Spiritual Roots of Diseases

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Dec 8, 2008
I believe there are spiritual roots to my diseases I took a week class in GA over the summer on understanding the spiritual roots of diseases called Be In Health.

I'm taking an online interactive course in Feb on the same topics at Journey 2 Wholeness Ministries online. Thought someone here might be interested. http://is.gd/ePZ4

God’s Spirit dwelling in us does not mean we will never get sick, nor have to deal with accidents, and disasters. We live in a world of unpleasantness, temptation, and struggles. The power of the Holy Spirit enables us to withstand evil and persist in times of trials.

Some diseases are the result of sin from fear, unforgiveness, anger, jealousy, and bitterness examples are heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, insomnia, etc. Some disease come from family generational curses (sins of the father Num 14:18) Read more here http://is.gd/ePZA

I'll have to disagree with you as I do not believe God would seek revenge on us. If you would like to talk more about religion I would love to via pm but I don't think it's appropriate for the forum.

God bless and have a good day

I also have to say I don't believe a disease is a "punishment." If anything it is a test that we must pass. ;)

Allah bless you.
Please don't misunderstand I'm not saying its a punishment at all. God is a loving father and not out out to punish us. I'm saying there are consequences to action like gravity-- you jump you fall.

You hold anger and resentment and your body gets sick. Its a documented physical fact that are minds effect out bodies. Cortisol in the bloodstream causes an increase in glucose production, providing the necessary fuel for the brain and muscles to deal with stress.

Fear is scientifically proven to be a cause of disease. Science Daily (Mar. 26, 2008) states intense fear can make our blood clot and increase the risk of thrombosis or heart attack… Anxiety patients have a statistically higher risk of dying from heart disease by a factor of 3 or 4.

I believe my heart disease and crohns are from fear and resentment and anger isssues I need to deal with. That doesn't mean every one has the same cause but I am working on what I know is making me worse.

Everyone here admits not everything works the same for everyone--meds, surgery, etc. Why can't we talk about the mental and spiritual aspects? Is it taboo. Our spiritual oulook is part of us. Is it now politically correct to ignore this part of our being?

I just want to be very clear about one thing: God loves each of us and the nothing we can do to make him love us more or less. He wants a relationship with each of us. He is not some genie in a bottle or an angry god wanting t punish (ancient Greek view American's adopted).

Jesus came to give us Life– it has nothing to do with our ability to perform. The Christian life is dwelling in Him. We need to simply enter His rest and watch the freedom from our mess begin to unfold.

Just clarifying-- Di ease is not punishment is is result of consequences sometimes from just living in a sinful world, sometimes something we do like smoking or worrying that hurt our bodies

I'll drop the subject if you feel it in inappropriate here.

Sorry if I made it seem unwelcomed. I am trying to say I guess that some people feel uncomfortable talking or reading about religion, spirituality, whatever you want to call it and because of that I wrote that you could always pm me if you wanted to talk about religion or spirituality.

I think I understand where you are coming from now. In your original post it sounded to me that you were saying that God is giving us Crohn's Disease or other diseases. Yes, every amount of tension in our body has the likelyhood of making us more susceptable to disease and illness in general. I would not say that disease is caused by sin but instead it is how our bodies handle the stresses of life and the genes we were born with.

God bless

i don't think the subject is inappropriate. the only danger is that there is a very fine line between simply stating personal opinion and offending someone. i think as long as we don't get into a huge argument, then this should be an interesting thread. so far so good!

i don't believe in God, or any gods. I don't think religion had any impact whatsoever on my life.

i do believe that our emotional states affect out physical states. if someone is always under constant stress, then they are far more likely to become ill. Mostly from not taking care of themselves properly and thus compromising their immune system because they have other things to worry about. There are physical effects of emotions too. When we're afraid, adrenaline courses through our veins; when we're angry, our blood pressure rises; stress can keep us from sleeping... all these things are not good in long term. if we're always living in a highly emotional state, eventually we (and our bodies) won't be able to cope anymore.

which is why it's always recommended to eat a balanced diet, get some exercise, and relax once and a while. things that keep us in a calmer emotional state will help out health overall.

i think that out emotions have some impact on our health, but are by no means the main cause.

just my 2 cents.

let's keep it civil and keep this conversation going, okay?
i'm leaning towards agreeing with Kim here... some of the statements posted in this thread already, are purely personal beliefs - personal being the operative word, and any opposition or debate about those beliefs, once shared on a public forum, may well end up hurting or alienating some members.

i wouldn't go so far as to say that certain subjects are 'untouchable' here, but religious and spiritual beliefs, i think, are best steered clear of, unless posters are prepared for equally strong opposing beliefs being aired in response.
I think that we can handle this topic. We got through the election on here - we can discuss anything without getting heated I think. Course - I have nothing to say about it, really.. so maybe I should just shaddup now...
I don't believe in God. I think having diseases is just the luck of the draw. Some people are prone to a certain set of causal factors and some aren't.

Not fair, but life isn't fair. I feel that if there were a God, life would be fair and we wouldn't have the problems we do today. I mean if God is supposed to love everyone equally, why does Joe Shmoe down the street get to be perfectly healthy with healthy kids and a healthy wife even though he is cheating on his wife, a drunk, and smokes three packs a day while I'm here, living my life cleanly and making good desicions and have to deal with Crohn's?

Just Saying...
im with katie on this. i dont believe in god, never will. god didnt make us ill. the crap they put in our food is too blame
sharon xx
I believe it is impossible to ignore the body, mind, emotions (soul or whatever) conection. Stress effects our body.

The subject fascinates me. I recently read a book by a NY cardiologist (The Heart Speaks) going into details about things like prescribing a pet to a lonely patient and seeing remarkable recoveries. Or an angry parent forgiving a child and getting off all blood pressure meds.

When we experience excessive stress—whether from internal worry or environment—a bodily reaction is triggered, called the "fight or flight" response. Tthis response is designed to protect us from bodily harm. This response actually corresponds to an area of our brain called the hypothalamus, which—when stimulated—initiates a sequence of nerve cell firing and chemical release that prepares our body for running or fighting.

When this response is activated, sequences of nerve cell firing occur and chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol are released into our bloodstream. These chemicals cause changes in our body .

These are proven scientific facts. The evidence is overwhelming that a cumulative buildup of stress hormones can lead to disorders of our autonomic nervous system (headache, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure , etc) and more.

I think everyone here is responsible enough to discuss a this topic without offense. If someone is easily offended they should skip the thread.

A few books on this topic:

Who Gets Sick: How Beliefs, Moods and Thoughts Affect Health by Blair Justice

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers (or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases) by Robert M. Sapolsky

A More Excellent Way: Be In Health by Henry Wright.

Sound Mind, Sound Body: A New Model For Lifelong Health by Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier

Getting Whole, Getting Well: Healing Holistically from Chronic Illness by Iris R Bell and Dr Kenneth R Pelletier

Stress without Distress by Hans Selye
I'm an atheist. While I do believe and know that stress plays a part in CD, I certainly don't believe that any unresolved stresses were the cause or trigger for mine.
Causal correlation between stress and physiological manifestations is one thing, but one can wander a good bit from talk of cortisol effects when you start speaking about religion too heavily because it's all subjective at that point.....though, yes, if forgiveness, a promised afterlife and/or pet-companions are added to the mix one would typically see a reduction in stress....mind over body is nothing more than a mastery of perception
I also do not believe in god(s) and clearly whether you believe or not it makes no difference because if you're genetically predisposed to getting an IBD (either CD or UC) and it gets triggered then you're going to get sick, religion or not.

I also know that there are many easy going people that are not high stressed by nature that still get IBD and I also know there are just as many stressed out and high strung people that do not get IBD or other major disease for that fact....yes stress can and does play it's role but again, it's more likely going to if you're predisposed to getting an IBD in the first place...stress likely isn't the major cause of IBD but it's more than likely a trigger just as much as it can exacerbate symptoms when you've already become ill.

Bottom line, heredity is the key factor in getting an illness(es), stress can aggrivate diseases but it's not likely the entire cause of them.

Stress and our additudes definitely can make someone worse, but
I'm so tried of people blaming diseases just on that. As if I gave myself
this disease. Especially since I'm usually a very laid back, generally optimistic
person. It's a fallen world. That's life. We ALL messed it up. We all live
with the consequences, that includes disease.
But in heaven there is NO disease or pain or suffering. Woohoo for that!
Can't wait! :)
BWS1982 said:
Causal correlation between stress and physiological manifestations is one thing, but one can wander a good bit from talk of cortisol effects when you start speaking about religion too heavily because it's all subjective at that point.....though, yes, if forgiveness, a promised afterlife and/or pet-companions are added to the mix one would typically see a reduction in stress....mind over body is nothing more than a mastery of perception

You always make a good point...well said!
I can see the spiritual, religious effect in disease as most people that I know who are religious (I'm not) use their faith as a way to deal with stressful situations and it helps them deal with the things in their daily lives that without that faith piece they would otherwise not be able to deal with. I'm sure they would find some alternate mechanism but that is the way in which they choose to deal with things.
Thanks for your understanding Drew. There is a god shaped hole in my heart filled only by my relationship with Him. When I'm in relationship with Him its like a swimming peacefully in a loving river. When I am not its like flopping all over as a fish out of water.

I allowed anger and resentment from divorce to eat away at my gut (spiritually and physically) flopping like the fish out of water, growing farther and farther from God. Big mistake for me. I need to be in the relationship river. Its part of me I can't live without.

The biggest thing I'm learning is working harder does NOT help! Striving to do right, struggling to be better, organized religion doesn't work for me. The thing that bring real peace is resting in Him, trusting things happen for a reason. Understanding He loves me as I am.

It is then that He flows through me and helps me see others through His eyes and I can let go of anger.

This works for me. Thanks for letting me share. My faith is a huge part of dealing with this insidious disease.


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