Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction

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One Badass Dude
Aug 3, 2008
Sounds like a cool album title for a psychedelic rock band.



I wonder if this the cause of some of my issues.

It can mimic an awful lot of Crohn's symptoms.
GoJohnnyGo said:
Sounds like a cool album title for a psychedelic rock band.



I wonder if this the cause of some of my issues.

It can mimic an awful lot of Crohn's symptoms.
I was curious if you have read the threads on Habba syndrome here? I regret having my gallbladder out. I think I read on the Metamucil post that you had yours removed when you had a resection. I did as well last year when I had a small bowel resection. At the time I was vomiting sooo much bile (from the obstruction?) that when I found I had some stones I had it removed just in case that was part of the pain. I wish I would have been better informed of the consequences.
In my case it wasn't stones. I had gone into septic shock and my gall bladder had actually turned gangerous .
I'm currently in the early stages of remission from a year-long flare, with continuing minor ulceration (according to my last colonoscopy in May). I still get the right-side pains from time to time, and of course, diarrhea. On the other hand, my anemia is under control and I am gaining weight again. I also still experiencing arthritic pain which is concurrent with my Crohn's flare.
So the sphincter of Oddi guards the passage through the ampulla of Vater???

Am I the only one that feels like there is a weird sci-fi movie playing out in my digestive system? Of course, that would explain a lot...:eek:

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