Stomach pain and mucousy stools

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 23, 2010

So the past few days i've been having a bit of D and stomach pain, and mucousy stools (YUCK). Any advice or comments would be appreciated!

Higher dose of Entocort- Check.
Low residue diet- Check.

You guys think I should phone my GI yet or give it a few days to see if it improves any since upping my Entocort dosage?
I would call your doctor just to be on the safe side. Entocort is a great drug but usually only works in mild stages. The mucousy stools are very very common, usually after my days I get that. I would think 3mg isnt enough and as prednisone does, it only works in higher doses, as soon as you get down the symptoms come back. How long have you been on 3mg?
In the beginning i was on 9mg and the GI lowered it when I was in remission to 3 mg. So now i started taking 9mg again. I was on 3mg since end July until a few days ago. So thats around 2 months.
Oh and btw i do only have a mild case of crohns thats why i'm on the entocort in the first place. xxx
Hey if the 9mg, works, that is great, leave the big guns of meds for another time if needed. Are you on Sulphasalazine too? What dosage.
Entocort is really only of use if its to alleviate symptoms for the Illium/ascending colon. Its a targeted steroid just working on this small area rather than a general steroid such as predisonone which pretty much works on your whole body.

9mg of entocort is used for moderate disease, not just mild cases, if its in your right side.

Hope you feel better soon

Yeah I am on it aswell, I dont know the exact dosage, just know that i'm supposed to take 2 tablets daily??
Hey guys, it's been about 10 days now since I upped my dosage. Still no improvement. Should it have improved by now or am I too hasty? Still havent called my GI, should I now? I don't know what to do from here... HELP PLZ!
I would definitely call the doc. You could be delaying yourself some relief by waiting. Plus, if you're having symptoms then treatment needs adjusted or you could need tests - I'd take it seriously and nip it in the bud. I hope you get relief soon, two of the worst Crohn's symptoms in my opinion! :(
From my understanding it takes about two weeks for Entocort to kick in. If it's been longer than that I would call the doc and see what he can do for you. Good luck!
Will give it a few more days then, thanx!

And Pen, i'm on a 1000mg of sulfasalazine. Each tablet contains 500mg and I take 2 every day. Is that sufficient? You know, in S.A you never know how trustworthy your doctor is. lol!!
Hi Dras,
I was recently on Sulfasalazine. Was taking 2000mg/day. 500mg every 6 hours. I'm not sure what the standard dosage is, but.. at one point my CR Surgeon said he might put me on 4000mg/day. to take 1000mg 4x's/day.

Wish I had some good advice for you! But still wanted to send a hello to you and hope you get to feeling better! ((HUGS))
Thanx GirlyGirl! how severe is your crohns though? You know my GI is not a man of many words and what I know about this disease is what i've googled or learnt from the wonderful helpfull people on this forum. In the beginning he just said o.k your c-scope shows severe infection. No diagnosis or anything. I phoned him a week later and he said, "Oh, you've got crohns. I'll fax you your prescription" and i was like" I"VE GOT WHAT???" and he said " its a chronic inflammation in your intestines" and thats about all the info i could get out of the guy....

Ugh... Sorry for the rant i'm just not sure that i can completely trust his judgement all the time....:ybatty:
Hi Dras, it is a mild drug and most people take 2 pills 4 times a day but it differs from doctor to doctor and your symptoms. The other thing is some people dont tolerate it well maybe Pentasa is better, I dunno. This drug can cause bleeding to some in long periods of taking it. Your dosages on Entocort are low too, I just think (my own opinion) you are on the milder drugs and your Crohns could be more active. Usually when I get mucous loss (after my cycle and it never fails) I get pain after, like a pre warning. When the mucous lining comes out that is your protective barrier and when it leaves it is like salt on a wound (lack of a better word). Inflammation can get away from you. You may need to tweak your meds. Doctor cant give a dx over the phone, you may need a colonoscopy..I know it sucks. :hang:
Hiya Dras,
I agree w Pen! Dr def needs to give u a full work-up. I'm not sure how bad mine is. It all happened fast. I've been mostly seeing a colorectal specialist. I met him after ending up in th ER w/a ruptured internal abscess. I've since had surgery. & b/c i had so many stitches & location, I have to wait for the colonoscopy. I had symptoms for years tho - was just unaware of crohns.

I'll try to make this short :) . I've had long bouts of not being able to keep food down, then losing a bunch of wt. <- a lot last year, was treated for stomach ulcers, I also get the ulcers on my tongue, inside my cheek, or bottom of gum line - my PCP gave me lydocane mouthwash so I could eat. I had a lump appear in Feb - my PCP said it was a swollen lynph node (wrong). Was treated for that off & on. After had bad teeth prob's. Had an abscessed tooth, turn the tooth in front of it to be abscessed, seen a RCT specialist (had hooked root), the infection spread to my jaw bone. (This applies b/c I was on antibiotics a lot last year) that helped keep my abscess small.
When I went to see my CRSurgeon fo the first time he took a look w whatever they use (hurt like HELL!) But that's when he said I had an def abscess and fistula tract & got me on meds straight away, took blood, and not sure whatelse when he was in there (sorry). Had surgery soon after. He cut me open, said I has a mass @ size of a cherry sent for biopsy to ck for cancer & he removed the abscess, and fistula. But had to leave the fistula tract open. anywho, on Aug 23rd they let me know my labs came back as consistent w IBD. The next day of my surgery.. My CRSurgeon said they rec'd the addtl labs and told my mom and I that I have crohns. I'm not sure how extensive it is yet. But I get weird pains here and there, a lot of fatigue!!!, and I do sometimes get the dreaded D. Mine goes back and forth tho, from C to D. Oh, and I have a fam hx of colon cancer on my mom & dad's side. My mom is alive, but my dad, and all my grandparents have passed already - so I can't ask them if they had similar problems.

I apologiza for the long post. I hope some of this can help u! This disease is diff for everyone. And I am certain stress can play a factor in it. Please know that u have friends here! And if u ever want to ask anything go for it! And send me a pm if u ever want to. When learning about what's going on with your body its frightening and sometimes our fam & friends mean well and want the best for us, but they also say everything's going to be ok. Which is fine for reassurance. But its very beneficial to be in a group like this with others who truely understand! Thank u if u read this whole post :D . And as always ((hugs)) and I wish for u only the best!
Gosh... Well today is day 11 on 9mg ento and 1000 mg sulpha. I'm going to just give it 3 more days.

I felt better today, no D, bit of stomach ache, no mucous. Will just have to wait and see.

Thank you guys so much for being so supportive, it means a lot!!
Gosh... Well today is day 11 on 9mg ento and 1000 mg sulpha. I'm going to just give it 3 more days.

I felt better today, no D, bit of stomach ache, no mucous. Will just have to wait and see.

Thank you guys so much for being so supportive, it means a lot!!

Hang in there. I know how you feel about not wanting to jump the gun and have a colonoscopy in S.A. Everything medical takes forever there, even in private hospitals.

I would really concentrate on trying to keep your stress down, and maybe try an elimination diet in the mean time. This is done through starting with very bland things that you know you can tolerate. Each day introduce something new, and see if your D gets better or worse. Sometimes when you have a minor flare, you don't tolerate certain foods that you once thought were ok with you. Or another way to put it, is that sometimes when your in remission, you tolerate foods that would normally set you back in a flare. You could also consider an elemental diet using elemental drinks. They are basically liquid calories in a can that are among the easiest things to digest. Here in the states some of the names would be Peptamen, Pivot, Modulen (specifically made for crohns), and elemental 028. Not sure what the names are over there. When I would flare in the past, I would do this diet, and it worked 8 out of 10 times, almost as effective as prednisone. The down side is that you need to have some strong will power to sustain the drinks without food till you feel better.

Good luck.
Something like Ensure?? If you know what that is?? Maybe thats exactly what i need to get my stomach settled. Its not that it takes long to get an appointment for a cscope, its just that its such a shlepp. As for the stress levels, my degree is intense and i'm having the most hectic week ever this week. 3 tests and an exam and two practicals. Well if i survive this week it will be established that i AM superwoman (with a dodgy stomach) lol...

Thanx for the replies! You guys are awesome!!
Just a word of advice post scriptum...

If EVER you find yourself in a medical situation in South Africa, NEVER EVER EVER go to a hospital if its not privately run.

Those places are filthy....
Just a word of advice post scriptum...

If EVER you find yourself in a medical situation in South Africa, NEVER EVER EVER go to a hospital if its not privately run.

Those places are filthy....

Yeah, I've heard a lot of stories from workers down there... Just recently they said that something like 30 new born babies were left alone in incubators with the recent union strike! Just mind blowing...
Yup, most of them died too. It is tragic!! The strikers at Helen Joseph hospital even burned the poor security guard's hut down. Luckily he ran out before he was hurt. Chaos in S.A i'm telling you!
Heya guys, had a loooooot of pain today,in the lower left side.
Tried to contact my GI, he was in surgery the ENTIRE day.
Ended up going to the ER, they gave me a Buscopain drip and a HexoSaline drip. Which stopped my cramping pains. Got home, felt fine, all of a sudden I felt nauseous and I threw up 4 times and afterwards I felt fine again. But I think it's official, i'm in flare. Going to phone my GI tomorrow to make an appointment.

Thanx for all the help and support!

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