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I just started Humira 2 weeks ago and tomorrow I get my next 2 injections. I was really anxious about doing them, but it was super simple! I'm not nervous about doing it by myself this time. Is a nurse coming to help you at all? Or are you going into the doctor's office?
I did mine without an ice pack (my nurse didn't suggest it, so I decided to see how it felt). I'm not sure if an ice pack would make it hurt any less. I probably won't ever use an ice pack just because I think it's an extra step I don't really need. I did 2 in the leg and 2 in my stomach. I really thought I would end up doing them in my legs, but they hurt worse for me in my legs. I didn't realize I had as many visible veins in my legs. So, that's probably why it hurt less in my stomach. I am a naturally thin person with not much fat and I was surprised at how tolerable it was in my stomach. But, it will be something you'll have to experiment with because it seems to be different for everyone. If you do them in your legs, listen for the swoosh sound to know when you're done. I was worried because I couldn't see the window that goes yellow when it's done and the nurse told me to listen for the sound.
Make sure you don't put any lotion on your legs or stomach the day of your injections. I didn't think it would make a difference when I took a shower that morning, because I thought the alcohol swab would wipe it off. I found it took a while longer for the site to dry from the alcohol and it was harder to keep my skin pinched without slipping as well.
The actual injection wasn't painful, but the sensation of the serum going in is a bit annoying and stingy. Nothing that isn't tolerable though. Afterwards I was only minimally sore and it was only if I accidentally leaned on my leg or bent forward. I think holding a cotton ball over the injection site helped because I didn't bruise anywhere.
I think those are all the tips I can think of. Feel free to PM me if you have any other questions. Or post on the Humira Club thread. There are lots of people with great advice on there

Welcome to the Humira Club!