Starting b12 again

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Oct 16, 2013
I haven't gone for my b12 shot the last couple of months. Would I have to get it authorized again?
I do my own. Doctor gives me a year's prescription which is one vile and I do my own every 30 days. Very convenient.
I haven't gone for my b12 shot the last couple of months. Would I have to get it authorized again?

I don't know about the authorization, but have you skipped months before? Just asking because you said in another post that you were having some numbness in your leg... wasn't sure if that might have been a bit of a tingling sensation? If so, that is one of the signs of low B-12, so you might want it checked when you see the GI about the leg. Could be completely off base, but it is at least worth checking
I don't know about the authorization, but have you skipped months before? Just asking because you said in another post that you were having some numbness in your leg... wasn't sure if that might have been a bit of a tingling sensation? If so, that is one of the signs of low B-12, so you might want it checked when you see the GI about the leg. Could be completely off base, but it is at least worth checking
Thanks. I also am having burning pain in my left leg.
There is no danger in taking B12 regularly Ron. I can do needles for myself, but prefer taking sublingual and it works just fine. Easy to do, keeps the numbers good and I don't have to jab myself. Lots of companies make these supplements. As I have regular blood work with my remicade they can see if there are any issues, and there never have been. Sublingual seems to be the way to go for me.
I tried switching off injected b-12 and just did sublingual occassionally and my b-12 went down 600 points. lol. Needless to say i'm back on injected b-12. It's easy and only once a month and there's no absorption issues.
I take it every day. Maybe that's the difference?

My ileum was removed so there is nothing left in me that is supposed to process B12

Sublingual is supposed to be daily. If it is done periodically I would expect your levels to drop. Interesting note (as I am one of those who has lost his terminal ileum) is that my surgeon believes my remaining bowels have somewhat adapted to be shorter by becoming more convoluted on the inside and it has led to slightly better values for absorption than would be expected. I have had the same surgeon for all 6 of my surgeries, so he has certainly seen my insides almost regularly for awhile!
That is interesting. I was curious on how the body would compensate for that, or if it would. If I could grow back the valve they removed I would be 100%. Doing pretty good in spite of the missing parts.


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