Starting out on nutritional supplements - recommendations

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Aug 29, 2014
I have been advised to start supplements. I am not getting enough nutrition from my (modified) diet and am continuing to loose weight. I've tried reading up on them but I feel a bit overwhelmed by the options.

I was wondering what people would recommend as a good start? I don't mind whether it's prescribed or not. I know they will never be the best tasting things but as I might need them for some time I'm hoping for something not outright awful. Also do the milkshake style things actually taste like milkshake? - as I've never been able to stomach that.
I suppose it depends on what kind of supplements you need to take. I have gone through many years of trial and error with iron, multivitamins, and many things have made me sick until this year. I am in love with Megafood "Blood Builder" for iron supplements since it is plant based and easy on the stomach. I also just started taking Megafood multivitamin for women, and so far it has been working well.

I have wasted so much money on probiotics, it's not even funny - but I now love Jarrow's "Saccharomyces Boullardii". It only has 5 billion cultures per capsule, and it is the only one where I have not gotten even a little sick. I only bought these either online or at a coop, but I am sure you can find them in most vitamin stores.
If you're trying to increase nutrients AND calories, some of the forumula/shake supplements may help.

My son drinks 1-2 Boost shakes each day. Sometimes he'll replace one of the shakes with a Boost fruit drink. He doesn't mind the taste of the chocolate shakes and likes all the fruit drinks (it comes in packs of six cartons, 3 flavours). But, I've also heard of many people who do not like the flavours of either the shakes or juices...

To me, the shakes taste very similar to chocolate milk but they are thicker. If you find it too thick, you could dilute them with milk (maybe water??). If you buy the powder version, it's less expensive and you'll have more control over the thickness of the drink.

If you google Boost recipes, you'll find recipes that use these shakes - if you can't drink them, you may be able to increase your minerals/vitamins and calories by using some shakes in the recipes.

Good luck.
For nutritional shakes I recommend Orgain. Are there particular vitamins you are deficient in? Whey protein powder may also be a good option to add to smoothies and nut butter.
vitamin d 1000iu
calcium, preferably posture d as calcium phosphate which is a very natural form closet to real milk. avoid bone meal and calcium citrate.
b12, not too much though manufacturers jam pack alot in one pill. you may not need all that.
b multi
mineral multi without iron. iron supplementation during active ibd can increase symptoms. only take if you are in deep remission or bleeding alot.
fish oil- may reduce some symptoms of ibd, dont take too much though.
Thanks its good to have options...I was worried they'd just give me something that put me off completely. I need to up my calories but I also need to eat/drink something more nutritionally balanced.

They discussed malabsorption with me but I don't know precisely what its messed up. Realistically it will be the new year before I have test results. Good to know there are juices as I'm not sure I could get the shakes down even if I liked the taste. Are oral supplements effective at bypassing absorption problems?
Are oral supplements effective at bypassing absorption problems?

For B12, a sublingual that is absorbed under the tongue will be. studies show no different then getting a b12 shot.

Another fat soluble vitamin is vitamin e, lots of stuff is absorbed at the ileum where we have the most problems, dietary fats are also absorbed at the ileum.

vit d is fat soluble, if disease is really active/diarrhea etc, you may need higher doses like up to 5000iu. its hard to overdose on vit d and 5000iu is actually the safe upper limit, its unlikely to have any side effects, but they will be minor at that dosage, easy to lower it. vitamin d 1000iu drops are good for experimenting with different dosages.

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