Hiya Dras,
I agree w Pen! Dr def needs to give u a full work-up. I'm not sure how bad mine is. It all happened fast. I've been mostly seeing a colorectal specialist. I met him after ending up in th ER w/a ruptured internal abscess. I've since had surgery. & b/c i had so many stitches & location, I have to wait for the colonoscopy. I had symptoms for years tho - was just unaware of crohns.
I'll try to make this short

. I've had long bouts of not being able to keep food down, then losing a bunch of wt. <- a lot last year, was treated for stomach ulcers, I also get the ulcers on my tongue, inside my cheek, or bottom of gum line - my PCP gave me lydocane mouthwash so I could eat. I had a lump appear in Feb - my PCP said it was a swollen lynph node (wrong). Was treated for that off & on. After had bad teeth prob's. Had an abscessed tooth, turn the tooth in front of it to be abscessed, seen a RCT specialist (had hooked root), the infection spread to my jaw bone. (This applies b/c I was on antibiotics a lot last year) that helped keep my abscess small.
When I went to see my CRSurgeon fo the first time he took a look w whatever they use (hurt like HELL!) But that's when he said I had an def abscess and fistula tract & got me on meds straight away, took blood, and not sure whatelse when he was in there (sorry). Had surgery soon after. He cut me open, said I has a mass @ size of a cherry sent for biopsy to ck for cancer & he removed the abscess, and fistula. But had to leave the fistula tract open. anywho, on Aug 23rd they let me know my labs came back as consistent w IBD. The next day of my surgery.. My CRSurgeon said they rec'd the addtl labs and told my mom and I that I have crohns. I'm not sure how extensive it is yet. But I get weird pains here and there, a lot of fatigue!!!, and I do sometimes get the dreaded D. Mine goes back and forth tho, from C to D. Oh, and I have a fam hx of colon cancer on my mom & dad's side. My mom is alive, but my dad, and all my grandparents have passed already - so I can't ask them if they had similar problems.
I apologiza for the long post. I hope some of this can help u! This disease is diff for everyone. And I am certain stress can play a factor in it. Please know that u have friends here! And if u ever want to ask anything go for it! And send me a pm if u ever want to. When learning about what's going on with your body its frightening and sometimes our fam & friends mean well and want the best for us, but they also say everything's going to be ok. Which is fine for reassurance. But its very beneficial to be in a group like this with others who truely understand! Thank u if u read this whole post

. And as always ((hugs)) and I wish for u only the best!