Squishy bump between butthole and vagina

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Jul 7, 2010
Okk soo...sorry if this freaks anyone out its kinda gross. I have this like small squishy bump that's painful like between my butthole and my vajay...and its like when I sit to go poo my butt feels like there's a crack at the top and hurts. Is this normal orrr?
Don't have any advice for you but just wanted to say that sounds horrible and I hope you get it sorted out soon!

Abscess? Fistula? Hemmie? Fissure? Irritation from wiping? Ingrown hair? Infected hair follicle? I have no idea. I think a couple other people have talked about similar stuff before so hopefully they'll chime in with what their results were but I believe they all went and showed it to their doctor.

Edit: Perhaps you could take up a mirror and have a look see to see what color it is or if it looks like it has a head on it etc? Seems odd I know. :p
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Okay I had one same place well but on a guy haha! Anyway I dont know if it was a bright idea or not but it hurt like hell so I squeezed it and it popped with blood. Doc called it a boyle caused it freaked me out so much I had to tell somebody. Anyway I might have it looked at and definately dont suggest trying what I did.

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