Hi I was diagnosed with crohns 2 months ago was told i had 10 cm in my small intestine is this alot?
I was doing well was on entocort for 6 weeks 3mg 3 tabs in the morning. Nw i.m back in hospital because i had a skin abscess on the scar of lapascopy 2 months ago which how the first discovered i had crohns. The have drained the abscess and i have no remaining pus and they seem confident that there is no fistula however the abscess was caused due to the crohns.
anyways i have now started treatment 4 iv injections of hydrocortisone a day and 8 pentasa the held back on the imuran because my bloods show the inflammation seems to be coming down. I have started back eating yesterday light diet and it stayed down however i still have a heavy dragging feeling on the right hand side is this to be expected?
i never had the regular syptoms of crohns except for the abdominal pain and constipation feeling bloated and full.
I'm only turning 20 and confused about everything docs say i'm responding well to treatment but i tought that when i was on the entocort. surgery is my worst nightmare at the moment just wondering anyone can help with explaining the meds i'm on now and bit more about the abscess
thanks so much.
I was doing well was on entocort for 6 weeks 3mg 3 tabs in the morning. Nw i.m back in hospital because i had a skin abscess on the scar of lapascopy 2 months ago which how the first discovered i had crohns. The have drained the abscess and i have no remaining pus and they seem confident that there is no fistula however the abscess was caused due to the crohns.
anyways i have now started treatment 4 iv injections of hydrocortisone a day and 8 pentasa the held back on the imuran because my bloods show the inflammation seems to be coming down. I have started back eating yesterday light diet and it stayed down however i still have a heavy dragging feeling on the right hand side is this to be expected?
i never had the regular syptoms of crohns except for the abdominal pain and constipation feeling bloated and full.
I'm only turning 20 and confused about everything docs say i'm responding well to treatment but i tought that when i was on the entocort. surgery is my worst nightmare at the moment just wondering anyone can help with explaining the meds i'm on now and bit more about the abscess
thanks so much.