless I missed them somewhere).
This often leads to a fairly poor diet. Replacing bread with almond bread and cookies with almond cookies, and sugar with honey etc. leads to a 'legal, but crap' diet.
As a rule, eat lots of vegies, as much meat as you feel you need, and some fruit. The rest in moderation

SCD and FODMAPS are elimination diets, any foods likely to cause problems are eliminated and many are then reintroduced after a period of time to test if they are tolerated.
You are not meant to never eat high fodmap foods again, you are meant to eliminate them and try them after you have not eaten them (and are 'digestively stable') to see if they are a problem for you.
Good podcast on fodmaps. http://scdlifestyle.com/2012/09/dr-...rt-and-science-of-the-fodmap-diet-podcast-45/

Likewise, on SCD JUST BECAUSE A FOOD IS LEGAL DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN EAT IT. You eliminate it and reintroduce 'legal' foods one at a time ti see if they are tolerated
The most common mistake I see and hear about not following or understanding the introduction diet and stages.
This applies to fodmaps and SCD.
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Hi, i had hair loss for years also but i have to admit i have never been on very strong medication. Now my hair is fine.
My CRP is perfect now and all blood test also. i have MRI every year and it shows healing. Unfortunately illness did not go away completely but it definitely getting better.
I hope you are not going to starve. Personally i am against all extreme procedures.

I've been on SCD since Aug 14 - a little over two weeks. I'm definitely not starving. I've had some really nice meals. -- They just don't contain grains, starches, lactose or refined sugar. There are a lot of great things to eat. I am doing a lot more cooking than I used to. I do need to come up with a few quick recipes for when I don't have time. Tonight we had rotisserie chicken and two a spaghetti squash apple kugel and some leftover acorn squash from a couple days ago. Real easy!

I won't really know how well this works until 6 mos or a year from now.

Good day everyone. I have decided to make some update on my wellbeing and also to raise some awareness. I was very well on SCD diet for 4 years and then last year I allowed myself to start using seeds and cacao. I was always addicted to cacao and it was hard to stay away for over 4 years. So despite the fact that book says that cacao irritates the intestines I thought that after 4 years I can allow myself some weaknesses. I started to use sesame seeds in my omelette every day however I do not think that it was a trigger. Then I started to use organic 100% pure cacao powder and after a while I was using it everywhere: in the omelette, in bread, in yogurt…then in December last year I tried hemp seeds for the first time. I loved them and again started to add into my yogurt and sometimes eat on its own. After a week I had a terrible outbreak, it was very different from my usual outbreaks I had prior the diet. I am not sure what actually trigged it , maybe it was combined issue as even 2 month before I tried hemp seeds I started to feel some changes. Anyway it took me 4 months to get better and I do not use any seeds or cacao any longer.
I also wanted to share with you a recipe I invented myself and really like it especially it is yummy when it is hot. I make mince from skinless and boneless chicken tights, add one egg, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, add some grated on a larger grater courgette, mix everything well, put in the silicone form and put for 50 minutes in the oven at 175C.
Also there is my friend dessert recipe . It is very easy and very nice. Take well ripe banana, peel and cut it length way, sprinkle with grated cinnamon and lime juice (you can use the lemon but lime has more aroma) and put in the oven at 160C until golden and smells nice.
I really hope you will find these information useful 
I haven't followed SCD specifically but more of just Paleo.

I have had Crohn's for 10 years and drastically changed my diet after the first year of my diagnosis.

I was sooo sick, and the medical doctors had no answers for me except medication, surgery, oh and that food did not influence my symptoms.

My parents didn't buy that, and I found a doctor in alternative medicine. My quality of life is 100x better now that I know the power of real food. I have never experienced the level of flare I did when I was diagnosed that year.
I bought the book Breaking the Viscious Cycle and it's on it's way to me by mail now. I am really keen to try following the diet in this book to help me control my crohns disease. It seems quite a few people have had success with it!
Here goes...
I bought the book Breaking the Viscious Cycle and it's on it's way to me by mail now. I am really keen to try following the diet in this book to help me control my crohns disease. It seems quite a few people have had success with it!
Here goes...

I think you wil have lots of success! :)
Are there many people still doing the SCD?

I was diagnosed approx. 10 years ago with Crohn's in the small intestine. I started the SCD and was feeling pretty good. So, good I begin to think I really didn't have Crohn's. Started eating a blend of SCD and what my acupuncturist recommended, which included rice and sweet potatoes. Then, I tried paleo, then I tried whole plant food diet, interspersed with occasional ice cream, popcorn and then I tried keto.

I just had a capsule endoscopy which revealed worsening of my Crohn's(no doubt due to the junk I was eating), so I'm going back to the SCD and hopefully it will work for me. My G.I. says it's moderate Crohn's now, so I'm a little concerned I waited too long to come back to it. I just started my intro diet, and I feel confident because it feels so familiar. No more venturing off for me. My G.I. is mentioning biologics, which I really don't want to do.

If you have any success stories with SCD or suggestions, I would love to hear them. Like I said, if this works as well as it did before, I will not venture off this way of eating.