Started a new job :)

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Jan 26, 2010
I started a new job last's only temp work in a factory, but it felt really good to get out there again and do something! I haven't had a job in over 3 years (time flies!) so it was a bit daunting to get out there again, but as per usual, I worried for pretty much The work itself wasn't too hard, it was the walking around the huge plant in my new work boots that killed my feet and back! But I survived :) And I'm just getting ready to go back in now for my second shift.

Without Oscar, I don't think I could have done this...he's a pain sometimes, but I thank God for him every day :)
This is so fab to read Cindy! Good on you! :panda::panda::panda:

Ugh, wearing in boots is the pits! So yes! soak those feet...ahhhh bliss. :)

So happy for you!
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
Congrats for getting back out there!! I'm so glad I went back to work after surgery. Now I'm getting promoted in a couple of weeks. We won't be slowed down by our bags or disease!
Thanks everyone...I'm just home after day 2 and I'm so glad I have a hot I'm also glad that the plant shuts down next
Wow congratulations! Having a job can mean so much for your sense of independence and self-esteem, I am so happy that you are back out there (just don't push it too hard too quickly) :)
Congratulations on the job ... and off next week too. How wonderful for the feet and back to rest up before going back. And, off-days are sooooo much more enjoyable when employed! :)
Congrats Cindy! Bet you're looking forward to pay day! I don't know what I would do without my job.. It keeps me sane! I hope it continues to go well! (Get your man to give you a foot rub and massage! Hhehehe )
@Michelle....after my first shift, he gave me a massage, foot rub, and made me a bacon It was pretty sweet!
Congrats! I miss working. Good thing Oscar is by yourside :lol:. You must of been a bit nervous at first but with time you will get back into the groove. Have a wonderful holiday! Any snow there yet?
@Mark...I'm actually working at Honda on the Civic line. It's really kind of cool watching them put the cars together. I'm doing Quality Control on the parts, so not actually on the line.
@Pen...we got snow last night on my way home from work. We're supposed to get more tonight and all day Sunday. So, we'll have a white Christmas :) How about you guys? You must have a foot by

Merry Christmas to you too!!
Quality on parts is an important job too, I've been fortunate to have had a good job all along my crohns journey, yours sounds like a good start back in to work life.
@Pen...we got snow last night on my way home from work. We're supposed to get more tonight and all day Sunday. So, we'll have a white Christmas :) How about you guys? You must have a foot by

Merry Christmas to you too!!

Yeah we got about 6 to 8 inches, def a white Christmas the evergreens are heavy laden with snow, looks pretty. Looking forward to the big ham tomorrow!
Cindy - That's great! Good for you! It must feel great to get back out there!

Just curious - does Canada pretty much shut down over the holidays??? We are in Florida for the holidays and were amazed at how many Canadian license plates we saw on 95 heading south.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

xo - Ames
@Ames - Usually things are closed December 25th and 26th (although in most Provinces the stores are open for Boxing Day sales). When I was in consulting, both firms I workled for were closed from noon on the workday before Christmas until the day after New Year's. The three days between Boxing Day and New Years are quite commonly taken as vacation days.

I think there are quite a few Canadian retirees that winter or spend a portion of the winter in Florida or warmer portions of the southern US. In our area it's quite common for them to head south around this time of year and stay until April / March.
Yes, most Canadian snowbirds start around Oct to Nov and only stay for 6 months. I love the four seasons so I dont mind snow. We don't get near as much as we used to but cold...yes.

:D Good luck with your new job, Cindy! Sounds like a cool place to work. Didn't know Honda had a factory in your neck of the woods. Getcha some of those gel shoe inserts for your boots--mite help the foot pain. Lavendar foot soaks will do wonders. Cute how your man made you a bacon sandwich. Keep goin, girl---have a good time with the paycheck (although it's a shame how quickly that money goes). Keep goin, girl!:rosette1: Dana